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LXer: Linux News

LXer: Linux News

dot kam - be kind, do good programming Computer Borders LinuxGames Internet There's a lot of confusion out there. Many people equate the World Wide Web with the Internet. Others think that e-mail is the internet. Still others think that the internet is one big library. We're quite used to these kinds of rules. The internet is really a set of protocols that everyone agrees on and follows to facilitate the transfer of information from one point to another, and sometimes to multiple points. A Little History In response to the launch of Sputnik in 1958, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) was founded in the U.S. Before the internet could become the rage it is today, a robust, standardized, and open set of communication protocols needed to come into existance. TCP/IP Anybody who has hooked their computer up to the internet has encountered this mysterious acronym and it's associated set of strange numbers. First we need to take a simplified look at how data flows across the internet. Application Layer Transport Layer (TCP) Internet Protocol (IP) Links:

Apache Web server - Complete Guide Updated: February 1, 2011 This article includes a free PDF guide available for download! The Web server - Apache - Complete Guide was one of the many topics covered in a series of books that I started writing on Linux, the goal of which was to help any enthusiastic Windows user or a Linux newbie become a powerful, confident Linux professional. As a preview of what this series of books might have been, I decided to post a single Part on my website. This series of book will probably never be completed, as I'm working on other, more exciting projects, but I'm still convinced you will thoroughly enjoy this document, for it has been written with care and attention to tiniest details. Every procedure is explained step by step, accompanied by numerous examples and screenshots. The only thing that you will miss is the fact that links to other Parts, covering other material, are not available in this standalone release. Copyright This document is available under following conditions: Disclaimer Thanks

Linuxaria Recentemente ho ricevuto un FitBit flex come regalo, e mi piace, questo dispositivo personale registra i passi, la distanza e le calorie bruciate. Di notte, traccia la qualità del sonno e ti sveglia silenziosamente al mattino. Basta controllare le luci per vedere come si accumulano rispetto al proprio obiettivo personale. Flex consente di impostare un obiettivo e utilizza luci a LED per mostrare come si sta andando. Ogni indicatore rappresenta il 20% del proprio obiettivo . Flex sincronizza automaticamente i dati con PC e Mac con il dongle Wireless di Fitbit ( incluso), molti dispositivi iOS ed alcuni telefoni Android si collegano al dispositivo. Certo, è possibile utilizzare un smartphone , ma in generale mi piace l’idea di utilizzare i miei computer Linux per tutto e facendo alcune ricerche ed alcuni test sono stato in grado di sincronizzare con successo il mio flex con il mio Linux Mint 16 . Minimal Linux distros From OLPC There are a number of Linux distros which attempt to strip Linux down to a minimal set of elements that can run on computers with reduced capabilities. Some of them are targeted at old computers. Available for OLPC XO PuppyLinux Engineered for broad compatibility and hardware support. Not known to be available for OLPC XO Please add other minimal Linux distros to this list. GentooXO is a complete GNU/Linux based system with an Gentoo base. Thoughts on Technology
