Augen zeichnen Hier ist eine kurze Erklärung zum Zeichnen von Augen und deren Blickrichtung. Eine Beispiel eines Zeichenvorgang kann man im Video nachvollziehen. In der unteren Skizze sind unterschiedliche Blickrichtungen dargestellt. Leicht seitlich, frontal, Blick nach unten, sowie Augen aus erhöhter Position gesehen. Die Herausforderung bei Augenzeichnungen liegt daran, dass sie durch die runde Kopf- und Gesichtsform, nicht auf einer geraden, sondern auf einer gebogenen Linie liegen. Mit unterschiedlichen Blickrichtungen, muss auch die Form dieser Perspektive anpassen. Am besten ist, selbst unterschiedliche Augen und Blickrichtungen anzuschauen.
Writing Advice from Kurt Vonnegut and 3 Other Writers 17 0ShareNew In the 1980s, a group of great thinkers, authors and communicators penned a series of How To's for honing one's writing skills. The source of these amazing troves of advice was an ad campaign put out by a paper company. “Today the printed word is more vital than ever," read a box at the bottom of each full-spread advertorial. 1. via The Paris Review Tumblr. Tips include "find a subject you care about" and "have the guts to cut." 2. via PaperSpecs [PDF]. He gives advice for how to plan what you say and how to sound spontaneous. 3. "You must remember that it is permissible for spelling to drive you crazy," the author of The World According to Garp wrote. 4. via PaperSpecs [PDF]. Address the person you're writing to by name.
Jungle // - Crack Magazine “It’s a bit like the car. 100 years ago everybody was going, ‘Oh my god! Look at this thing! We can get around’ then 100 years later we’re all going, ‘Oh my god. This is Josh, one component of the many who make up Jungle. The only peep of the full-length at the time of writing has been a 44-second trailer, where their gold plated logo bookends slow-motion clips of their celebrated music videos against a dusty spaghetti western whistle. It was these web-friendly micro-puzzles alongside a succession of irresistible singles like Platoon and The Heat that set the blogosphere ablaze, and that element of anonymity was petrol for the cyber-ascent. “That euphoric rush, for us every track on the album has that. While dodging the limelight, they also try and isolate themselves from other music to create a sound that owes no debts. The cinematic visuals that have tantalised fans since day one are paramount to Jungle’s manifesto. Words: Duncan Harrison
10881622 1792497947464768 3844279143315595546 n maya eilam vonnegut Aerogramme Writers' Studio | Books and Writing I News and ResourcesAerogramme Writers' Studio - Books and Writing I News and Resources Visual storytelling 11825142 10153425284806291 6990255780716957333 n 11224001 10153425285446291 1570812699628215212 n
Princess Bride (1987) - Quotes characters