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On the phone – – Dialoger på engelska

On the phone – – Dialoger på engelska
Related:  English Oral

Digitalt, kollegialt lärande i världsklass! Frustrerad ställer jag en fråga i facebookgruppen Engelska för år 6-9 där jag söker råd och hjälp kring hur andra brukar göra med grupper som inte vill eller vågar tala engelska. Tycka vad man vill om sociala medier, men att under en dag kunna diskutera problemet med lärare som är spridda över hela Sverige tycker jag är fantastiskt. I gruppen finns också deltagare från Finland och Norge. Råd och tips strömmar in och många känner igen i sig problemet. Vi konstaterar att det kan ha många orsaker som till exempel att de inte har ett tillräckligt stort ordförråd för att kunna uttrycka sig, att de inte är vana vid att tala engelska lektionstid och att något i gruppdynamiken gör att de inte vågar. Många väldigt goda ideér strömmade in i gruppen och nedan har jag försökt kategorisera och sammanställa gruppens råd. Ett råd som jag gett många gånger tidigare är att skaffa för att spara och kategorisera webbsidor. Råd och tips till er som har talovilliga grupper: Speedtalking. Sara

Derek Sivers: Weird or just different? (Teens) | TEDxESL “There’s a flip side to everything,” the saying goes, and in 2 minutes, Derek Sivers shows this is true in a few ways you might not expect. Through his new project, MuckWork, Derek Sivers wants to lessen the burdens (and boredom) of creative people. What is unique to your country or culture? How do you think your country is different to others? True or False? In Japan, streets are named in exactly the same way as they are in other countries.There are some doctors in China that you pay when you are healthy, and don’t pay when you are sick.Sivers says that whatever assumptions we have, the opposite may also be true.Houses in Japan are numbered in the way they are ordered around the outside of the block.West African music is exactly the same as every other type. Speculation: We use could + verb to express the possibility of something being true in the present or the future. Could + verb / Couldn’t + verb I’m not sure where David is, but he’s not home. Might + verb / Might not + verb 3-5m Each

Tips on how to make a video news report Do you want to make a TV news report but have no idea where to start? Watch this video to see how a group of students, with help from the BBC's Sophie Long, go about it and read the advice below. How to make a video news report What's the story? Before starting any news report, the most important point to remember is: Keep it simple. Planning As with any story, you must plan how you want to start your report and how you want to end it. When planning your report, you will need to consider the five Ws. What - What is the story? Why - Why is the story important to your audience? Who - Who is involved? Where - Where is the story happening, and where is the best place to film? When - Has the story already happened, or is it about to happen? By planning each of these points in detail, you'll know exactly what you need to film, where and when. Filming Once you have done all your planning, then you can start to film. A basic TV news report is made up of five parts: Equipment Health and safety

The 50 most important English proverbs The 50 most important English proverbs What are proverbs? Every culture has a collection of wise sayings that offer advice about how to live your life. These sayings are called "proverbs". How can you use proverbs to learn English? It's good to know the really common English proverbs because you hear them come up in conversation all the time. You know what they say: when the going gets tough... (Read #5 below to learn the rest of this proverb and what it means.) Learning proverbs can also help you to understand the way that people in English-speaking cultures think about the world. Proverbs can also give you good example sentences which you can memorize and use as models for building your own sentences. The most important English Proverbs This is a list of some of the most important and well-known English proverbs. The meanings of some of these phrases have shifted over the years, so a proverb might have originally had a different meaning than the one I explain. Print this List

» Teaching English through songs in the digital age – #ELTchat summary 12/01/2011 This absolutely fantastic summary was contributed by Vicky Saumell on her blog in 4 consective posts which I have merged into one single post. As Viky herself remarks below in her post, it is an amazing collection of resources all shared by you, #ELTchatters! What a fantastic resource this has turned into! And thanks to Vicky for an outstanding job!!! 1. Background readings and resources In case you didn´t know, I´m an avid tweeter, especially for Professional Development and networking with colleagues all over the world. Yesterday, #ELTchat was about Teaching English through songs: activities, resources and benefits of using songs for teaching. 13 readings and resources,68 ideas for using songs,50 example songs with links,11 music-related web 2.0 tools All this information, which I have tried to digest for easier consumption, is too long to be posted in one blog post so I have divided it into 4 parts: 1. Some readers´suggestions that are worth sharing 2. Why use songs? Possible tasks 3. 4.

speech accent archive: how to How to use this site Welcome to the speech accent archive. Each individual sample page contains a sound control bar, a set of the answers to 7 demographic questions, a phonetic transcription of the sample,1 a set of the speaker's phonological generalizations, a link to a map showing the speaker's place of birth, and a link to the Ethnologue language database. The archive also contains a set of native language phonetic inventories so that you can perform some contrastive analyses. To hear each sample, just click on the pause/play button of the sound control bar. To learn more about the phonological generalizations, click on this generalization definitions page. To see a pop-up window of a map of the speaker's place of birth, click on map. The archive is continually growing. How to cite this site Weinberger, Steven. (2015). Methodology We constructed an elicitation paragraph to be read by each subject. Subjects are asked a series of seven demographic questions: Where were you born?

Education World ® Lesson Planning: More Resources for Classroom Debates Updated May 2009 Below you will find links that will take you to the best resources on the Web for debate rules; debate rubrics for student assessment; debate topics for classroom use; more debate lesson plans; and fun debate strategies. Debate Rules Classroom Debate Instructions This teacher-created resource includes student guidelines and rules for holding debates. Debate Rubrics for Student Assessment Use one of these rubrics to assess student performance, or adapt the rubrics to create one that meets your needs: Debate Topics for Classroom Use Ideas for Debate Topics This teacher-created list contains more than three dozen topics, mostly about student-centered issues (Should students be required to wear uniforms to school? More Debate Lesson Plans Fun Debate Strategies The following fun strategies can be used to engage students and vary the debate structure by involving the entire class in different ways: More Debate Resources

Ask a question and tell two things - Kittys engelskoppgaver NB! Her har jeg lastet opp flere spill og maler som kan brukes både i engelsk og i andre fag. Mer info lenger ned på siden :-) Dette er et spill hvor elevene skal lage et spørsmål til-, og fortelle to ting om det emnet spillebrikken havner på. Det er morsomt og engasjerende, og elevene får god trening i å snakke engelsk. I tillegg blir elevene drillet i å bruke de engelske spørreordene. Avhengig av elevenes ferdigheter, kan man legge inn begrensninger på hvor enkle setninger de kan lage når de skal si noe om emnet. For eksempel kan man si at "I like"-setninger ikke er lov. Sånn sett kan den engelske varianten av dette spillet brukes på elever fra 9-19 år, og sikkert også på voksne :-) Tips: Det kan være lurt at den som har sin tur først forteller to ting om emnet, så stiller vedkommende et spørsmål som nestemann skal svare på. NB! Siden dette spillet funket såpass bra har jeg laget flere maler på engelsk + 2 generelle maler som kan brukes i mange fag. Her kan man definere hvilke regler man vil.
