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Exploring and Understanding the Consciousness of Plants digg HJ: If you were not already aware, plants do indeed have consciousness. Plant consciousness is not expressed in the same way that Human consciousness is and so many assume that plants do not have consciousness, but this is shortsighted. Plants do not have a conscious mind with the ability to reason as do humans — instead plants are simply pure expressions of consciousness living in complete alignment with natural law, for there can be no other way. For this reason, they have much to teach us. It is possible to tune into the vibration of plants and their consciousness in many ways. - Truth Plant Consciousness By Rebecca Lerner | Reality Sandwich The following is excerpted from Dandelion Hunter: Foraging the Urban Wilderness, coming April 2 from Globe Pequot Press. The very first time I participated in a plant-spirit experiment was in one of my friend Emily Porter’s classes. In the context of many other cultures, what I am describing is so commonplace as to be mundane.

The Truth about Spontaneous Chi Introduction Today you will find the word Ki (Chi) cropping up no matter where you look. You will see it on advertising hoardings, on posters, in newspapers and magazines and in the brightly coloured advertisements festooning the trains. Ki is regularly featured in certain magazines in articles with enticing titles such as “The Mysterious Ki Does It Exist?” But what is Chi? Reality of Chi I have been a practioner of the martial arts for several years, and that also includes spontaneous Chi Kung. Chi in China Qigong (“exercise of vital energy”) is a Chinese healing system based on trance. Chinese hypnosis can cause qigong induced mental disorders by Sing Lee, associate professor of psychiatry BMJ v320 (7237) Mar 18, 2000 Indeed the concept of Chi-Kung dates back over 4,500 years, along with the rest of Chinese Medicine, which has a long and recognized pedigree, slowly evolved into a highly refined art Today. 1) Tai Ji Quan 2) Bagua 3) Xingyi 4) Liu He

11/2012 médecine quantique ? SITE INREE La médecine quantique ? Le terme est très en vogue. Au niveau sub-atomique, des corrélations invisibles peuvent-elles crédibiliser l’approche holiste des médecines énergétiques ? Depuis quelques années, les médecines alternatives et complémentaires attirent l’attention de nombreux lecteurs et spécialistes des domaines de la santé. L’apparition de la médecine quantique Dans ce contexte innovant, on retrouve le terme de médecine énergétique. Depuis toujours, une tradition de guérison et de guérisseur a existé dans presque toutes les cultures, bien avant l’avènement de la médecine que nous connaissons aujourd’hui. Les condamnant comme des pratiques sans fondements ni efficacité, la science les a simplement mises à l’écart sans leur accorder la moindre importance. Des enjeux importants Pour certains, nous sommes déjà entrés dans ce nouveau paradigme avec l’avènement de la physique quantique. Des recherches éparses De la biologie à la médecine : le pas reste à franchir D'autres ont aimé...

Evidence That the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness In this article we will explore how your body is a holographic projection of your consciousness, and how you directly influence that hologram and thus have complete control over the physical health of your body. We will also specifically explore the exact mechanism behind this principle, and don’t worry, I will provide scientific evidence so let your rational mind be at ease. But first … how is this even possible? Human Thought Determines Reality One of the key principles of quantum physics is that our thoughts determine reality. For example: electrons under the same conditions would sometimes act like particles, and then at other times they would switch to acting like waves (formless energy), because it was completely dependent on what the observer expected was going to happen. The quantum world is waiting for us to make a decision so that it knows how to behave. The thing is, the quantum level of reality isn’t a local and insignificant aspect of creation. He continues: Fantastic?

Intuition et thérapie quantique Lundi 1 octobre 2012 1 01 /10 /Oct /2012 19:52 Nous vivons collectivement dans une époque où la communication par l’utilisation des portables et l’internet transforme profondément notre vision du monde. Nous avons créé un véritable réseau permettant à chacun de nous de communiquer avec le monde entier. Cette révolution de la communication change notre perception de la réalité et il n’est pas étonnant que le modèle de la physique quantique soit de plus en plus reconnu. La physique quantique propose que l’être humain soit un système ouvert qui serait en étroite relation avec son environnement cosmo-tellurique. Notre corps physique ne se composerait pas uniquement de matière mais aussi d’une énergie qui serait en échange continu avec son environnement. Laissez-moi vous présenter comment la physique quantique explique les phénomènes intuitif et énergétique que l’on retrouve dans le processus de guérison. L’univers superlumineux La lumière organise le champ d’énergie Mais ce n’est pas tout !

Energy Healing Info Becoming A Healer : Heart of Healing Part 1: General Questions & Answers These are Heart of Healing’s answers to FAQs about becoming a healer. You may want to read What is Healing? as well. If you are already doing some sort of healing practice, such as Reiki, and have questions, you might want to visit our new Healers’ Corner. There are many kinds of healers who facilitate healing in many different ways. What is a healer? A healer is someone who facilitates healing in another. Is a “special gift” required to be a healer? Healing is an extension of a natural human capacity. Can anyone become a healer? Acting as a healer is simply an extension of a natural human ability. How can I develop my ability to heal? The most important way to develop the ability to heal is to exercise it. How do I become a healer as a profession? If you’ve spent some time developing and using your healing abilities, and want to begin to do it professionally, there are a number of steps you need to take. Healers’ Corner

Thich Nhat Hanh Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Thich Nhat Hanh (Nhất Hạnh, en vietnamien, Thích étant un titre[1]), né Nguyễn Xuân Bảo le 11 octobre 1926 à Thua Thien, Vietnam, est un moine bouddhiste vietnamien militant pour la paix. Il est un des promoteurs du bouddhisme en Occident les plus connus[2],[3],[4] Biographie[modifier | modifier le code] En 1942, il entre au monastère zen de Tu Hieu. Par des invitations concrètes[5] comme la marche de la Pleine conscience, Thich Nhat Hanh enseigne l'art de vivre pleinement et met l'accent sur la vigilance et l'attention. En 2005, il retourne au Vietnam pour la première fois depuis 39 ans. Citations[modifier | modifier le code] « Les chrétiens sont mes frères. Ouvrages[modifier | modifier le code] La Paix un art, une pratique. Liens internes[modifier | modifier le code] Liens externes[modifier | modifier le code] Références[modifier | modifier le code]
