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Information Technology Infrastructure Library Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Pour l’article homonyme, voir Itil. ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library pour « Bibliothèque pour l'infrastructure des technologies de l'information ») est un ensemble d'ouvrages recensant les bonnes pratiques (« best practices ») du management du système d'information. Rédigée à l'origine par des experts de l'Office public britannique du Commerce (OGC), la bibliothèque ITIL a fait intervenir à partir de sa version 3 des experts issus de plusieurs entreprises de services telles qu'Accenture, Ernst & Young, Hewlett-Packard, Deloitte, BearingPoint ou PriceWaterhouseCoopers. C'est un référentiel très large qui aborde les sujets suivants : Comment organiser un système d'information ? Après un développement essentiellement européen jusqu'à la fin des années 1990, ITIL s'est implanté sur le marché nord-américain via des entreprises de conseil en transformation des systèmes d'information. À quoi sert ITIL ? Sécurité juridique Économies

Brooks's law Brooks's law is a principle in software development which says that "adding manpower to a late software project makes it later."[1][2] It was coined by Fred Brooks in his 1975 book The Mythical Man-Month. Explanations[edit] According to Brooks himself, the law is an "outrageous oversimplification",[1] but it captures the general rule. Exceptions and possible solutions[edit] Brooks's law is often cited to justify why projects keep being late, despite management efforts. The first point is to note that Brooks's law often applies to projects that are already late.[6] Projects can be brought back into (or kept in) control if people are added earlier in the process.[7] It is also important to determine if the project is really late, or if the schedule was originally overly optimistic. The quantity, quality and role of the people added to the project also must be taken into consideration. Some authors – see, for example, Creating a Software Engineering Culture by Karl E. See also[edit]

Loi de Brooks Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. La loi de Brooks — d'après Frederick Brooks — est une prédiction sur la productivité des projets informatiques : « Ajouter des personnes à un projet en retard accroît son retard » (formulation originale : « Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later »). Le postulat est que la plupart des tâches ne sont pas partitionnables et que les nouveaux arrivants vont faire perdre du temps aux équipes en place en temps de communication. Le Mythique homme-mois Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Le Mythe du mois-homme (titre original : The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering) est un livre de Frederick Brooks considéré comme un classique dans le domaine du génie logiciel. Le titre de l'ouvrage fait référence à une unité de coût de développement : le mois-homme ou plus communément l'homme-mois, c'est-à-dire le travail d'un homme pendant un mois. Le seul fait d'utiliser cette unité tend à faire croire qu'un travail de 1 personne pendant n mois peut parfaitement être réalisé par n personnes pendant 1 mois ; selon cette idée, on pourrait diviser les temps de développement par deux en mettant deux fois plus de personnel. Bien que certaines remarques proprement techniques de l'ouvrage soient très datées (car portant sur des types de systèmes depuis longtemps dépassés), de nombreux problèmes soulevés par Brooks sont toujours d'actualité au XXIe siècle. Le livre a été publié une première fois en 1975, et réédité en 1995[2].

popen() -- open a pipe stream and execute command #include <stdio.h> FILE *popen(const char *command, const char *mode); The function executes the specified command. It creates a pipe between the calling program and the executed command, and returns a pointer to a stream that can be used to either read from or write to the pipe. The function passes the command to the host environment so that a command processor can execute it. The command ensures that any streams from a previous call that remain open in the parent process are closed in the new child process. The requested mode string specifies the I/O mode: If the mode is "r", "rt", or "rb", when the child process is started, its stdout is the writable end of the pipe, and the file descriptor of the returned stream is the readable end of the pipe. After returns, both the parent and the child process are capable of executing independently before either terminates. command Points to a null-terminated string consisting of a shell command line. mode If successful, returns a stream pointer.

The wheel of estimation Tous les dimanches, recevez non seulement les 5 dessins de la semaine, mais également notre sélection de vidéos, de gifs et d’articles qui nous on fait marrer et qui devraient vous faire marrer aussi ! A quoi ça ressemble ? Ça vous donne envie ? Abonnez-vous :) SOLID principles (plus DRY, YAGNI, KISS and other YAA) ~ Siderite's Blog Intro I want to talk today about principles of software engineering. Just like design patterns, they range from useful to YAA (Yet Another Acronym). Usually, there is some guy or group of people who decide that a set of simple ideas might help software developers write better code. This is great! Unfortunately, they immediately feel the need to assign them to mnemonic acronyms that make you wonder if they didn't miss some principles from their sets because they were bad at anagrams. Some are very simple and not worth exploring too much. If you really want to fill your head with principles for software engineering, take a look at this huge list: ⚓List of software development philosophies. But what I wanted to talk about was SOLID, which is so cool that not only does it sound like something you might want your software project to be, but it's a meta acronym, each letter coming from another: S - SRPO - OCPL - LSPI - ISPD - DIP OK, I was just making it look harder than it actually is.

Best Practices for Agile/Lean Documentation Ideally, an agile document is just barely good enough, or just barely sufficient, for the situation at hand. Documentation is an important part of agile software development projects, but unlike traditionalists who often see documentation as a risk reduction strategy, agilists typically see documentation as a strategy which increases overall project risk and therefore strive to be as efficient as possible when it comes to documentation. Agilists write documentation when that's the best way to achieve the relevant goals, but there often proves to be better ways to achieve those goals than writing static documentation. This article summarizes common "best practices" which agilists have adopted with respect to documentation. Best practices for increasing the agility of documentation: 1. The following practices will help you to improve your approach to writing documentation: 1.1 Prefer Executable Specifications Over Static Documents 1.2 Document Stable Concepts, not Speculative Ideas 2. 5.
