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Class presentation overview | New Generation In order to apply our knowledge and practice some teaching skills we developed “Survival Spanish Lesson”. Here I present our working plan, reasons and conclusions after this presentation. Working plan: Our team have teaching experience or have been related within educational environment before, and know the audience. Due date: October 21Time: 20 minutesStudents: Classmates and professor.Subject: Spanish basic lessonLearning objectives: To engage students to learn some basic Spanish words Students recognize Spanish characters, words, pronunciation and meaning Student’s practice speaking, reading and writing To develop 21st Century Skill Pedagogies: Constructivist and Social Learning Tools: Web 2.0 Blend space: Repository to administrate class web toolsPadlet: Administrate collaborative group activitySpeechable: Interactive tool to create speech bubbles for group activitySocrative: Educational game and assess students Activities: The class was divided by different learning sections: Assessments:

Learning together online | Online home for my life as a digital scholar 6 Types Of Assessment Of Learning 6 Types Of Assessment Of Learning by TeachThought Staff If curriculum is the what of teaching, and learning models are the how, assessment is the puzzled “Hmmmm”–as in, I assumed this and this about student learning, but after giving this assessment, well….”Hmmmmm.” So what are the different types of assessment of learning? This graphic below from McGraw Hill offers up six forms; the next time someone says “assessment,’ you can say “Which type, and what are we doing with the data?” 1. One way to think about it: Assesses a student’s strengths, weaknesses, knowledge, and skills prior to instruction. Another way to think about it: A baseline to work from 2. One way to think about it: Assesses a student’s performance during instruction, and usually occurs regularly throughout the instruction process. Another way to think about it: Like a doctor’s “check-up” to provide data to revise instruction 3. One way to think about it: Measures a student’s achievement at the end of instruction. 4. 5. 6.

Word Counter: The Word Count Calculator Computation of different effect sizes like d, f, r and transformation of different effect sizes: Psychometrica Statistical significance specifies, if a result may not be the cause of random variations within the data. But not every significant result refers to an effect with a high impact, resp. it may even describe a phenomenon that is not really perceivable in everyday life. Statistical significance mainly depends on the sample size, the quality of the data and the power of the statistical procedures. If large data sets are at hand, as it is often the case f. e. in epidemiological studies or in large scale assessments, very small effects may reach statistical significance. Here you will find a number of online calculators for the computation of different effect sizes and an interpretation table at the bottom of this page. If the two groups have the same n, then the effect size is simply calculated by subtracting the means and dividing the result by the pooled standard deviation. The downside to this approach: The pre-post-tests are not treated as repeated measures but as independent data.

TEC-VARIETY by Curtis J. Bonk and Elaine Khoo 50 Great Sites for Serious, Educational Games By Rose Jensen Serious games are making the news almost every day. From teaching children about the cancer in their bodies to helping college students reinforce lessons from their business classes, these educational games take playing to a whole new level. Take a look at these 50 sites for serious and educational games you can play. No matter what you may be studying in college, there is a good chance that these educational games can enhance your learning or help you teach others. Business and Management From practicing your business skills to learning about book keeping in your courses at online colleges for accounting, these games will help you get a handle on your business school lessons. EVE Online. Games for Students These games bring powerful first-hand experience to students with games ranging from early elementary to high school and focusing on everything from science to civic responsibility. PowerUp. Training Games America’s Army. Health and Medical Games Fatworld. Darfur is Dying.

Carolyn Rosé: Learning analytics and educational data mining in learning discourses - ISLS NAPLES Network - LMU Munich Content Basic reading Rosé, C., Wang, Y., Cui, Y., Arguello, J., Stegman, K., Weinberger, A., & Fischer, F. (2008). Additional reading Gweon, G., Jain, M., Mc Donough, J., Raj, B., Rosé, C. Slides Webinar as audio file (.mp3) – Experimentación en innovación educativa Andrea Celeste Fortanelli (LEM’04, MMT’14) forma personas con propósito de vida | EGRESADOS Ingresó como asistente en Rectoría para los diagnósticos en los procesos de admisión, comunicación, publicidad e inteligencia de mercados a nivel nacional, lo que le permitió conocer el resto de los campus de la Universidad. Gracias a la preparación que recibió en el Tecnológico de Monterrey primero durante su carrera profesional y posteriormente en la maestría, se abrieron otros caminos de crecimiento en Tecmilenio, primero como directora general de Campus en Santa Catarina, posteriormente en Cumbres y en la actualidad dirigiendo Campus Toluca. “Estas circunstancias me hicieron reflexionar sobre la gran oportunidad que tengo de retribuir a mi país y a mi comunidad todo lo que me ha dado. “Estoy muy orgullosa de ser EXATEC y ahora también, ser parte de la comunidad Tecmilenio, emprendimiento que bien vale la pena”, finalizó.

Making sense of video analytics: Lessons learned from clickstream interactions, attitudes, and learning outcome in a video-assisted course | Giannakos Michail N. Giannakos1, Konstantinos Chorianopoulos1, 2, and Nikos Chrisochoides3 1Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway, 2Ionian University, Greece, 3Old Dominion University, USA Abstract Online video lectures have been considered an instructional media for various pedagogic approaches, such as the flipped classroom and open online courses. Keywords: User interactions; learning analytics; video lecture; open learning system; analytics triangulation; controlled experiment Introduction The use of video for learning has become widely employed in recent years. It is essential that students are actively involved in the learning process; however, content is still often taught via the traditional lecture approach where students are placed in the role of passive learners, which involves limited options for interactivity and engagement with the course material. Video resources have emerged as one of the premier forms of learning materials. Related Work Methodology Research Design

Harmony-Comprehension and Wholeness-Extending 26th February 2010 | Draft eliciting psychosocial transformational principles from design IntroductionInsights of Christopher AlexanderControversy regarding 'subjectivity' vs. 'objectivity' regarding 'beauty' and 'life'Comprehending Alexander's transformation principles within the psychosocial realmUse of pattern language for the material world as a templateTentative adaptation of Alexander's 15 transformations to the psychosocial realmSystemic comprehensiveness of setsGeometrical configuration of Alexander's 15 transformationsRelevance to global governance in the psychosocial realmAssociating qualities of harmony and wholeness with geometryBeauty as a verb: de-signing the future, human nature and the environmentApplication of 15 transformational criteria to a rendering of the Mandelbrot setReferences Introduction Christopher Alexander has produced a remarkable 4-volume synthesis (The Nature of Order: an essay on the art of building and the nature of the universe, 2003-4). References R. P.
