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The Data Liberation Front (the Data Liberation Front)

The Data Liberation Front (the Data Liberation Front)
Importante: i dati di Google che scarichi non vengono eliminati dai server di Google. Scopri come eliminare il tuo account o come eliminare le tue attività. Puoi esportare e scaricare i tuoi dati dai prodotti Google che utilizzi. Email Documenti Calendario Foto Video di YouTube Puoi creare un archivio per conservare i tuoi dati o utilizzarli in un altro servizio. Importante: se le azioni vengono considerate rischiose, potrebbero non essere disponibili o essere rimandate per proteggere il tuo account. Passaggio 1: seleziona i dati da includere nell'archivio da scaricare Visita la pagina Scarica i tuoi dati. Passaggio 2: personalizza il formato dell'archivio Metodo di recapito Invia tramite email il link per il download Ti invieremo un link via email per scaricare l'archivio dei tuoi dati di Google. Seleziona Invia tramite email il link per il download come "Metodo di recapito". Aggiungi a Drive Seleziona Aggiungi a Drive come "Metodo di recapito". Aggiungi a Dropbox Note Aggiungi a Box Tipo di file

Education News Archive :: 100+ Google Tricks for Teachers It's Google's world, we're just teaching in it. Now, we can use it a little more easily. With classes, homework, and projects–not to mention your social life–time is truly at a premium for all teachers, so why not take advantage of the wide world that Google has to offer? From super-effective search tricks to Google tools specifically for education to tricks and tips for using Gmail, Google Docs, and Google Calendar, these tricks will surely save you some precious time. Search Tricks These search tricks can save you time when researching online for your next project or just to find out what time it is across the world, so start using these right away. Convert units. Google Specifically for Education From Google Scholar that returns only results from scholarly literature to learning more about computer science, these Google items will help you at school. Google Scholar. Google Docs 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. Gmail 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. Google Calendar 44.

Google Sites Get Liberated By New API For the last 18 months Google Sites has given businesses a way to quickly build their own websites with no HTML knowledge required, making for an easy way to help coordinate efforts internally and to also build consumer facing sites. But there’s been one fairly major complaint about the service: there was no easy way to export your data if you wanted to take it elsewhere. Today that changes, as Google introduces its new Sites API. For those that aren’t familiar with it, Sites is the reincarnation of Jotspot, which Google acquired back in 2006 (though the two products look totally different). The new API is part of Google’s recently launched Data Liberation Front, which consists of a team at Google with the “singular goal is to make it easier for users to move their data in and out of Google products”. Businesses will now be able to update their Sites pages from third party apps (Google offers the example of updating a Sites page when a new lead is added to your CRM).

Open Data Definition 5 Reasons a Google Phone Still Won’t Disrupt Carriers: Tech News « Here in the U.S., there have been high hopes that Google’s Nexus One might break the control of the wireless carriers. That didn’t happen for many reasons, however, and now James Allworth at the Harvard Business Review suggests that Google faces the risk of its Android cash cow running dry. Phone makers and carriers are stripping Google’s revenue opportunities from the platform by choosing different search engines, for example. Allworth points to a potentially dire future for Google, even though the search giant recently reported mobile search revenues topping $1 billion: It won’t be long before Google’s “allies” in the Open Handset Alliance — the manufacturers making Android phones — realize that Google needs them a lot more than they need Google, and auction off the default search services on the phones they ship. Google may have no choice but to buy their support, too. Going it alone hurts hardware partners. Forget the carriers and their networks. A Google MVNO or regional partners? しばらくカフェイン抜きの生活をしていたのですが、でもとうとう我慢できなくなってまたコーヒーやら紅茶を飲むようになりました。毎日忙しい中での一息のつけ方はやはりコーヒーや紅茶などをゆっくりと飲むお茶タイムが欠かせません!これがないと一日頑張りすぎてしまって、夕方頃には疲れ果てて何もしようという気になりません。。。 というわけで、お茶タイムにコーヒー復活です。 紅茶もハーブティーにすればカフェインが全く入っていないものもあるので、それを利用するようにしています。 そろそろ脇の処理が気になる季節です。 これから夏に向かって日に日に暖かくなっていきますよね。 男らしさの象徴ってなんでしょうね!? こんなふうにコンパに参加する時はやはり自分をよく見せたいですよね。 友達のうちの何人かがとっても良かったといっている映画『永遠の0』。 この映画『永遠の0』は戦争映画、という点でちょっときになりますが、でも人が良いと言っているので見に行ってみたいと思っています。 近頃はミニシアターのような映画館は生き残りが厳しいようですね。 映画には本当にたくさんの楽しみ方があって、良いですよね。 最近お気に入りの料理。 たらを使う場合の私のひと工夫は、小麦粉にドライハーブのミックスを混ぜることです。 なんでもそうだと思いますが、やっぱりひと手間かけるのとかけないのとでは仕上がりに大きな差が出ます。 ムニエルにはタラを使ったり鮭を使ったりと色々バリエーションがあります。 美容に関しての興味はいつまでも尽きません。 資生堂ってもちろん女性の美を追求する会社なので、会社でも女性が働きやすいそうですね。 さて、私も昔から資生堂の化粧品を当然使っています。 年末も近づいてきたので、年末年始のことを考えています。 昨日に郵便局の年賀状サービスの申し込みをして、あとは届くのを待っているところです。 お正月の楽しみはやっぱり美味しいお料理と年賀状。 顔の右頬の上にうっすらシミができたみたいなんです。。。 元々そばかすの多い、メラニン色素の多い肌質だからでしょうか、ほくろも結構多い方だと思っています。 友達がピーリングをして、薄いシミなら何回かするうちの消えた、と以前言っていたので、一度そのサロンに行こうかと思っています。 青汁が健康食品の定番としてしっかりと根付いたのがほんの数年前。 すっきりしないお天気。

Comcast Property Sees 92% Success Rate With New OpenID Method - The most-watched geek event of the day has to be the OpenID UX (User Experience) Summit, hosted at the Facebook headquaters. The most discussed moment of the day will surely be the presentation by Comcast's Plaxo team. Plaxo and Google have collaborated on an OpenID method that may represent the solution to OpenID's biggest problems: it's too unknown, it's too complicated and it's too arduous. Today at the User Experience Summit, Plaxo announced that early tests of its new OpenID login system had a 92% success rate - unheard of in the industry. OpenID's usability problems appear closer than ever to being solved for good. Plaxo, primarily known for the noxious flood of spam emails it delivered in its early days, is now an online user activity data stream aggregator owned by telecom giant Comcast. The Flow The method Plaxo has been testing is called an OpenID/OAuth combo, in collaboration with Google. The Success Rate We expect to see this basic flow get iterated on even further.

Portable Social Graphs - Imagining their Potential Google Updates Freebase Gridworks, Renames It Google Refine When Google acquired Metaweb last summer it got Freebase Gridwork, a tool for cleaning up messy datasets, as part of the deal. Today Google released a new version of the tool, now called Google Refine. Like its predecessor, Google Refine is open source. Google Refine is a tool for working with datasets, including but not limited to Freebase. Major new features include: New extension architecture. There are also many new commands and expressions - a complete list can be found here. For more information on Freebase, see our overview.

LocalizaTodo The Web of Identities: Making Machine-Accessible People Data In a previous article, we discussed the Web of data, which is about inter-linking open data sets and, thus, turning them into machine-accessible structured data. In this post, we'll draw a picture of how the emerging social Web could serve as a Web of identities, which is essentially a people-data version of the Web of data. W3C's The LOD approach is very good for static and encyclopedic knowledge, but what about accessing our personal data? This is where the social Web can help. The Emerging Social Web There was a time when we had to create a new digital identity for each social application we wanted to use. The most significant issues people had were: Low conversion rate for user registration,Users had to register for many accounts,Users had to re-enter and synchronize profile data,Privacy, data ownership, and inability to export. Not much has changed, unfortunately. Many ID providers, such as Google, Yahoo! The Web of Identities Why is this needed? Now it's your turn.

Interoperability between clouds requires more than just VM porta The issue of application state and connection management is one often discussed in the context of cloud computing and virtualized architectures. That's because the stress placed on existing static infrastructure due to the potentially rapid rate of change associated with dynamic application provisioning is enormous and, as is often pointed out, existing "infrastructure 1.0" systems are generally incapable of reacting in a timely fashion to such changes occurring in real-time. The most basic of concerns continues to revolve around IP address management. This is a favorite topic of Greg Ness at Infrastructure 2.0 and has been subsequently addressed in a variety of articles and blogs since the concepts of cloud computing and virtualization have gained momentum. From The Burton Group's "What does the Cloud Need? First question is: How do we migrate between clouds? If LISP sounds eerily familiar to some of you, it should.

Knowledge sharing across Africa with Baraza beta En Français One of the challenges for the Internet in Africa is that there is a lack of local content online. To help users in Africa enrich and shape the content about Africa, our engineers have created Google Baraza. Baraza, which means “taskforce” or “council” in Swahili, allows people in countries across Africa to share knowledge with each other by asking questions and posting answers. A large number of questions that are typed into Google’s search engine by users are written as if they were talking to their friends. A few weeks ago, we opened up Google Baraza to a select group of users in Africa to test the new service. We’re honored to work with people from across the continent who are trying out the service, and sharing knowledge in their areas of expertise, including Ghanaian business leader Yofi Grant, actor Kevin Maina from the Makmende team, Lagos radio DJ Diplomatic OPJ, health expert Prof. We are really excited about this service. Nous sommes ravis de ce service.

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