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Related:  Física material didáctico (carrera-videos-etc)

Movimiento circular uniforme de un spinner con Modellus Después pueden completar este modelo y enriquecer, en consecuencia, la simulación correspondiente con diversos elementos: el módulo y/o el vector de la velocidad, el módulo y/o el vector de la aceleración, la representación cualitativa (estroboscópica) del movimiento, etc. Después de hacer todo esto, ya pueden hacer correr la animación, y, si todo se hizo correctamente, podrán comprobar que la partícula virtual (que obedece a las leyes del movimiento circular uniforme) acompaña en su movimiento al punto del objeto real que se había señalado. Clic aquí descarga la animación para Modellus 2.5 (32 bits) Clic aquí la descarga para Modellus 3 (64 bits)

SkillCatch SkillCatch Capturez chaque talent ! Avec l'app SkillCatch de Talentsoft Learning, vous détenez au creux de votre main le pouvoir de capturer les talents qui vous entourent et de les partager avec qui vous voulez. Vous créez ainsi de véritables instants de formation prêts à l’usage pour transmettre efficacement les savoir-faire de chacun via des séquences vidéo d’apprentissage disponibles à tout moment.

Mon collègue connecté : Breathe Up, un exp'air pour le cours d'EPS Lorsque la météo annonce l’absence totale de vent, que le maire impose aux automobilistes de rouler moins vite et que le gouvernement hésite à remettre en place la circulation alternée, Monsieur Durand, professeur d’Education Physique et Sportive s’interroge : doit-il emmener ses élèves de cinquième A au parc pour leur atelier de course d’orientation ? Le petit Erwan ne va-t-il pas souffrir de son asthme ? La petite Manon ne risque-t-elle pas une rechute de sa bronchite ? Ceiling Bounce Model This simulation shows a ball launched by a spring-gun in a building with a very high ceiling. The student's task is to calculate an initial velocity so that the ball barely touches the 80-foot ceiling. Students can test their answers by setting the initial velocity on the simulation, then watch the ball's path.

Physlet Physics by Christian and Belloni: Illustration 14.4 Please wait for the animation to completely load. First, what is the pressure at the top of the water in the well (the dark blue line)? It is just atmospheric pressure. Measure the pressure of the water in the tube at the pump by dragging the pressure gauge there. Change the well depth by dragging down the dark blue line and see what happens. Varying this level increases the height to which the pump must pump the water. Modeling Instruction in High School Physics Modeling InstructionTM in High School Sciences The Modeling Method of High School Physics Instruction began development at Arizona State University in 1990 under the leadership of David Hestenes, now Emeritus Professor of Physics, and Malcolm Wells, award-winning high school physics teacher in Tempe. The program cultivates physics teachers as school experts on effective use of guided inquiry in science teaching, thereby providing schools and school districts with a valuable resource for broader reform. Program goals are fully aligned with National Science Education Standards and with the NRC "Framework for K-12 Science Education", the research basis for the Next Generation Science Standards. The Modeling Method corrects many weaknesses of the traditional lecture-demonstration method, including fragmentation of knowledge, student passivity, and persistence of naive beliefs about the physical world.

Crash Test Launcher - Projectile Games - PhysicsGames Spikey's Bounce AroundBounce your way through the vegetation as you guide Spikey in the magic gardens!Your quest is to release all butterflies by making the jars fall to the floor.HangerAn addictive projectile game! Use your rope to swing your way through 24 levels. TeachersFirst - Classroom Resource Resources tagged as "measurement" For the Teachers contains an incredible number of lesson ideas, differentiation tips, instructional strategies, and much more for all teachers. Search for specific content using the keyword search or scroll down the home page to find some of the site's most popular content. There is a great deal of useful content on the site to explore, of note is the Reading Skills for Big Kids and Differentiation links. The Reading Skills for Big Kids includes skill-based lesson plans for use with the many included leveled articles. The Differentiation portion of the site provides specific ideas and tools to differentiate content, assessment, and lesson activities and materials.This site includes advertising.

HomeAdaptedILDs Home Adapted ILDs Here you will find information on adaptations of Interactive Lecture Demonstrations (ILDs) to promote active learning of physics concepts for students working at home. These might be used as active learning components of an online introductory physics course. (1) I have adapted a subset of our Interactive Lecture Demonstrations (ILDs) to a form that can be easily used by students at home. Mechanical Wavse Animated GIFs by Flipping Physics Please understand there is no way for me to monetize animated GIFs.If you find them useful, please donate what you feel they are worth to you. From: Introduction to Waves

If the Moon Were Only 1 Pixel - A tediously accurate map of the solar system Mercury Venus Earth You Are Here HighSchoolPhysics: Wolfram System Modeler Libraries Canada (change country) HighSchoolPhysics Wolfram The HighSchoolPhysics library contains interactive physics labs for high-school students. After completing the labs, you will be able to understand the safety limits of a trampoline-like structure, how spring-damper systems are used to model real-life situations and how damping forces help in reducing the impact during collisions between railcars.
