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News, views and everything robotic

News, views and everything robotic
Download (PDF, 20B) Background Robots are an increasingly common sight in U.S. police departments. These unmanned ground vehicles are used for roles that are deemed too hazardous for law enforcement officers, such as inspecting and disarming explosive ordnance. The influx of robots into civilian law enforcement agencies follows the widespread integration of unmanned vehicles into the U.S. military, where they have played an important role—particularly in explosive ordnance disposal operations—in Iraq and Afghanistan. As these wars have wound down, the Pentagon has transferred a growing number of these robots to U.S. law enforcement agencies. Besides the 1033 Program, law enforcement agencies have also acquired robots using federal funds from the Department of Justice or Department of Homeland Security. We have analyzed public 1033 transfer data as well as public contract announcements in order to identify robots currently in use by domestic law enforcement agencies. Findings: 1033 Program

Robots and the Environmental Future A robotic float looking for clues for Global Warming Photo Source: Robotic innovations are helping scientists understand and combat environmental threats such as pollution and global warming. From gathering data, to conserving resources, and eliminating hazardous materials, robots are on the move to save the planet. Check out some of the newest developments: Sniffing Out ToxinsYale University Engineering students have created robotic dogs that detect toxic substances. Zip and Zoom: Eliminating Air PollutionRobotic bugs may be the future of air pollution control. Cutting Crop ChemicalsHarmful herbicide use could be cut by 70% with selective spraying robots. Predicting and Policing WaterRobotic subs have been used to gauge global warming, monitor water pollution and fishing problems. Hazarding EverythingRobots collect data from dangerous and hazardous locations.

iM-QRfinder, il codice per ritrovare gli oggetti smarriti Chi cerca trova, ma con iM-QRfinder è più facile, o comunque ci si prova. Per 1,99 euro, questa neonata azienda italiana ti fornisce un QR code da applicare su tutti gli oggetti che potresti perdere e che rimanda a una pagina web con i tuoi dati. In caso di smarrimento, il codice permette a chi ritrova l'oggetto di accedere al tuo profilo e contattarti nel pieno rispetto per la privacy. La tua pagina infatti può essere vista solo da chi utilizza il QR code e puoi sempre mantenere il codice inattivo e riattivarlo solo nel momento del bisogno, magari inserendo anche un messaggio per chi lo ritrova e una ricompensa. Certo, tutto ciò presuppone che ciò che hai perso sia trovato da una persona onesta, che conosca i QR code e sappia usarli, ma visto il prezzo irrisorio vale la pena di provare. Dove lo trovo? Foto: Getty Images

Logistique expédition automatisée par AGV | BA Systèmes Nos AGV assurent le transfert automatique du magasin de stockage vers la ou les zones d’expédition et la préparation de celles-ci. gérer votre logistique expédition avec un système AGV Nos solutions vous permettront de préparer automatiquement vos commandes sur palettes ou les contenus des camions sur les quais de chargement, par : Chargement au sol ou « faux camions » : Ordonnancement des palettes par les AGV au préalable. Choisir la préparation automatique de vos expéditions, c’est : Assurer la traçabilité complète de vos produits,Améliorer la performance de votre site (délai et qualité des préparations),Optimiser vos temps de chargement et de respecter vos délais.

robotics news The ROSCon 2017 organizing committee aims for ROSCon to represent the entire ROS community, which is diverse and global. In addition to promoting technology that is open source, we also strive to ensure that our communities themselves are as open and accessible as possible, since we recognize that diversity benefits the ROS ecosystem as a whole. Whoever you are, whatever you do, and wherever you do it, if you're interested in ROS, then we want you to join us at ROSCon. *To maximize the impact of the scholarship funds, scholarship recipients will be asked to share a room with another recipient. Eligibility We invite applications from members of groups that have been traditionally underrepresented in the tech community (including but not limited to: women, LGBTQ+, people of color, people with disabilities, and people from ethnic minorities in their country of residence), who may not otherwise be able to attend ROSCon. Sponsors How to apply

Robotics Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots,[1] as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, and/or cognition. Many of today's robots are inspired by nature contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics. The concept of creating machines that can operate autonomously dates back to classical times, but research into the functionality and potential uses of robots did not grow substantially until the 20th century.[2] Throughout history, robotics has been often seen to mimic human behavior, and often manage tasks in a similar fashion. Etymology[edit] History of robotics[edit] Robotic aspects[edit] Components[edit] Power source[edit]

Il futuro delle macchine comandate col pensiero I poteri mentali di Yoda, maestro Jedi di Star Wars, e del professor Xavier degli X-Men non sono ancora termini di paragone da prendere in considerazione. E forse non saranno mai eguagliati da noi semplici esseri umani. Tuttavia i ricercatori che studiano le interfaccia cervello-macchina (Bci), ovvero la possibilità di controllare alcuni dispositivi elettronici attraverso l' attività cerebrale, stanno cominciando a ottenere risultati interessanti. Non parliamo delle grandi potenzialità dei sensori impiantati dentro il cranio attraverso i quali, per esempio, pazienti immobilizzati riescono a manipolare bracci robotici o cursori di computer: sottoporsi a un intervento chirurgico di questo tipo solo per controllare gli apparecchi elettronici di tutti i giorni è una contropartita ancora poco conveniente. Star Wars Science Force Trainer (35$) Un set di cuffie wireless, un ventilatore e un tubo di plastica dentro il quale far sollevare una pallina da ping pong con il potere della mente.

Découvrir & Comprendre - La robotique Définition / historique Contrairement aux automates, machines dont l’origine remonte au XVIIIe siècle, les robots sont des systèmes munis de capteurs, capables d’agir de façon autonome et pas seulement selon un programme préétabli. Ces dispositifs dits « intelligents » sont capables de recueillir des informations extraites de leur environnement dont le traitement va influencer leur fonctionnement. La robotique s’est déployée dans les années soixante au travers de la robotique dite industrielle ou manufacturière. La création des premiers robots destinés à une intervention en milieu hostile a été impulsée et financée par l’industrie nucléaire dès la fin des années 1950.Aujourd'hui, un autre domaine d’application de la discipline est en plein essor en France et dans le monde : la robotique de service. Le marché de la robotique En 2005, le marché global de la robotique était estimé à 11 milliards de dollars ; il pourrait s’élever à 30 milliards de dollars en 2015. Zoom sur Le Site des Robots, de la Robotique, des Exosquelettes et de leu Intoino, startup per inventori Avreste sempre voluto inventarvi qualcosa ma la mancanza di fondamenti del linguaggio informatico ve lo impediva? Tra poco potrebbero bastare spirito d’iniziativa, immaginazione e intraprendenza. La scatola degli attrezzi invece ce la mette Intoino, una app dedicata allo sviluppo di progetti basati su Arduino. La startup del torinese Marco Bestonzo è la più giovane in corsa per il LeWeb 2012. Giovane perché nata solo quattro mesi fa, e giovane perché fondata da un team che ha in media 26 anni. E mentre i makers di tutto il mondo già si fregano le mani, noi abbiamo fatto quattro chiacchiere col suo ideatore. Come è nata l’idea di Intoino? “Intoino nasce dalla visione che tutti, dall’ingegnere del Mit al bambino del paesino più sperduto, possono avere idee in grado di cambiare il mondo. Ci spieghi come funziona? “Si tratta di un’app connessa in modalità wireless con le schede Arduino tramite una speciale antenna a forma di lampadina (Intoino Bulb). Qual è il vostro modello di business?

Qu’est-ce que Boston Dynamics, le fleuron de la robotique dont se sépare Google ? Cette entreprise, que Google vient de revendre au japonais Softbank, publie régulièrement d’impressionnantes vidéos de ses créations. Plutôt discrète, elle fait office de leader dans le domaine de la robotique humanoïde. LE MONDE | • Mis à jour le | Par Morgane Tual Les rumeurs allaient bon train depuis l’année dernière, mais la nouvelle a été officialisée jeudi 8 juin : Google s’est séparée de Boston Dynamics, son entreprise de robotique humanoïde, vendue pour un montant inconnu au japonais Softbank. Les créations de ce fleuron de la robotique sont bien connues des internautes : Boston Dynamics les présente régulièrement dans des vidéos à couper le souffle. La dernière en date, publiée le 27 février, montre l’un de ses robots en action : la grande machine montée sur deux roues se déplace avec une rapidité et une agilité inédites, peut porter des objets, descendre des escaliers et même sauter, tout en gardant son équilibre. Et ce n’est pas le premier pour Boston Dynamics, loin de là. M.

PleoWorld: The Home of Pleo, the Robotic Baby Dinosaur from Innv
