Expert Tips Drugstore Skin-Care Shopping Bryan Barron, beauty expert and co-author of The Original Beauty Bible, is the Research Director for Paula’s Choice Skincare, where he has been for over 15 years. Bryan's experience in the cosmetics industry includes many years as a professional makeup artist, product research specialist, and skin care professional. Always at work behind the scenes and in the media, Bryan and his team strive to bring you the most accurate information on skincare and makeup so you can look and feel great. We’ve all been there: standing in the middle of the skin-care aisle at the drugstore, staring at row after row of bottles, jars, and tubes, all beckoning us. Which brand is best? Because I know how challenging it can be to successfully navigate that drugstore aisle, I’ve put together my very best tips (along with product recommendations) for smart, fast skin-care shopping. Begin Slideshow
Shape Magazine - Skin Care and Wrinkle Cures SHAPE - Friday, November 13, 2015 - How do Hollywood starlets like Demi Moore look so radiant and youthful well into their 40's, 50's, and even 60's? Is it always expensive botox and dangerous plastic surgery? According to Dr. Oz, the answer is NO! So if they aren't all using surgery to stay looking great, what is their secret? Dr. In a recent episode, Dr. The Best Skin Solution You’ve Never Heard Of Dr. He actually discovered this anti aging miracle when multiple celebrity friends and clients were constantly reaching out to him hoping for a solution to look younger to prolong their career without going in for surgery. On his show he said he was thrilled when after months and months of pain staking tests and research, his team came across 2 products that when combined literally took 10 to 20 years off women’s appearance in just a month. So what is it? 2 Key Ingredients For Anti Aging: 1. Vitamin C, The Fountain of Youth: The first piece of the anti aging puzzle Dr. "How do I do it?" day 5:
Body Repair 5 Natural Ways to Balance Your Hormones For the past few years, hormone replacement therapy has become a well-publicized and highly debated topic, and many women are looking for natural alternatives to “standard” hormone therapy. In the reproductive years, varying cycles of estrogen and progesterone, as well as their effects on neurotransmitters, lead many women to experience mood swings, painful cramps, bloating, and more than 100 other less-than-pleasant symptoms of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). For perimenopausal women, fluctuations in these same hormones can contribute to hot flashes, night sweats, mood changes, and weight gain. With conventional treatment, women with PMS may end up taking a multitude of medicines, one for each symptom, often with incomplete relief. What Are Bio-identical Hormones? Many of my patients have found that certain lifestyle changes and simple techniques such as the ones below have allowed them to balance their hormones and reclaim health. Eat your broccoli. Consider the use of herbal remedies.
Why You're Always Cold Reasons your hands, feet, and body are always chilly even when the temperature is high. by Esther Crain Feeling chilly when the AC is blasting is one thing. But if you're always shivering, or your hands and feet feel like blocks of ice while everyone else nearby says the temperature feels toasty, then it's time to investigate. It's common for women to report feeling cold, partly as a result of physiology and also a greater susceptibility to conditions that can contribute to coldness, says Holly Phillips, MD, medical contributor for CBS2 News and author of The Exhaustion Breakthrough. Next: You're too thin » View All Get the latest health, fitness, anti-aging, and nutrition news, plus special offers, insights and updates from! Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Supplements for Weight Loss Updated December 16, 2014. by Mary J. Shomon With all the excitement over Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) and it's proven success in helping reduce body fat and balance blood sugar, I've received hundreds of questions from readers interested in finding out more about CLA. NOTE: For an introduction to CLA, and how it might be useful to you in your weight loss efforts, see: Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA) Supplements May Speed Weight Loss: News Promises New Tool in Weight Loss Battle for People with Hypothyroidism and Underactive Thyroid Conditions. Is Any Brand of CLA Good to Use? The simple answer is, no. Is CLA Safe to Take With My Thyroid Medications? There's no evidence that CLA, a food supplement, interacts with thyroid medications, or poses any special dangers to thyroid patients. Is CLA Only for People with Thyroid Problems? Absolutely not. How Much Should I Take? The study found that 3.4 grams of CLA was needed in order to get the benefits. Does CLA Have Soy in It? Where Can I Get CLA?
MAX Workouts by Shin Ohtake - High-Intensity Workout Routines That Get You Lean & Fit, Fast! Limited time offer! When you buy today, you not only get the MAX Workouts 90-Day Program, you also get all 3 bonuses shown below (a value of $89.85) for FREE. During this limited-time offer, you get this entire package for a one-time payment of only $39.95! Here's what you get when you buy today: MAX Workouts: The 90-Day Ultimate Lean Body Fitness Program Burn more fat and build lean muscle with the #1 accelerated fitness & fat burning program. Follow along with the over 40 step-by-step exercise photos and the 90-day workout schedule and you'll start melting away fat and sculpting lean, defined muscle while skyrocketing your energy levels -- all in less than 30 minutes a day. When you buy today, you not only get the MAX Workouts 90-Day Program, you also get all 3 bonuses shown below (a value of $89.85) for FREE! Eat your way to permanent fat-loss and optimal heath with this 90-day rapid fat-loss plan. Here's just a taste of what you'll discover inside: Inside you'll get:
The Intelligence Of Pigs, Comparable To That Of Elephants And Dolphins | Animal Equality In this scientific study carried out by Donald M. Broom, an animal welfare professor at the University of Cambridge, they found that pigs are highly sensitive animals who become aware of their own existence. Moreover, their skills help them to gain knowledge that can be used later to solve complex problems. Professor Broom stated about this study (conducted in 2009) that “if animals are socially recognized as intelligent beings, they are less likely to be treated as a food producing machines and start to be treated as sensitive beings”. In the study, a plate of food was shown to pigs that were already familiarized with the mirror. The animals would only be able to access to the food by sight, not by smell. Several studies have shown that pigs are even smarter than dogs and cats, and they are able to solve problems quicker than many primates. Source:
Top 5 Questions about the Female Orgasm Answered Note: This article is intended for all people who have vaginas, regardless of gender. Vaginal orgasm (and in using this phrase, I’m referring to all orgasms that happen for people with vaginas): It’s something that we all want to understand, but like the question of whether or not there’s life on other planets, we hit a lot of roadblocks on the way to discovering its truths (and dismantling its myths). Because sex is considered scary in our culture, we miss out on accurate, comprehensive, pleasure-based sex education in school and at home. Unfortunately, the number of sexist myths surrounding pleasure, sexual response, and orgasm is astounding in the way that these falsities permeate culture and become the status quo. If you’ve ever had a partner tell you that your body is “broken” or “wrong” or “not like all of the others” – or felt, yourself, that this was the case – then you know what I’m talking about. And yet, as always, we have a long way to go. 1. Absolutely nothing. Tada! 2. 3. 4.
Why animals eat psychoactive plants The United Nations says the drug war’s rationale is to build “a drug-free world — we can do it!” U.S. government officials agree, stressing that “there is no such thing as recreational drug use.” So this isn’t a war to stop addiction, like that in my family, or teenage drug use. I began to see this goal differently after I learned the story of the drunk elephants, the stoned water buffalo, and the grieving mongoose. The tropical storm in Hawaii had reduced the mongoose’s home to a mess of mud, and lying there, amid the dirt and the water, was the mongoose’s mate — dead. Two months before, the professor had planted a powerful hallucinogen called silver morning glory in the pen. It turns out this wasn’t a freak occurrence in the animal kingdom. This question set him on a path that would take twenty-five years of his life, studying the drug-taking habits of animals from the mongooses of Hawaii to the elephants of South Africa to the grasshoppers of Soviet-occupied Czechoslovakia.
The Likely Cause of Addiction Has Been Discovered, and It Is Not What You Think | Johann Hari It is now one hundred years since drugs were first banned — and all through this long century of waging war on drugs, we have been told a story about addiction by our teachers and by our governments. This story is so deeply ingrained in our minds that we take it for granted. It seems obvious. It seems manifestly true. Until I set off three and a half years ago on a 30,000-mile journey for my new book, Chasing The Scream: The First And Last Days of the War on Drugs, to figure out what is really driving the drug war, I believed it too. But what I learned on the road is that almost everything we have been told about addiction is wrong — and there is a very different story waiting for us, if only we are ready to hear it. If we truly absorb this new story, we will have to change a lot more than the drug war. I learned it from an extraordinary mixture of people I met on my travels. I had a quite personal reason to set out for these answers. When I first learned about this, I was puzzled.
Harvard Unveils MRI Study Proving Meditation Literally Rebuilds The Brain’s Gray Matter In 8 Weeks Test subjects taking part in an 8-week program of mindfulness meditation showed results that astonished even the most experienced neuroscientists at Harvard University. The study was led by a Harvard-affiliated team of researchers based at Massachusetts General Hospital, and the team’s MRI scans documented for the very first time in medical history how meditation produced massive changes inside the brain’s gray matter. “Although the practice of meditation is associated with a sense of peacefulness and physical relaxation, practitioners have long claimed that meditation also provides cognitive and psychological benefits that persist throughout the day,” says study senior author Sara Lazar of the MGH Psychiatric Neuroimaging Research Program and a Harvard Medical School instructor in psychology. “This study demonstrates that changes in brain structure may underlie some of these reported improvements and that people are not just feeling better because they are spending time relaxing.”