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Hilarious Celebrity Portraits New York-based photographer Martin Schoeller loves to make us laugh! Take a look at his celebrity portraits of everyone from Quentin Tarantino to Chris Rock and you'll notice a common theme running throughout his work. They're wonderfully wacky! M and M's Combat Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the "loser," and I eat the inferior one immediately. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. There can be only one.

19 More Unlikely Animal Friends | It seems there are a lot of animals out there who don’t mind making friends outside of their species. Here’s a fresh list of unlikely animal friends. Related Posts: Tos Kostermans | EMPTY KINGDOM You are Here, We are Everywhere Mt Roraima, Brasil, Guyana and Venezuela (pic)
