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Great Books Index - List of Titles An Index to Online Great Books in English Translation To obtain an index of an author's works, including any known online editions of each work, and online articles about that author, select the author's name. To obtain an index of online editions of a particular work, select the name of that work. Then you will be able to scroll up and down to see other works by that author and articles about the author. Authors are listed here in order of their birthdates (insofar as known). The Bible -- Homer -- Aeschylus -- Sophocles -- Euripides -- Herodotus -- Thucydides -- Hippocrates -- Aristophanes -- Plato -- Aristotle -- Euclid -- Archimedes -- Apollonius -- Lucretius -- Virgil -- Tacitus -- Epictetus -- Nicomachus -- Plutarch -- Ptolemy -- Marcus Aurelius -- Galen -- Plotinus -- St Augustine -- The Quran -- St Thomas Aquinas -- Dante -- Chaucer -- Erasmus -- Machiavelli -- Copernicus -- Rabelais -- John Calvin -- Montaigne -- William Gilbert -- Cervantes -- Francis Bacon -- Galileo -- William Shakespeare -- Johannes Kepler -- A.N.

IB/History/Russia Literature Project - Free eBooks Online Watch Documentries Online. | Promote Documentary Films. Promote Consciousness. Promote Humanity | Culture Unplugged Online Film Festival Spiritual Dimensions of Sustainable Development When we think of development, we usually think first of economic development to meet material needs, measured perhaps through growth in the Gross Nati... Buddhist Economics Originally published online by the New Economics Institute.Right Livelihood is one of the requirements of the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold Path. It is c... Discovering the Living Universe: Scientific Spirituality for a Global Family The ancient Greek word for science was philosophy -- philos sophias, lover of wisdom. These days everyone seems to be a film-maker. The Secret don't worry, nobody has the beautiful lady, not really, and nobody has the strange and hidden power, nobody is exceptional or wonderful or magic, they only seem to be it's all a trick, an in, a con, don't buy it, don't believe it. the world is packed with billions of people whose lives and deaths are useless and when one of these jumps up and the light of history shines upon them, forget it, it's not what it seems, it's just another act to fool the fools again. there are no strong men, there are no beautiful women. at least, you can die knowing this and you will have the only possible victory.

What cannabis actually does to your brain - io9 Chances are they would've ended up brainless morons with or without the pot. It's quite frankly not strong enough of a narcotic to destroy one's life such as you describe. It's very dependent on the user's persona. @Tadashii: Are you also for alcohol and tobacco prohibition? Those ruin more lives every year then marijuana has ever. Wow- Tadashii, pot is not meth or cocaine. Yes, its a chemical that can intoxicate and has been embraced by, and been the cause of some lazy folks, underachievers, and Grateful Dead fans not amounting to much. Pot is like anything else- tobacco, alcohol, vicodin, valium, caffeine, etc. Cannabis has great promise for any treatment that requires appetite stimulant (such as cancer, HIV, etc), and has also been found to act as an anti-inflammatory or nausea reliever, Don't just stamp marijuana "evil". Do you enjoy any caffeinated sodas, cigarettes, or the occasional alcoholic beverage? Yes I am against alcohol too and I agree that it's worse than pot.

Japanese Folktales selected and edited by D. L. Ashliman © 1998-2008 Contents Return to D. The Two Frogs Once upon a time in the country of Japan there lived two frogs, one of whom made his home in a ditch near the town of Osaka, on the sea coast, while the other dwelt in a clear little stream which ran through the city of Kyoto. So one fine morning in the spring they both set out along the road that led from Kyoto to Osaka, one from one end and the other from the other. They looked at each other for a moment without speaking, and then fell into conversation, explaining the cause of their meeting so far from their homes. "What a pity we are not bigger," said the Osaka frog; "for then we could see both towns from here, and tell if it is worth our while going on." "Oh, that is easily managed," returned the Kyoto frog. This idea pleased the Osaka frog so much that he at once jumped up and put his front paws on the shoulder of his friend, who had risen also. "Dear me!" The Mirror of Matsuyama Source: F. "Buried!"

GIANT List of Interesting Documentaries & Mining the internet for psychedelic beeswax since 1997 Posts Comments ← (VIDEO) – Symphony of Science – ‘We Are All Connected’ The General’s Drug Problem, Ibogaine Treatment a Promising Solution → GIANT List of Interesting Documentaries February 19, 2011 26 Comments 23 Votes – Giant List of Documentaries. Please feel free to make this list interactive. Don’t forget to check our’s Video Vault for MORE VIDEOS UPDATE: Many of these links are dead. I don’t take credit for making this amazing list, a fellow member of a forum that I frequent posted this today. Enjoy: BANKING 1. BIOLOGY/EVOLUTION 1. CORPORATIONS 1. CULTURE 1. DRUGS 1. EDUCATION 1. ENLIGHTENMENT 1. FOOD 1. GOVERNMENT 1. HEALTH 1. INTERESTING PEOPLE 1. MEDIA 1. NWO 1.

Comics masters Not very long ago, a dedicated comics library might have looked less like a rare books room and more like a semi-coherent junk store, containing a three-dimensional scrapbook of out-of-print books, half-completed reprint series, miscellaneous small press magazines, bound photocopies and endless clippings. But the rise of the graphic novel category over the past decade has yielded a rich vein of previously rare or inaccessible archival material in well-designed, library-ready formats: complete comic strip collections, surveys of mid-century comic book genres, art books dedicated to historical and contemporary artists, and other rare pleasures. Today, a dedicated reader could fill several bookshelves with volumes compiled from this thoroughgoing history of comics, and a more casual reader or researcher can easily find the same at a well-stocked library. Rory Hayes was among the most visionary artists to emerge from the underground comix milieu of the late 1960s and early 1970s.
