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Shipping Container As An Underground Shelter

Shipping Container As An Underground Shelter :: View topic - Shipping Container Basement? Containers are designed to have some air circulation under the floor. They spent their life on concrete, asphalt, steel chassis or other containers. Not usually on the dirt or especially under the dirt. If you put the bottom in dirt the moisture would make the bottom a mold/rot pit in no time unless you live in the desert. I wouldn’t invest in a home built on a rotting foundation. Turning upside down ...... Removing the wooden floor is a major project and now you have to do something about the rusting steel.

images RECESS: bunker Archives When I designed RECESS, the plan called for a drain in the center of the bunker floor to evacuate rainwater (seep), spills, blood from the slaughter of animals, or human waste. As plan became reality, I recognized the flaw in my design: property. The bunker was the lowest point in my backyard, so in order for the water to flow out, the pipe would need to exit the side of the hill that my house sits on. Unfortunately, that "hill" was subdivided thirty years ago, and the downhill side is owned by a neighbor whose roof line sits level with my backyard. After about a month of discussion, I managed to convince my neighbor that the 3" white PVC pipe I wanted to punch through our shared block wall was a good idea. During the first phase of construction, I'd plumbed the drainpipe out past the deck so that I could more easily tie into it. Once the pipe was tied in, I carefully measured down the block wall on the property line, and chiseled through the find the pipe.

poopy Bomb Shelter, Underground and Survival Shelters - Hardened Structures TIPOS DE BUNKER - supervivencia 2012 Construir un refugio es algo difícil si tu situacion economica no es buena. El precio prohibitivo y las dificultades tecnicas y administrativas son muy disuasorias. Aqui te damos 2 sugerencias previas: 1- Alejarse de las zonas de riesgo. 2- Construir tu mismo tu refugio. El autor de esta web ( ha realizado un estudio de diferentes modelos de refugios que pueden adaptarse como bunkers, Algunos son de elevada eficacia de seguridad ante cualquier evento y otros pueden ser relativamente eficaces o de uso temporal. Aparte del popular bunker de hormigón armado usted puede escoger las siguientes opciones que apuntamos brevemente. Se trata de habilitar una zona segura de una vivienda o edificio como refugio. Recuerde que en este apartado usted puede utilizar otros edificios ya construidos que ofrecen un alto grado de seguridad: túneles del metro, tren o tráfico, puente. Si usted cree que es de su interés, póngase en contacto conmigo y le aconsejare en su proyecto. ver video:
