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Medieval Demographics Made Easy

Medieval Demographics Made Easy
Fantasy worlds come in many varieties, from the "hard core" medieval-simulation school to the more fanciful realms of high fantasy, with alabaster castles and jeweled gardens in the place of the more traditional muddy squalor. Despite their differences, these share a vital common element: ordinary people. Most realms of fantasy, no matter how baroque or magical, can not get by without a supply of ordinary farmers, merchants, quarreling princes and palace guards. Clustered into villages and crowding the cities, they provide the human backdrop for adventure. Of course, doing the research necessary to find out how common a large city should be, or how many shoemakers can be found in a town, can take up time not all GMs have available. To the end of more satisfying world design, I've prepared this article. This article is a distillation of broad possibilities drawn from a variety of historical reference points, focusing more on results than on the details that create them. Population Spread

The Fantasy Fiction Formula "Rob Parnell is the World's Foremost Writing Guru" - Writers Digest Best Writers' Site - Critters #1 Best Writers' Info Site 2010 - 2011 Writers! Click here to get published free by Magellan Books. The Fantasy Fiction Formula Rob Parnell Now, most fantasy writers have been constructing their fictional world since childhood. I remember an interview with JK Rowling where she wandered her home town for the camera, recounting the points, places and people that influenced her Harry Potter world, right from when she was a kid. Similarly, JR Tolkein was an ardent lifelong scholar of "Middle Earth" languages way before he set pen to paper. But if you're new to the genre, where do you begin? Many professional fantasy writers will joke about 'the formula' for good fantasy because it does exist and good fantasy authors still use it - not because they're lazy but because the fans want it - in fact insist on it! It has been condensed thus: 'Hero, artifact, quest'. Get a very large sheet of paper.

Serendipity Place Name Generator - Generate Fantasy City, Country and Town Names! Jump down to the Generator If you have come here looking for a fictional place name, you have probably tried to come up with one and you know just how hard it is. To create a good interesting place name you will need time and a lot of investment, you probably do not want to spend hours just on a place name, you have a book to write or a game to make/play. This generator will hopefully help you on your way to finding the perfect place name for your book, game or what ever you are playing/working on. There have been millions of place names created throughout history for cities, countries and towns, some stand the test of time and others get changed or forgotten, by using this place name generator you should be able to find a suitable name which will be interesting and memorable. Southspell Place Names Generated: Favorite Names: Click on the names you like the best. Southspell Copy your names before you leave.
