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7 Ways Google+ Users Are Getting More Out of Their Circles

7 Ways Google+ Users Are Getting More Out of Their Circles
Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Organizing your circles in Google+ can be the most confusing part of the new social network. Yet people are learning to embrace and even optimize their circles for better productivity, filtering and privacy. We spoke with some Google+ mavericks about how they've corralled their circles to be more effective. 1. Technology writer +Mike Elgan will directly address people that circled him. 2. +Steve Rubel, EVP/Global Strategy and Insights for Edelman has organized his circles to focus on early adopters and thus access valuable feedback and information. 3. Many Google+ early adopters are curious about their followers. Mashable's +Ben Parr regularly asks his public circles for responses and insight. 4. 5. 6. Still, that's a lot of sorting to do especially if you already have a lot of followers. 7.

Five Things I Learned At MySpace That Could Help Google+ Editor’s note: This guest post is written by Tom Anderson, the former President, founder and first friend on MySpace. You can now find Tom on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ This is just a guess, but I’d bet money that Vic Gundotra and Bradley Horowitz probably feel like their heads are going to explode. Anyone on the Google+ team who really cares about G+ is probably getting very little sleep, and are annoying their friends and family with their one-track G+ minds. At MySpace I tried to digest that “inbox” and “community” by myself, and that worked pretty well for a few years. Here’s a few things I’d do right now, if I were Google. 1) Start seriously courting the journalists, tastemakers, and celebrities that are using and/or pontificating about G+. Why? 2) Exhaustively think through the privacy issues and tie up any loose/ends that G+ has on this front. 3) Move Google’s top analysts (probably focused on monetization right now) onto the Google+ project to form a skunk works team.

Google+ : utilisation en enseignement Google+, le nouveau réseau social proposé par Google, a été lancé en version bêta le mardi 28 juin. J’ai eu la chance d’être rapidement invité à tester le service, par l’entremise d’étudiants qui y étaient déjà inscrits. Voilà donc trois semaines maintenant que j’expérimente cette nouvelle expérience sociale. Aperçu des usages que nous expérimentons d’ores et déjà en pédagogie (et ce, même – et surtout – si nos étudiants sont désormais tous partis en stages !). L’originalité majeure de Google+ par rapport à bien des réseaux sociaux existants (Facebook, Viadeo, LinkedIn, etc.) est la suivante : il n’est pas nécessaire d’avoir des relations mutuelles (« je suis ton ami, tu es mon ami« ) avec les personnes que l’on suit, ou qui nous suive. Google+ permet de gérer très facilement ses contacts, de les classer dans un ou plusieurs cercles, et ainsi de leur diffuser une information ciblée. Même sans avoir atteint sa version finale, l’outil s’avère très agréable d’utilisation.

Google plus Blog Google nous fait-il perdre la mémoire? Une étude américaine conclut que les internautes utilisent les moteurs de recherche comme une mémoire externe, réduisant ainsi leurs efforts de mémorisation. Retrouvez tous nos articles de la rubrique L'explication ici. L’ÉCRIVAIN NICHOLAS CARR s’était déjà demandé si Google nous rendait stupide, les scientifiques s’interrogent désormais sur l’influence des moteurs de recherche sur notre mémoire. L’étude de Betsy Sparrow de l’université de Columbia, révélée par le magazine Science, met en avant le fait que l’internaute fait moins d’efforts de mémorisation quand il sait qu’il pourra retrouver l’information par la suite. Elle démontre également que quand il ne connaît pas la réponse à une question, il se tournera quasi systématiquement vers un moteur de recherche. Une mémoire adepte du tri sélectif La mémoire n’étant pas infaillible, le cerveau n’est pas capable de tout enregistrer machinalement. Face à cette abondance de données, le cerveau fait des choix. Notre cerveau et ses aide-mémoires

Elgan: 10 things I hate about Google+ Opinion July 30, 2011 07:00 AM ET Computerworld - I have a love-hate relationship with Google+. Because I love it and use it so much, I really hate its current limitations. As I've mentioned in this space before, I'm on what I call the "Google+ Diet." Despite having well over 20 million users, Google+ is theoretically still a "closed" invitation-only beta service. Until Google works out the kinks in its new social networking service, there are tricks and workarounds for most of the problems you might encounter in Google+. Here are the top 10 things I hate about Google+, and what I do about them. 1. Google+ supports animated GIFs and nice, big pictures. The worst of these is an animated GIF showing a Japanese squid dish. Eventually, I believe Google will add search filters in Google+ like the ones in Gmail. There's so much great content on Google+ that users are tempted to circle everyone they can until reaching the limit of 5,000 people.

Google+ en action Samedi 23 juillet 2011 6 23 /07 /Juil /2011 15:50 Je ne me suis pas encore exprimé sur Google+ auquel j'ai eu accès dès le 1er juillet car beaucoup en ont parlé mais surtout parce que je ne me suis pas encore forgé une opinion ferme et définitive sur le devenir et les usages de Google+ lancé seulement le 29 juin et qui va encore énormément évoluer vis à vis des plans de Google et des retours des utilisateurs, puis l'arrivée prochaine des pages professionnelles va révéler beaucoup du devenir de Google+ et des réels impacts sur son principal adversaire Facebook. Un premier bilan peut toutefois être tiré après les 3 premières semaines d'existence de Google+ : Pour me suivre sur Google+ : Billets en relation : Partager l'article ! inShare Par Julien Bonnel - Publié dans : Web Social 9

15 Google+ Sites & Services for Power Users Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Although it's only been in existence for a month, we've seen a number of Google+-related websites and services spring up across the web. From directories where you can find new Plussers, to sites that will show you the hottest posts and even resources that will help you get more out of the service, we've rounded up 15 fab online destinations. As you might expect from such a fledgling service, some of the sites are a work-in-progress, but we're bookmarking them in the hope they will develop into useful resources. Have a read of our suggestions for third-party Google+ sites below and please share in the comments any other services you've seen that you'd recommend to your fellow Plussers. Additional research by Stephanie Buck

Social In Google’s DNA Editor’s note: This guest post is written by Tom Anderson, the former President, founder and first friend on MySpace. You can now find Tom on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ Google is an algorithm driven-company. “PageRank” (named after Larry Page himself) was the “founding algorithm” of Google—the one that gave it superior search results, and eventually led to Google “winning” the search wars of the early 2000s. The algorithm continues to evolve—in fact, it’s Google’s most important work—and by some accounts, it includes more than 500 million variables and 2 billion terms to perform its magic. Can a company so enamored with the power of algorithms and machine learning, let the user take control? I love using G+, enough so that I’m worried that Google is going to make a misstep and ruin the service. One of the key issues that will determine the fate & nature of G+ is whether Google favors an algorithmic approach over a user-controlled approach to the stream. Is that the right move?

Google+ Tips & Tricks: 10 Hints for New Users Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Do you still consider yourself a noob when it comes to Google's social platform? From quicker sharing options to better content curation via savvy privacy settings, we're bringing you 10 tips and tricks that will soon have you Google Plussing like a pro. Take a look through the image gallery below and please share in the comments any Google+ tips we haven't mentioned — your suggestion could be featured in a forthcoming Mashable article.

Google+ : guide pratique officiel Début décembre 2012, la firme Google a lancé le service en ligne Google+ Communautés adossé aux comptes et pages du réseau social Google+. L’entreprise vient de mettre à disposition des internautes une aide officielle : Guide pratique Google+ Communautés librement consultable. Les communautés Google+ se veulent un « espace de rencontres et de partage » en ligne. Ce nouvel outil donne la possibilité de créer des espaces permanents autour de centres d’intérêt : des communautés privées ou publiques qui peuvent être dédiées à des sujets, des centres d’intérêt, des groupes, des activités… ; des catégories de discussion pour aider à y trouver les sujets de conversation qui correspondent le mieux ; la possibilité d’inviter des membres d’une communauté gérée à des « hangouts » (conversations en mode simultané) et des événements ; la possibilité de partager des contenus avec sa communauté depuis n’importe quel bouton +1 sur le Web. Contenu du guide pratique officiel Google+ communautés Licence :

25 Smooth Google+ Icons Advertisement Just a few weeks have passed to release Google+, but its popularity is already touching new heights. Every one seems to be goggling, googling and talking about it. Today we are showcasing Google+ Icon sets that are free to use and these Google+ icons will surely help to create more buzz about your website or blog on search engine giant. If you like this article, you might be interested in some of our older articles on Social Media Icons & Web 2.0 Icons, Free High Quality PSD Buttons, Twitter Icons, and Hand Drawn Icons. Free Google Plus Icons Set More Information on Free Google Plus Icons Set Google Plus Circular Icon Set More Information on Google Plus Circular Icon Set Free Google Plus Icon Vector More Information on Free Google Plus Icon Vector Google+ Icons More Information on Google+ Icons Google free Iconset in 3d Optik More Information on Google free Iconset in 3d Optik More Information on Google+ Icons Google Plus(+) Icons More Information on Google Plus(+) Icons Google+

Google+ : Strategic Blunder inShare5 Why not start the new year by giving you a glimpse at the future of Social Networks and show why Google is best positioned to own that future. Social networks have been mostly driven by Zuckerberg's "Social Utility" vision and that is certainly the core of Google's vision. Even Dalton Caldwell who made a big splash last year, is perpetuating the fallacy that there is such a thing as a "social utility" and he even got kickstarted for it. Why will the vision of a Social Utility disappear? Just how limited is that vision? userspostsmessagesstreamsinteractions (as in like, repost, ...) The problem with that kind of vision is that: a) it's too easy to build: even I can build a social back-end like that with, say, Canappi and MongoLab (MongoDB) in minutes, entirely customized for my very own social network app. Let me explain. Most people have 5 to 10 major interests in their lives. I can't wait until Starbucks adds the "I am having a coffee here, meet me if you'd like" social network.

Ahmed Zeeshan Google+ Resources | Complete Collection Hello Everyone! I humbly present the complete set of articles I wrote with the help of our diverse and enthusiastic community here to enhance our Google+ Experience: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ***************************************The guides look to enhance your Google+ experience while at the same time allowing you to explore the true potential locked behind this gorgeous set of features and UI. It is also important to note that these articles are not binding rules and the methods listed in them are not the only way of using Google+. I am also delighted to announce that the articles are now being translated to different languages to cater to our global e-society. ***************************************Finally, I would like to thank all the people that have helped spread these articles to the masses during their early stages and the readers for providing thoughtful feedback to make them better. Please feel free to spread the word.
