[Image credit: Truth Coffee Interior – Haldane Martin] The Steampunk aesthetic of science fiction with a dose of fantasy, and inspired by 19th-century Victorian industrial steam-powered machinery combined technology is proving an increasingly popular lifestyle culture, applied to everything from fashion to interiors. One such interior is that of Truth Coffee, a Cape Town-based café, coffee shop and dive bar whose fantastical interior transports you to the industrial workhouses of the Victorian era. Founded on an ethos of serving proper, fresh home-roasted coffee the team behind Truth Coffee sought a look and feel that would designer embody their philosophy, and collaborated with South African interior design and furniture brand Haldane Martin to achieve their vision.
Solo Exhibition by the New York Artist Liam Everett at Paul Kasmin Gallery Project Space
NEW YORK, NY.-Paul Kasmin Gallery Project space, in collaboration with Romer Young Gallery, San Francisco, present a solo exhibition by the New York artist Liam Everett. Everett’s installation Cura consists of a recent group of paintings, which the artist refers to as the “eclipse paintings.” Working with acrylic, salt and alcohol, Everett’s paintings both “record and arrest a seemingly alchemical process” and reflect his continued exploration of the perceptual experience. Focusing on the motion of light and its inherent ambiguity as an entity tied, inseparably, to our temporal reality, Everett establishes an immediate, hyper-present relationship with the now.
Comic Sans Project
BTP : Produits et Services du BTP et de la Construction avec les professionnels du bâtiment BTP
NOTCOT acts design alternatif -En
Pires que connasses, SuperConnasses.
Le bio-art, également appelé art biotech, décrit une évolution récente de l’art contemporain prenant pour medium les ressources plastiques offertes par les biotechnologies. Les travaux proposés ci-dessous ont en commun d’avoir été réalisés à partir du vivant lui-même, et non via sa représentation, sa métaphore ou sa simulation numérique : Culture de tissus organiques, peintures d’ADN, hybridation végétale et autre animaux génétiquement modifiés, sont autant d’"objets vivants" autour desquels s’organisent des oeuvres tenant de l’installation, du discours, de la performance et souvent de la provocation… Symbiotica/Tissue Culture & Art est un laboratoire de recherche, fondé par Oron Catts et Ionat Zurr, dédié à l’exploration des sciences biologiques par une approche artistique. Les chercheurs-artistes y créent des entités dites "semi-vivantes" en utilisant la culture de tissus humain in vitro pour aboutir à des projets tels que "Pig Wings" ou encore "Disembodies Cuisine". Like this:
Design You Trust – Design Blog and Community
Lunettes Rouges
The Design Blog
It's LIQUID art, architecture and design -En
L'agence de Presse des Artistes
La Maison Suspendue -F