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Free games: Download over 600 DOS games. Shareware and freeware, reviews, help getting games working! Micropolis This is the binary and source code for Micropolis (A.K.A. "S*mC*ty": see the GPL License and additional terms, below), which is released under the GPL. For more information, see Don Hopkins' Blog: Please email questions and comments to micropolis.xo Download this to TCL/Tk Micropolis install on the OLPC XO-1. micropolis-activity.tgz Download this to install TCL/Tk Micropolis on x86 Linux systems. Micropolis, Unix Version. or email This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. No trademark or publicity rights are granted. Any propagation or conveyance of this program must include this copyright notice and these terms.

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Extensión del paquete independiente humilde de Juegos - liberan ¡Libertad! Si no lo han hecho, pueden leer sobre “The Humble Indie Bundle en: Paquete independiente humilde: Juegos multiplataforma al precio que elijas En un evento que creo podría definirse como histórico, Wolfire Games anunció la “extensión open source” de la promoción Humble Indie Bundle. Traducción libre a continuación: Actualización humilde: extensión open source (11/05/10)El experimento Humble Indie Bundle ha sido un éxito masivo más allá de nuestras más locas expectativas. Hasta ahora, en apenas poco más de 7 días, 116.059 personas han colaborado con unos increíbles U$S 1.052.877. Creo que se trata de un hecho sin precedentes en la industria de los videojuegos. Con este experimento, lograron recaudar cientos de miles de dólares para financiar futuros proyectos. Estoy muy contento de haber aportado a este experimento, esta noticia no deja de sorprenderme y alegrarme a la vez. 9000+ Games to download Playstation Center eXoDOS eXoDOS is an attempt to catalog, obtain, and make playable every game developed for the DOS and PC Booter platform. We strive to find original media rather than using scene rips or hacks. This collection uses DOSBox to allow these older games to play on modern systems. This pack includes 7,633 DOS games. Non English games will be released in Language Packs. There is also an optional Media Pack Add-On, which can be downloaded below. The games have already been configured to run in DOSBox. Version 6 adds:

