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ETFdb: The Original & Comprehensive ETF Database

Wealthfront - Online Financial Advisor, Asset Allocation, Modern Portfolio Theory VIX and More Alphaville Elsewhere on Wednesday, - The real problem with HFT. - Summers’ inverse Say’s Law. - The impolitic wisdom of Simon Kuznets. - Buying the future. Markets: Japanese stocks suffered as hopes for monetary stimulus faded, but the rest of Asia-Pacific was upbeat after Wall Street staged a rally. We all know the role played by the vendor financing feedback loop of hell in dotcom bubble mark 1. Quickly summarised, tech equipment suppliers became overly dependent on sales to internet startups funded through vendor financing, a situation which saw them lending money to companies with dubious track-records for the purpose of buying equipment directly back from them. Nevertheless, it’s still a model replicated on a consumer level in the west, whether it’s through car company lending money to customers so that they can buy their cars or sofa company loans for purchases of sofas. Read more If you’re short the rupee* the past few months have been uncomfortable. From Goldman, for example: Read more Read more

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