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Formulaires HTML5 : nouveaux types de champs HTML 4 était bien limité concernant les types de champs. HTML5 apporte énormément en terme de nouveautés. Ces innovations sont réunies sous un nom : les Web Forms (ou HTML5 Forms). Souvenez vous des éléments de saisie et de soumission de formulaire en HTML4 assez peu nombreux : <textarea> <select> (<option> et <optgroup>) <button> <input> (text, password, file, radio, checkbox, submit, image, hidden, reset,button) Grâce à l'apport de HTML5 et des Web Forms, de nouveaux éléments et types d'éléments arrivent dans nos formulaires. Les nouveaux types d'<input> Comme listés précédemment, les types de champs n'étaient pas nombreux. Au moment de mes tests, j'ai constaté que Chrome - qui prenait en charge certains types d'input de type datation dans ses versions précédentes - a revu ses compétences à la baisse dans la version 16. La plupart des nouveaux types non pris en charge par un navigateur sont traduits par un champ de type text. Les nouveaux éléments de formulaire

20 JavaScript Frameworks: MVVM Templating, Licenses etc. | There a lot of developer who is working with server-side application. Modern web development is getting more and more into in-browser client-side. It’s not just server-side code, HTML, CSS, little JavaScript and jQuery. As web applications move farther into in-browser development, Javascript frameworks have sprung up that operate on a higher level of abstraction than DOM manipulation frameworks like jQuery and Prototype. Such high-level frameworks typically offer support for client-side view rendering, routing, data binding, templating, animation, drag-and-drop actions etc. These JavaScript frameworks are listed alphabetical order below with descriptions and related links based on their website information. Below a quick overview about differences in MVVM templating, licensing, dependency, and size between JavaScript frameworks. Luna is one of those hush-hush private frameworks that people have been talking about. Choco brings the MVC to the client side!

Nivo Slider - The World's Most Popular jQuery & WordPress Image Slider jQuery & WordPress Image Slider The Nivo Slider is world renowned as the most beautiful and easy to use slider on the market. The jQuery plugin is completely free and totally open source, and there is literally no better way to make your website look totally stunning. Beautiful Transition Effects The Nivo Slider makes displaying your gallery of images a beautiful experience, by using amazing transition effects ranging from slicing and sliding to fading and folding. Simple and Flexible Setup The Nivo Slider was designed to be as simple to setup and use as it could possibly be. Small, Semantic & Responsive The Nivo Slider is also designed to have as small an impact as possible on your page load times, so the packed version only weighs 15kb. Free to Use & Abuse The Nivo Slider jQuery plugin is open source and released under the MIT license. Powerful & Simple Slider Creation The Nivo Slider WordPress plugin makes it super easy to create and manage multiple sliders on your WordPress sites.

100 + Must Have Cheat Sheets and Quick References For Web Designers and Developers Designbeep is a design blog dedicated to web developers,bloggers,designers and freelancers.Our aim is to share everything about web design,graphic design,tutorials and inspirational articles and more. Homepage»RESOURCES »100 + Must Have Cheat Sheets and Quick References For Web Designers and Developers Wow, this is going to help out alot!

PARPUNK STUDIO Cycle2 Overview Cycle2 is a versatile slideshow plugin for jQuery built around ease-of-use. It supports a declarative initialization style that allows full customization without any scripting. Simply include the plugin, declare your markup, and Cycle2 does the rest. Highlights: Supports all browsers Declarative: no scripting needed! How it Works It's very simple really, even your grandmother could use it. Include jQuery and the Cycle2 plugin on your page. Need more details? What's that you say? Responsive Donations Donations are a great way to say "Thank you, malsup". Go ahead, click the button! Jam - The JavaScript package manager

Blog Agencia Social Media y Marketing Online Madrid Barcelona Valencia Campaña Social Media: consigue que tus videos sean más virales Cada vez más empresas confían en el vídeo a la hora de hacer una campaña Social Media y es que este contenido es uno de los que más viralidad puede alcanzar. Sin embargo, conseguir que un vídeo sea viral no siempre es fácil y no existe una fórmula magistral que nos vaya a permitir hacer que nuestro vídeo sea muy reproducido, no obstante, hay algunos aspectos que no debemos perder de vista y que pueden ayudar a la difusión del vídeo. Definir la viralidad Como es lógico, la marca quiere que su campaña Social Media llegue al mayor número posible de clientes potenciales, pero esto no significa que millones de personas tengan que ver el vídeo. Debemos partir de la base que la viralidad no va a ser la misma para una multinacional que lanza su producto a todo el mundo, que para un pequeño restaurante. Contenido de calidad Usar las redes sociales Usar el blog

.htaccess Files for the Rest of Us .htaccess files are used to configure Apache, as well a range of other web servers. Despite the .htaccess file type extension, they are simply text files that can be edited using any text-editor. In this article, we'll review what they are, and how you can use them in your projects. Please note that .htaccess files don't work on Windows-based systems, although they can be edited and uploaded to a compatible web server, and on Linux-based systems they are hidden by default. In order to work with htaccess files locally, to see how they work and generally play around with them, we can use XAMPP (or MAMP) on the Mac - a package that installs and configures Apache, PHP and MySQL. To edit these .htaccess files on Mac, we should use a text editor that allows for the opening of hidden files, such as TextWrangler. A .htaccess file follows the same format as Apache’s main configuration file: httpd.conf. A popular use of .htaccess files is to perform redirects or rewrite URLs.
