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A robot that flies like a bird

A robot that flies like a bird

jobs - Is it a must to focus on one specific IT subject to be succesful Minimizing Complexity In User Interfaces - Smashing Magazine Advertisement Clean. Easy to use. We recently faced this very challenge while designing two Web-based applications, including an enterprise-level content management system. Grab The Hatchet The first weapon for fighting the villain of complexity is a hatchet. The best way to get a lean streamlined application is by eliminating features. Hide Complexity If you can’t kill a complex feature, the next best thing is to hide it. When we were redesigning our content management system, we weren’t able to kill one complex feature in particular: the bulk edit function. In the words of design guru John Maeda, “When a small, unassuming object exceeds our expectations, we are not only surprised but pleased.” Minimize Visual Noise So far, we’ve discussed minimizing complexity by killing or hiding features. White space, as defined by Mark Boulton, “is the space between elements in a composition.” While white space should be used in abundance, contrast should be used as little as possible. Showcase (al)
