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Help us to Transcribe Papyri

Panamath Digital Classicist: index Solve Puzzles for Science | Foldit History and Geography of Europe Press releases - Turing's Sunflowers Thursday 22 March 2012 Thousands of sunflowers will be planted in honour of the mathematician Alan Turing as part of a new research project led by MOSI (Museum of Science & Industry, Manchester) and Manchester Science Festival, in association with The University of Manchester. A hundred years after Turing was born families, schools, community groups and businesses will be encouraged to plant over 3000 sunflowers to celebrate his work and help solve a mathematical riddle that he worked on before his death in 1954. Alan Turing is famous for his code-breaking skills which helped to crack the Enigma Code during the Second World War, and as a founder of computer science and artificial intelligence, but later he became fascinated with the mathematical patterns found in stems, leaves and seeds - a study known as phyllotaxis. Erinma Ochu, Project Manager of Turing’s Sunflowers said: “This is a fantastic opportunity to learn about the wonder of maths in nature. Notes to editors

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae Maladies, Symptômes, Traitements : Echangez sur Carenity A global movement for localised food and farming: The beginning of agriculture in Europe | TABLE Debates Image: Kelly Reed, Reconstructed Neolithic house at Sopot, Croatia The world we inhabit today has changed dramatically since we first began farming thousands of years ago. Yet the challenge to provide food security to all is not new and has been a common struggle throughout our past. By looking back, we can see how things have developed and use our knowledge to think in different ways and open up new possibilities for the future of our food system. This blog starts at the beginning, when early immigrant farmers moved into Europe from southwest Asia, gradually replacing and assimilating mobile hunter-gatherers who lived in this region. A new sedentary farming lifestyle provided greater control and stability over food supplies, which in turn allowed people to have more children and join together in larger, denser communities. How did the advent of farming change the scale of food production in Europe? Agriculture originated in several small hubs around the world. Domesticated barley crop.

Baby Laughter Survey | The Baby Laughter project The laughter of tiny babies is not just a phenomenally popular theme for YouTube videos, it is also a fantastic window into the workings of the human brain. You can’t laugh unless you get the joke and neither can your baby. At Birkbeck Babylab we study how babies learn about the world. There are LOTS of ways you and your baby can help us: 1. 2. 3. Thank you, Dr. (Visited 230 time, 8 visit today) Like this: Like Loading...

Perseus Digital Library Welcome to Perseus 4.0, also known as the Perseus Hopper. Read more on the Perseus version history. New to Perseus? Click here for a short tutorial. Perseus Updates September 19, 2017: Unleash Open Greek and Latin! For more read the full Perseus blog Release Announcements October 2013 New texts: the English Bohn and Greek Kaibel editions of Athenaeus' Deipnosophists and Harpocration. Read older announcements...

Leeaarn, l'université collaborative des entrepreneurs Your Book Review: On The Natural Faculties - Astral Codex Ten [This is the second of many finalists in the book review contest. It’s not by me - it’s by an ACX reader who will remain anonymous until after voting is done, to prevent their identity from influencing your decisions. I’ll be posting about two of these a week for the next few months. When you’ve read all of them, I’ll ask you to vote for your favorite, so remember which ones you liked. - SA] If you’re looking for the whipping boy for all of medicine, and most of science, look no further than Galen of Pergamon. Centuries went by, but not much changed. And so on until the present day. Consider Galen, the second-century physician to Rome’s emperors…Galen was untroubled by doubt. Scott then says, After hearing one too many “everyone thought Columbus would fall off the edge of the flat world” -style stories, I tend to be skeptical of “people in the past were hilariously stupid” anecdotes. This strikes me the same way. I’m also concerned that this criticism doesn’t pass the sniff test.
