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19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

19 People Who Are Having A Way Worse Day Than You

On Pilgrims and Zionists - By Rosa Brooks It's Thanksgiving, which means it's time to think about Israel. That's not as nonsensical as it may sound. The Pilgrims who established our American Thanksgiving ritual thought about Israel a great deal: both they and the larger group of Puritan settlers who followed them a decade later saw themselves as New Israelites, forced into the wilderness by religious persecution. Given that history, Thanksgiving is a good time to contemplate the parallels between the United States and Israel. After a week of front-page news about Israel and the violence that has increasingly come to define it, this is also a good time to count our blessings -- for despite many parallels, the United States is, thankfully, not Israel. Not yet. "Empty Land" Tradition tells us that the first Thanksgiving feast took place in the autumn of 1621, as the Pilgrims celebrated their first harvest. The Zionists who settled in Palestine found themselves similarly mired in conflict. Diverging paths "Everyone is sad"

Cartoon logic compilation Cómo monitorear las tendencias online Google lanzó su Zeitgeist 2012, una lista que incluye los términos más buscados en el año, la cual se basa en 1.2 billones de búsquedas en cerca de 150 idiomas. La lista se divide en temas, e incluye palabras clave, imágenes, nombres de personas y eventos. Sin embargo, tristemente, los “pequeños negocios” no figuran en estas listas dominadas por las grandes noticias y las referencias a la cultura pop. Por ejemplo, en México las elecciones presidenciales, el movimiento Yo Soy 132 y las Olimpiadas fueron los temas más buscados, mientras que a nivel mundial, Whitney Houston, Gangnam Style, el Huracán Sandy y el iPad 3 fueron los protagonistas. Aunque los términos de búsqueda más populares de Google no se relacionen directamente con tu industria, no debes dejarlos al margen. Para ello, Bowman te comparte tres pasos para monitorear las tendencias y aprovecharlas para poner tu negocio en el mapa Web: 1. 2. 3.

Definition... done right! Los ‘papables’ con más posibilidades El sorpresivo anuncio de Benedicto XVI de que renunciará a finales de este mes ha disparado el debate sobre si la Iglesia católica está lista para elegir a su primer Papa no europeo, y concretamente, latinoamericano. En Latinoamérica habita el 42% de los católicos, el mayor bloque dentro de la Iglesia católica (que suma 1.200 millones de fieles en todo el mundo) y considerablemente más que el 25% de europeos que se dicen católicos. Después de las elecciones de Juan Pablo II (polaco) y Benedicto XVI (alemán), el puesto de Papa, otrora reservado casi exclusivamente a italianos, parece abierto a otras nacionalidades. “Sé que hay muchos obispos y cardenales de América Latina que pueden asumir la responsabilidad de llevar a toda la Iglesia”, dice el arzobispo Gerhard Müller, quien está a cargo de la Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, el puesto que antiguamente ocupaba Joseph Ratzinger. João Braz de Avis (Brasil, 65 años). Timothy Dolan (Estados Unidos, 62 años).

Yale Law Student Sends Blistering Open Letter To Classmates Calling Them Out Law School can be tough, but Yale Law School can kill you — or in the very least make you go insane. If it’s not enough that you spend hours upon hours on your studies just to pass one exam that will either make or break your career, you have to deal with stuck-up, sensitive, humorless douches. One student had enough and decided to share his frustration with his classmates on Yale’s public “Wall.” Here it is: Dear tYLS or tWall or whatever dumb shit you call it these days: I am a second-semester 3L. Why am I telling you all of this? I realized I hate law and politics. I’ve watched as you guys get offended over the dumbest shit and wax political over the dumbest shit. I thought Muslim terrorists were pretty bad for getting offended to the point of wanting to cause physical violence over a drawing, but I’m willing to bet there are a couple of words I could throw out there on this forum that would turn even you guys into rabid angry dogs. Hugs and Kisses, [Redacted] p.s. p.p.s. p.p.p.s.

22 genius ideas we wish we'd thought of Every so often a genius idea comes along and you kick yourself. It could have been you! It was so simple! It's Texts From Dog, or Cats In Stuff, it was there all along just waiting to be discovered. You're rubbish. Well, here are some more ideas you missed. Maybe next time... We're giving away first class InterRail tickets, lunch at PizzaExpress, tickets to Bestival, and loads more... Get me on Refreshers Wall guest list for early entry and freebies! We don't suggest you try this but it's genius nonetheless. We're giving away first class InterRail tickets, lunch at PizzaExpress, tickets to Bestival, and loads more at Refreshers Wall - the student year planner.

20 Awesome Photos Of Money That Was Drawn On
