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Annuaire de prestataires

Annuaire de prestataires

INPI Programme aide au projet d'Innovation Stratégique Industriel (ISI) Le programme ISI concerne des projets collaboratifs stratégiques rassemblant au moins deux entreprises et un laboratoire. Ce dispositif constitue l’un des programmes de soutien de Bpifrance aux projets innovants menés par les entreprises. Bénéficiaires Partenaires d'un projet d'innovation stratégique industrielle : PME¹ et entreprises de moins de 5 000 salariés²,Etablissements de recherche publics et privés français. Finalité Le programme ISI concerne des projets d'innovation collaboratifs stratégiques industriels rassemblant au moins trois structures dont 2 entreprises, incluant la société chef de file du projet (celle qui en a l'initiative). Les projets doivent contribuer à créer ou renforcer de nouveaux champions européens ou mondiaux. Ces projets collaboratifs structurants permettent de réunir toutes les compétences utiles d'entreprises et laboratoires autour de travaux de R&D pour mettre sur le marché des produits, procédés ou services, à forte valeur ajoutée, générateurs de croissance.

Espacenet 3D printing with metal: The final frontier of additive manufacturing The holidays are a great time to sit back, relax, and watch the world happen around you. Few areas of technology have seen as much development in one year as that of 3D printing. Undoubtedly, the most dramatic and challenging has been printing with metal. For your enjoyment, we have assembled a few incredible videos that showcase the power and flexibility of 3D printing with metal — to not be amazed is to be numb to the technology of our day. The first attempts to print with metal can be traced back to the 1880s when the first welders used carbon electrode arcs to fuse two pieces of metal. It was later found that if a third sacrificial stick of material was used a metal bead could be laid down. The real breakthrough that has enabled 3D printing for the masses has been the laser. NASA recently used a technique called selective metal melting (SLM) with great success to build rocket motor components out of steel. The future of 3D printing with metal Now read: What is 3D printing?

World Intellectual Property Organization HS2 will be a real slowcoach! | electric village British-designed Airstream: sixty minutes from Paris to Hong Kong We must continue upgrading our UK transport infrastructure, delivering CO2 reduction, jobs and economic growth in mutually consistent strides. The independent Stern Review makes it clear that the option of being ‘rich and dirty’ does not exist because catastrophic climate change would have a huge economic cost, as well as damaging people’s lives and the planet. But nor do we have to be ‘poor’ to be ‘green’. Stern says developed countries must cut CO2 emissions by at least 60 per cent by 2050, and that this can be achieved at a manageable one per cent of GDP, provided the right policies are put in place. Although for developed countries like the UK this cost would be higher but is far less than the costs of inaction. High speed rail investment (HS2) will cost around £75 billion (estimates vary) and will move passengers along at over 200 mph, although not before 2033. No slowcoach! Like this: Like Loading... About villagekeeper

Thèses The Future’s Transportation Kyle.Maxey posted on February 19, 2013 | Comment | 2963 views In 27 years, what will transportation look like? I can’t give you any definitive predictions, but if any of these designers have a say, we’re all in for a high-flying future. In recently announced results from a GrabCAD/Makerbot competition, four outstanding models predict what we might be driving/driven by in the near future. First Place – Alpha by Omega-2: “This futuristic aerodynamic flying spacecraft combines gorgeous curves with hot rod triple exhaust and spoilers. Second Place – 2040 Direct Drive Vehicle by Gabriel.otrin-1: “Gaberiel Ortin describes his vehicle as: This rugged automobile concept for the year 2040 is designed for individuals that can’t live without a fundamental driving experience. Third Place – matthes.gueller-1: Congratulations to all of the winners. Images Courtesy of GrabCAD, Remarks by MakerBot
