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Visualize This: How to Tell Stories with Data

Visualize This: How to Tell Stories with Data
by Maria Popova How to turn numbers into stories, or what pattern-recognition has to do with the evolution of journalism. Data visualization is a frequent fixation around here and, just recently, we looked at 7 essential books that explore the discipline’s capacity for creative storytelling. And in a culture of equally increasing infographics overload, where we are constantly bombarded with mediocre graphics that lack context and provide little actionable insight, Yau makes a special point of separating the signal from the noise and equipping you with the tools to not only create better data graphics but also be a more educated consumer and critic of the discipline. From asking the right questions to exploring data through the visual metaphors that make the most sense to seeing data in new ways and gleaning from it the stories that beg to be told, the book offers a brilliant blueprint to practical eloquence in this emerging visual language. Donating = Loving Share on Tumblr Color as Data: Visualizing Color Composition by Maria Popova Abstracting glossy magazines, or what pie charts have to do with the Mona Lisa. We love data visualization and color. Computational artist Mario Klingemann, a.k.a. The pie charts represent the distribution of dominant colors within a circle area. Designer Shahee Ilyas‘ amusingly minimalist deconstruction of country flags by color composition is an absolute treat. Besides the playful irreverence, the project reveals some curious patterns of color choice, raising even more curious questions about color symbolism. Data viz superheroes Martin Wattenberg and Fernanda Viegas have taken their visualization magic to the world of fashion photography. To create the images in luscious, we began with a series of magazine advertisements for luxury brands. Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter and people say it’s cool. Share on Tumblr

Digging Into the Relationships in Sunlight’s Twitter Lobbyist List Enquête 2014 sur l'utilisation de 529cbe2d9536f1ce41009dcf - Mardi, 08 Avril 2014 Question : 1 sur 4 Comment évalueriez-vous 529cbe2d9536f1ce41009dcf sur une échelle de 1 à 5 (1 étant la meilleure note) ? Question : 2 sur 4 À partir d'où utilisez-vous 529cbe2d9536f1ce41009dcf ? Question : 3 sur 4 Combien de fois utilisez-vous 529cbe2d9536f1ce41009dcf ? Question : 4 sur 4 Naviguez-vous sur 529cbe2d9536f1ce41009dcf sur ​​votre téléphone mobile ? Envoi de réponses ... ©2014 All Rights Reserved. Your privacy is important to us.

FORM+CODE: Eye and Brain Candy for the Digital Age by Maria Popova Computational aesthetics, or what typography has to do with Yoko Ono and Richard Dawkins. Yes, we’re on a data visualization spree this week, but today’s spotlight taps into an even more niche obsession: data viz book candy. This season, Princeton Architectural Press, curator of the smart and visually gripping, brings us FORM+CODE — an ambitious, in-depth look at the use of software across art, design and illustration for a wide spectrum of creative disciplines, from data visualization to generative art to motion typography. The nature of form in the digital age is trapped in the invisible realm of code. Elegant and eloquent, compelling yet digestible, the tome — dubbed “a guide to computational aesthetics” — offers a fine piece of eye-and-brain stimulation for the age of digital creativity. Thanks, Julia Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter and people say it’s cool. Share on Tumblr

Symbol Signs: Helvetica Man and Beyond by Maria Popova A man and a woman walk into a sign, or what Helvetica has to do with slipping on ice. In 1974, the U.S. Department of Transportation commissioned AIGA to produce Symbol Signs — a standardized set of 34 symbols for the Interstate Highway System. Five years later, 16 more symbols were added to complete what’s become known as “the Helvetica of pictograms” — a 50-piece symbol set so iconic and universally pervasive it has become an integral part of our visual language. But beyond their practical application, Symbol Signs have amassed a cultish following in the design community, generating derivative work ranging from the quirky to the wildly creative. Artist Iain Anderson’s symbol-based short film, Airport, was a finalist in the 2005 Sydney Film Festival. A few weeks ago, we tweet-raved about Symbolic Gestures — a wonderful exposé on all the creative ways in which the National Park Service has adapted the iconic symbols to convey a wide and incredibly rich range of contexts.

7 Essential Books on Data Visualization & Computational Art by Maria Popova What 12 million human emotions have to do with civilian air traffic and the order of the universe. I’ve spent the past week being consistently blown away at the EyeO Festival of data visualization and computational arts, organized by my friend Jer Thorp, New York Times data artist in residence, and Dave Schroeder of Flashbelt fame. Processing, the open-source programming language and integrated development environment invented by Casey Reas and Ben Fry in 2001, is easily the most fundamental framework underpinning the majority of today’s advanced data visualization projects. Recommended by: Casey Reas Since 2005, (a longtime Brain Pickings favorite) have been algorithmically scrobbling the social web to capture occurrences of the phrases “I feel” and “I am feeling” harvesting human sentiment around them by recording the full context in which the phrase occurs. Reviewed in full here. Recommended by: Jer Thorp Recommended by: Moritz Stefaner Recommended by: Wes Grubbs

Shapes for Sounds: A Visual History of the Alphabet by Maria Popova What the anatomy of your tongue has to do with ship flags and the evolution of human communication. I’m endlessly fascinated by the intersection of sight and sound and have a well-documented alphabet book fetish. So I absolutely love Shapes for sounds by Timothy Donaldson, exploring one of the most fundamental creations of human communication, the alphabet, through a fascinating journey into “why alphabets look like they do, what has happened to them since printing was invented, why they won’t ever change, and how it might have been.” While the tome is full of beautiful, lavish illustrations and typography — like 26 gorgeous illustrated charts that trace the evolution of spoken languages into written alphabets — it’s no mere eye candy. The alphabet is one of the greatest inventions; it has enabled the preservation and clear understanding of people’s thoughts, and it is simple to learn. Donating = Loving Brain Pickings has a free weekly newsletter. Share on Tumblr

Ernst Haeckel Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Ernst Hæckel Ernst Haeckel en 1860. Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Hæckel (Potsdam, le - Iéna, le ), était un biologiste, philosophe et libre penseur allemand. Il a fait connaître les théories de Charles Darwin en Allemagne et a développé une théorie des origines de l'homme. Ernst Haeckel contribua beaucoup par ses écrits à la diffusion de la théorie de l'évolution. Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] En 1857 et 1858, Ernst Haeckel obtint son doctorat de médecine, puis il obtint son autorisation d'exercer la médecine (Approbation). En 1861, après seulement une année de pratique, il obtint son habilitation et un poste de conférencier (Privat-docent) en anatomie comparée à l’université d'Iéna avant de devenir, l’année suivante professeur extraordinaire d’anatomie comparée à l’institut de zoologie de l’université. En 1862, il épousa sa cousine Agnès Sethe. En 1881-1882, il parcourut les mers tropicales et Ceylan.

Infographic Of The Day: The Insane Choices You Face At The Drugstore Just 10 years ago, getting something for a headache or a cold at the drugstore was a simple enough affair: Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen? No longer: Drugstore aisles are now an eye-melting maze of choices, with products advertising everything from time-release to gel-caps to flavors to different dosages. I half-expect to find tooth-whitening Tylenol, one day soon. But despite all the decision fatigue this induces, I’ll bet this infographic will come as a shock. [Click to enlarge] At first sight, you might assume that this is merely an illustrative chart--that all the branches are simply hypothetical choices that one might face. This, of course, is by design: The infographic is, after all, an advertisement for Help Remedies, a company which offers single-use packets at drugstores labeled simply with your symptoms. You can spy that trend in all manner of industries: Just think about what buying a computer was like 10 years ago.

Mapping European Stereotypes By Maria Popova Geopolitical cartography is all about an objective view of the world’s political conventions. But there’s nothing politically correct in Bulgarian-born, London-based designer Yanko Tsvetkov‘s Mapping Stereotypes project — a series of amusing, often tragicomically true maps of Europe based on various subjective perceptions and ideologies. Tsvetkov’s maps are available for purchase as prints, mousepads and t-shirts on Zazzle. A full-text visualization of the Iraq War Logs Update (Apr 2012): the exploratory work described in this post has since blossomed into the Overview Project, an open-source large document set visualization tool for investigative journalists and other curious people, and we’ve now completed several stories with this technique. If you’d like to apply this type of visualization to your own documents, give Overview a try! Last month, my colleague Julian Burgess and I took a shot a peering into the Iraq War Logs by visualizing them in bulk, as opposed to using keyword searches in an attempt to figure out which of the 391,832 SIGACT reports we should be reading. Other people have created visualizations of this unique document set, such as plots of the incident locations on a map of Iraq, and graphs of monthly casualties. We wanted to go a step further, by designing a visualization based on the the richest part of each report: the free text summary, where a real human describes what happened, in jargon-inflected English. And it works.
