Learn Dreamweaver CS6 . Web Design . Resource Center Posted on Apr 23, 2012 by Adobe Education Use this collection of technical tutorials, from the Digital Design curriculum, to learn how to use Adobe Dreamweaver CS6. Technical guides include: 1. To view this PDF Portfolio, please save the file to your desktop and open with Acrobat 9 or Adobe Reader 9, or later. You need to be a member to view the resource files. Join for free or sign-in with an Adobe ID. Creative Commons License Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike Technical Expertise Rookie Novice Intermediate Pro Expert Materials/Equipment Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 installed on all machines
Video Screencasts #130: First Moments with Grunt There are all these tasks that we need to do as front end developers. Concatenate and compress our files. #127: Basics of JavaScript Templating A template is a chunk of HTML that you need to inject onto the page. #126: Using Modernizr Should Modernizr be part of every modern web project? #124: A Modern Web Designer’s Workflow This is a presentation I gave at conferences in late 2012 and early 2013. It talks … #121: The Right CMS is a Customized One The perfect CMS to suite the needs of any non-trivial content-oriented website does not come out-of-the-box. #119: Let’s Answer Forum Posts! In this screencast we live answer more forums posts with no planning whatsoever. #117: Let’s Attempt To Do a “Pull Request” I’ve never in my life submitted a “Pull Request” on GitHub. #115: Don’t Overthink It Grids Even if the layout of a site is simple as a main content area on the left and a sidebar on the right, that’s a grid. #113: Creating and Using a Custom Icon Font
Using the Adobe Widget Browser The Adobe Widget Browser is an Adobe AIR application that allows users to easily preview and configure widgets, and then generate an HTML page that uses the widget. The term widget has many definitions, but in this context, a widget is a combination of small pieces of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code that work together to make a complex web page component. Accordions, tabbed panels, and image lightboxes are examples of widgets. Many widgets are freely available on the web from countless sources. The Adobe Widget Browser is designed to solve these difficulties by providing an intuitive user interface for configuring and using widgets. A quick overview OpenAjax Alliance is a group of industry leaders that are helping to define a common way of communicating between frameworks. Adobe has been a part of OpenAjax Alliance since its inception and has helped to define the specification. The Adobe Widget Browser helps developers and designers use widgets by simplifying three main steps:
loadaverageZero - the design is in the Code EasyRotator - Free jQuery Slider / Rotator Builder - Power, ease, flexibility - DWUser.com What Is It? EasyRotator ® allows you to build impressive jQuery sliders / rotators for your webpages in minutes. Available as a Dreamweaver extension and standalone application and WordPress plugin, it lets you select photos, choose a layout, make customizations, then have all necessary code automatically added to your page. Making updates is just as simple. Here's why EasyRotator ® should be part of your toolbox: Based on jQuery - Compatible with all modern browsers and mobile devices (IE7+, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, iOS, Android, Blackberry & more) SEO Friendly - Adds HTML to your page that is standards-compliant and indexable by search engines Over 45 Flexible Templates - Choose from almost fifty ready-to-use looks, then customize common settings like dimensions, background color, autoplay and randomization. Mac and Windows. Tell Friends about EasyRotator: EasyRotator for WordPress EasyRotator for WordPress is now available. Get EasyRotator for WordPress Now » Samples
Home :: Dynamic Site Solutions Building fluid grid layouts in Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 | Adobe Inspire Magazine With the ever-increasing use of mobile devices, it has become necessary to design online content that appears on multiple screen sizes and a myriad of desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. The challenge involves designing sites that adapt to fit a variety of different resolutions and use the available screen real estate effectively. Previously, these goals have proven to be time-consuming. Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 introduces the Fluid Grid Layout feature to help make designing for multiple screens easier. If you don't already have Dreamweaver CS6 installed, you can download and install the free, 30-day trial software. JPEG 101: A Crash Course Guide on JPEG JPEG, a compression algorithm optimized for photographic images, is something we encounter on a regular basis. JPEG is not limited to a certain amount of color (unlike GIF, for example) and is popular due to its variable compression range, meaning that you’re able to more easily control the amount of compression, and consequently, the resultant image quality. In this guide, we will discuss the important things you need to know about JPEG. Quick Overview of JPEG Here is a list of things you should know about JPEG: Semantics and Disambiguation: JPEG vs. Many people refer to any image format that uses the JPEG compression algorithm as a "JPEG file." Why Use JPEG? JPEG allows you to control the degree of "lossiness" by adjusting compression parameters. The second important advantage of JPEG is that it stores full color information: 24 bits per pixel (that means 16 million colors). JPEG Compression Lossy compression reduces the image size by discarding information. Baseline JPEG vs.
Website Design - Dreamweaver, Fireworks Make a Website Website Design Tutorial Learn how to make a professional website step-by-step and then build it into a CSS website. Fireworks is the software used to design the website's visual interface and Dreamweaver is the HTML editor used to build the website's pages. If you are using the CS4 or above version of these software please read the upgraded version of this website design tutorial series - How to Create a Website using Adobe Creative Suite. The simple and cool website design we are going to teach you to make is shown below: Prerequisite Knowledge This tutorial series teaches you how to make a complete website using Fireworks and Dreamweaver. Software Required Adobe Fireworks (Macromedia Fireworks prior to version 8) and Adobe Dreamweaver (Macromedia Dreamweaver prior to version 8). Compatible Versions of Adobe Dreamweaver and Adobe Fireworks for this Tutorial Before you Design Color Palette - Purple & Pink Passion How to Make a Website Steps
HOW TO: Design & Program a Facebook Landing Page for Your Business Jonathan Goldford is a partner at Wired Impact, a web design company that builds websites for nonprofits. You can connect with Jonathan on Twitter and on the Wired Impact Facebook page. Right now Facebook Pages and custom landing pages are bigger than bottled water was on December 31, 1999. While there are an enormous number of articles that talk vaguely about how to create a custom landing page, very few discuss the nuances of actually designing and programming one. Designing Your Company’s Facebook Page Actually designing a Facebook Page is very similar to designing any website, except for a few considerations: Design for a 520px Width — Facebook Pages must fit within a width of 520px. To take into account the 520px width and the distance for your Like button, you may want to take a screenshot. Programming Your Company’s Facebook Page Now that we have a design we’ll walk through how to program our landing page to use on Facebook. Begin Programming Outside of Facebook facebook.html
Anatomy of a Usable Website I was thinking recently about all of the elements that can go into a modern website and started sketching out a picture of it in my head when I realized that it might make an interesting resource. A few hours later, I had come up with this: Essentially, it's a road-map for what a typical, usable website might contain. It's not a design guide, per se - more of a cheat-sheet for the pieces that any site should consider having. Of course, not all pieces are relevant to everyone, and I don't claim this is 100% comprehensive. MikeTek · Tuesday, April 28Killer resource Dr. Dr. · Tuesday, April 28Thanks, Mike. Hannah_Bo_Banna · Tuesday, April 28I love this - I'm all for a cheat sheet. · Tuesday, April 28@Hannah - That's exactly it: it's a way to make sure you're not missing anything important. Avinash Kaushik · Tuesday, April 28I love it! I wish I could disagree with something, I think you have really nailed it here. -Avinash. Jun Steven Bradley · Thursday, April 30Well done. Christian Watson Jestep
The Perfect 3 Column Liquid Layout: No CSS hacks. SEO friendly. iPhone compatible. Download this layout (25kb zip file). Percentage dimensions of the holy grail layout All the dimensions are in percentage widths so the layout adjusts to any screen resolution. Maximum column content widths To prevent wide content (like long URLs) from destroying the layout (long content can make the page scroll horizontally) the column content divs are set to overflow:hidden. 800 x 600 Left & right columns: 162 pixels Center page: 357 pixels 1024 x 768 Left & right columns: 210 pixels Center page: 459 pixels The nested div structure I've colour coded each div so it's easy to see: The header, colmask and footer divs are 100% wide and stacked vertically one after the other. No CSS hacks The CSS used for this layout is 100% valid and hack free. SEO friendly 2-1-3 column ordering The higher up content is in your page code, the more important it is considered by search engine algorithms (see my article on link source ordering for more details on how this affects links). No Images No JavaScript Safari Mac
25 Beautiful Minimalistic Website Designs Minimalism is a style appreciated by many designers. While it is not appropriate for every web design project, when a minimal design is done well it can be clean, striking, and it keeps the focus on the most important content. A design with a minimalist style seems like it would be easy, but many designers find it to be very challenging to create a minimal design that looks great. Here are 25 websites that make use of very little unnecessary design elements but still manage to pull off a beautiful appearance. Looking for hosting? CSS Compatibility and Internet Explorer The document is archived and information here might be outdated With each new release of Windows Internet Explorer, support for the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) standard has steadily improved. Internet Explorer 6 was the first fully CSS, Level 1-compliant version of Internet Explorer. Note It is important to remember that many CSS3 modules are still in the Working Draft or Last Call stages. If your Web site targets browsers that include earlier versions of Internet Explorer, you want to know the level of CSS compliance for those versions. Note CSS features that are new to Internet Explorer 8 will only work when your page is rendered in IE8 mode (or higher). This article's organization is loosely based on that of the CSS reference documentation on MSDN. Introduction Each table lists support status information for grouped CSS features across recent versions of Internet Explorer. At-rules Selectors Element Selectors Attribute Selectors Combinators Pseudo-classes