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FF Subsetter - Optimize your Web FontFont

FF Subsetter - Optimize your Web FontFont

@font-face Solutions & Suggestions In the last post I talked about the design aspect of using CSS3 @font-face, today I would like to extend this topic to the technical side on implementing custom web fonts. So what are the options for implementing web fonts? I'm going to review the three main methods of incorporating @font-face and explain the pros and cons of each method. 1) CSS3 @font-face Standard @font-face First, let's talk about the native way of implementing custom web fonts — @font-face. Bulletproof @font-face Syntax Because every browser supports different font formats (IE supports EOT only, Firefox supports EOT & TTF, and Safari supports OTF, TTF, and SVG), additional font formats are required to be cross-browse. @font-Face Generator If you need to export the fonts in different formats, there is a generator which allows you to generate various font formats from an existing font. Premium @font-Faces Pros & Cons PROS: Full control because the fonts are hosted on your server. 2) Font Service Providers Installing Typekit

Die große Webfont-Serie (Teil 3): Webfonts selbst hosten | Artikel In den vorangegangenen Folgen der Serie ging es um die Grundlagen der Webfonttechnik und um die Nutzung von Webfont-Diensten. In diesem Teil werden wir uns damit beschäftigen, wie man kommerzielle und kostenlose Webfonts auf dem eigenen Server ablegt und was es dabei zu beachten gibt. Welche Fonts darf ich auf meinem Server ablegen? Da Webfonts nicht im wörtlichen Sinne in eine Webseite eingebettet, sondern lediglich wie Bilddateien im Quelltext verlinkt werden, müssen die Schriften öffentlich zugänglich im Netz abgelegt werden. Herkömmliche Druckschriften-Lizenzen verbieten dies jedoch, da dies nichts anderes als eine Einladung zum Raubkopieren ist. Abbildung oben: Die Graublau Sans Pro als Webfont zum Selbsthosten auf der Homepage von Nadine Roßa. Bei kommerziellen Schriften benötigen sie fast immer eine spezielle Webfont-Lizenz, die in der Regel separat zu den normalen Druckschriften-Lizenz erworben werden kann. Abbildung oben: Beispiel der Webfont-Lizenzierung bei MyFonts.

The Best Free Fonts for Designers Facebook Impressum App selber einbauen Im ersten Artikel über die Impressum Pficht für Facebookseiten – wie sieht die Umsetzung aus, wurden diverse Seiten analysiert und vorgestellt, die auf ihrer Facebook Präsenz ein Impressum eingebaut haben und Unternehmen, die trotz rechtlicher Vorschrift eine Umsetzung noch nicht umgesetzt haben. In den letzten Wochen hat eine Welle der Abmahnunternehmen die Facebook User verunsichert. Thomas Schwenke Rechtsanwälte Schwenke & Dramburg, erwähnt in einem seiner letzten Artikel die Kanzlei HWK, die anscheinend im größeren Umfang für eine Firma Binary Services GmbH Impressumfehler geltend macht. Um grundsätzlich dieser Problematik aus dem Wege zu gehen und von Anfang an sicher bei Facebook vertreten zu sein, ist die Einhaltung von Regeln wichtig. Impressum App Generator – eine valide Lösung? Die Anwendung kann, wie viele andere Anwendungen, auf die gesamten Profilinformationen, Fotos etc. zugreifen. Facebook Impressum Generator Startseite Facebook Impressum Generator Seiteneinstellungen 1. 2.

New High-Quality Free Fonts - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Every now and then, we look around, select fresh free high-quality fonts and present them to you in a brief overview. The choice is enormous, so the time you need to find them is usually time you should be investing in your projects. In this selection, we’re pleased to present Tondu, Banda, Morning Glory, Matilde, Bohema, Weston Round Slab, Highlands, Cabin, Linden Hill and other fonts. New High-Quality Free Fonts Bohema Bohema is a unique art-deco typeface with a modern twist. Morning Glory An experimental font by Luis Armesilla, released under a Creative Commons license. Highlands Highlands is a charming slab-serif font that draws inspiration from the US’ good ol’ National Park posters. Bender The Bender font family is an extravagant Russian typeface for special occasions. Ovalian Type An experimental, playful font based on oval and circle shapes. Linden Hill Linden Hill is a digital version of Frederic Goudy’s Deepdene. Ultra Ultra’s beauty lies in its boldness. (al)

Kostenlos Logos erstellen mit den Logo Tools von Scaricare i Google web fonts in un comando grazie a wget « Informatiche {bubbakk} I Google Font sono font in formato TrueType utilizzabili, grazie a specifiche Google API, nei nostri siti web. immagine tratta da Prima di scaricarli tutti e utilizzarli, è bene capire se la licenza che accompagna i font e ne consentirà l’utilizzo e in quali termini, altrimenti sarebbe tutto tempo sprecato A caccia della licenza d’uso Vorrei scaricare tutti i font in un’unica cartella (389 file in tutto!) Nella pagina principale relativa ai Google Web Fonts c’è una chiarissima dicitura: All fonts in the directory are available for use on your website under an open source license and are served by Google servers. Ci dice che i font hanno licenca open source, ma… “for use on your website” e “are served by Google servers”. Fortunatamente mi accorgo che nelle singole cartelle dei singoli font vi sono inclusi anche i file di licenza. Scaricare tutti i Google Web Font Ecco, finalmente, come scaricare tutti i font in un’unica cartelle e “in un colpo solo”!

Full Library Enter your own text... ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 ¿ ? ¡ ! & @ ‘ ’ “ ” « » % * ^ # $ £ € ¢ / ( ) [ ] { } . , ® © Realigned equestrian fez bewilders picky monarch Roger, hungry: ate 236 peaches & cantaloupes in 1904! The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog Voix ambiguë d’un cœur qui au zéphyr préfère les jattes de kiwi Victor jagt zwölf Boxkämpfer quer über den großen Sylter Deich 50px Featured Name Newest Introducing Typekit Marketplace Introducing Typekit Marketplace Find and buy great fonts from some of the biggest names in the type world. Learn more Family Sample Fonts You’ve stumped us! One place for all your favorite fonts. Sorry, you don’t have access to any of these fonts. Page 1 of 74 1 family total 1176 families total Quality fonts from the world’s best foundries. Browse Fonts Marketplace Lists Designers Foundries Plans Creative Cloud Plans Typekit Plans Business Plans Enterprise About Typekit The Team Blog Jobs GitHub Twitter Learn & Support Typekit Practice Status Blog Contact Help

Top 15 CSS Generators There are tons of great little generators out there to help you write CSS for your Webpop sites. Everything from making a simple gradient to going through your entire stylesheet at adding the current browser prefixes. You can use them to add advanced CSS styles to your site, or just as interactive toys to learn how stuff works. -prefix-free- This is a little (2kb gzipped) javascript file that you include just after your stylesheets in your project. Mother Effing Text Shadow - Interactive text shadow generator by Paul Irish, also check out the Sassy spoof version. 3D CSS Text - Similar to Mother Effing Text Shadow, but also lets you choose different fonts and has some different controls. CSSMatic - There are two generators of note here, the Noise Texture and Gradient generators. CSS3Maker - Tons of useful CSS3 effects, but in particular the transitions and animations are handy for quick experimentation and getting cross browser code. BorderImage - For when you need that fancy border image.

Download Hundreds of Free @font-face Fonts This license can also be found at this permalink: ———————————————————————————————————— Fonthead Design End User License Agreement———————————————————————————————————— By downloading and/or installing Fonthead Design fonts ("software") you agree to the following user license terms: 1) Grant of License: The purchase of this software grants to you ("user") as licensee, the non-exclusive right to use and display the software at a single home or business location on a maximum of 5 CPUs. 2) Backup: One copy of the software may be made for backup. 3) Transfer: You may transfer the original software from one party to another provided ALL materials, including all backup copies are included and that the recipient agrees to the licensing terms and conditions. 4) Copyright: The software and accompanying documentation are copyrighted and contain intellectual property information protected by law.

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