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Computational design

Computational design
CTM.08­ – Unpredictable Festival for Adventurous Music and Related Visual Arts Generator.x 2.0: Beyond the Screen 24 Jan -­ 2 Feb 2008, Ballhaus Naunynstrasse / [DAM] Berlin Workshop / Exhibition / Performance Generator.x in collaboration with Club Transmediale and [DAM] presents Generator.x 2.0: Beyond the screen, a workshop and exhibition about digital fabrication and generative systems. Digital fabrication (also known as “fabbing”) represents the next step in the digital revolution. For artists and designers working with generative systems, digital fabrication opens the door to a range of new expressions beyond the limits of virtual space. "Beyond the screen" explores these new types of spatial constructs in a hands-on workshop, bringing together artists and designers working with code-based strategies for producing physical form. Call for participants The workshop is free of charge, but we will not be able to provide support for travel or accomodation. Generator.x & Club Transmediale

Rhino ++ Grasshopper – Plethora Project is an initiative to accelerate computational literacy in the frame of architecture and design. It aligns with the "show me your screens" motto of the TopLap live-coding group attempting to get rid of Obscurantism in digital design. Directed by Jose Sanchez Contact me at : Bio: Jose Sanchez is an Architect / Programmer / Game Designer based in Los Angeles, California. He is partner at Bloom Games, start-up built upon the BLOOM project, winner of the WONDER SERIES hosted by the City of London for the London 2012 Olympics.

How to Write a Thesis compiled by Kim Kastens, Stephanie Pfirman, Martin Stute, Bill Hahn, Dallas Abbott, and Chris Scholz I. Thesis structure Title Page Title (including subtitle), author, institution, department, date of delivery, research mentor(s) and advisor, their instututions and email adresses List of Figures List page numbers of all figures. List of Tables List page numbers of all tables. Introduction You can't write a good introduction until you know what the body of the paper says. Be sure to include a hook at the beginning of the introduction. The next paragraphs in the introduction should cite previous research in this area. Note: Results vs. Quarantine your observations from your interpretations. II. What Are We Looking For? We are looking for a critical analysis. Planning Ahead for Your Thesis Skimming vs. Because of the literature explosion, papers more skimmed than read. Giving Credit III. Even a rough draft should be edited.

RHINO: GRASSHOPPER DEFINITIONS - RHINO / GH This definition was developed for my final thesis project to generate a louver system based on functional requirements within the building. The performance was then tested in Ecotect. A large part of my thesis design involved invertible arena seating with many moving parts. This definition looks at taking any curved surface, and generating weaving geometry across it. The parametric skyscraper uses Grasshopper to generate the entire structure. My favorite definition to date, this definition generates box designs based on real boxes I crafted in the wood shop while in Grad school This definition extrudes geometry based on their proximity to a polyline attractor. Using a definition created by paramod, I wanted to see if I could edit the definition so that different panels could be combined to create a seamless surface This definition takes a cylinder and transforms it based on the location of objects moving around it. Louvers orient themselves towards multiple objects based on proximity. Diccionario Español Bienvenido al Diccionario Español en WordReference. Escribe una palabra en la caja de texto en la parte superior de la página para encontrar su definición. El Diccionario de la lengua española cuenta con más de 50.000 entradas, y más de 150.000 definiciones y ejemplos de uso, incluyendo más de 5.000 voces y acepciones del español de distintas regiones del mundo. El sitio ofrece el Diccionario de la lengua española © 2005 Espasa Calpe, un diccionario publicado por una de las editoriales más reconocidas del mundo. Geometry Gym RefWorks Login

good blogg about the progress in the data-visualization-comunity by wald Mar 29
