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Muse - Unintended

Muse - Unintended

Muse - Exogenesis- Symphony Part 2 (Cross-Pollination) First Listen: Lykke Li, 'I Never Learn' hide captionLykke Li's new album, I Never Learn, comes out May 5. Josh Olins Lykke Li is a pop star looking to change the pop conversation. Here, as on any Lykke Li record, the presentation of Li's vocals is the first major site of status quo agitation. Tied into this repositioning of pop vocals is I Never Learn's refusal to sound anthemic. The track names alone are enough to mark I Never Learn as an album dealing with the end of a relationship: In order, the album closes with "Love Me Like I'm Not Made of Stone," "Never Gonna Love Again," "Heart of Steel" and "Sleeping Alone." Li doesn't shy away from intensity, vulgarity or the distinctly un-showy variations on gray inherent to depression, and her music is better for it.
