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Microsoft Research – Emerging Technology, Computer, and Software Research

Persée : Accéder à des milliers de publications scientifiques - Persée Nike Running Sphinx-4 - A speech recognizer written entirely in the Java(TM) programming language Overview Sphinx4 is a pure Java speech recognition library. It provides a quick and easy API to convert the speech recordings into text with the help CMUSphinx acoustic models. Sphinx4 supports US English and many other languages. Using in your projects As any library in Java all you need to do to use sphinx4 is to add jars into dependencies of your project and then you can write code using the API. The easiest way to use modern sphinx4 is to use modern build tools like Apache Maven or Gradle. <project> ... Then add sphinx4-core to the project dependencies: <dependency><groupId>edu.cmu.sphinx</groupId><artifactId>sphinx4-core</artifactId><version>5prealpha-SNAPSHOT</version></dependency> Add sphinx4-data to dependencies as well if you want to use default acoustic and language models: <dependency><groupId>edu.cmu.sphinx</groupId><artifactId>sphinx4-data</artifactId><version>5prealpha-SNAPSHOT</version></dependency> In gradle you need to following lines in build.gradle Basic Usage Configuration

LIBSVM -- A Library for Support Vector Machines LIBSVM -- A Library for Support Vector Machines Chih-Chung Chang and Chih-Jen Lin Version 3.20 released on November 15, 2014. It conducts some minor fixes. LIBSVM tools provides many extensions of LIBSVM. Please check it if you need some functions not supported in LIBSVM. We now have a nice page LIBSVM data sets providing problems in LIBSVM format. A practical guide to SVM classification is available now! To see the importance of parameter selection, please see our guide for beginners. Using libsvm, our group is the winner of IJCNN 2001 Challenge (two of the three competitions), EUNITE world wide competition on electricity load prediction, NIPS 2003 feature selection challenge (third place), WCCI 2008 Causation and Prediction challenge (one of the two winners), and Active Learning Challenge 2010 (2nd place). Introduction LIBSVM is an integrated software for support vector classification, (C-SVC, nu-SVC), regression (epsilon-SVR, nu-SVR) and distribution estimation (one-class SVM).
