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An archive of anarchist literature

An archive of anarchist literature

Le FBI a de l'humour [2] Newly released FBI presentations show the flawed and misleading information the government is using to train agents to identify and investigate “domestic terrorist” groups such as “black separatists,” anarchists, animal rights activists, and environmentalists. Among the more troubling portions of the training materials are warnings of activists using the Freedom of Information Act, engaging in non-violent civil disobedience, and gathering in coffee shops. The domestic terrorism training materials were obtained through the Freedom of Information Act by the ACLU. They offer additional insight into a disturbing pattern of FBI activity misrepresenting political activists as “terrorists” and manufacturing “domestic terrorism threats” where none exist, akin to the notorious COINTELPRO program of J. Edgar Hoover. Anarchists Are “Criminals Seeking an Ideology” In presentations on “Anarchist Extremism,” the FBI warns: Animal rights / environmental extremism

through europe Running Along the Disaster: A Conversation with Franco “Bifo” Berardi LaborinArt Önder Özengi & Pelin Tan (LaborinArt): You wanted to speak about the European crisis, especially its effect on the Mediterranean, the Near East, and the Middle East. What does the collapse of social welfare mean for these territories and countries? Franco “Bifo” Berardi (FBB): After May 25, we must be able to say that the “European experiment” is over. The impressive result that the National Front will have in the French elections is going to add the word “end” to this expression. The financial system has pushed the EU into the abyss, provoking the resurgence of French nationalism: the EU is now a dead man walking. Istubalz, Untitled, 2014. LiA: Europe is heterogeneously filled with migrant workers and refugee labor economies. FBB: In general, European politics is now polarized between financial capitalism and the resurgence of nationalism. Society has been crushed, precarized, impoverished. Hewsel, Diyarbakır, March 2014. FBB: No, it is not a question of size. LiA: Escaping.

Consigli per riconoscere la destra sotto qualunque maschera | Giap [Un montaggio di cose scritte (non solo da noi WM) in diversi post e interviste, utile a riprendere e mostrare il filo della questione. Prendetelo come il nostro contributo alla fine della campagna elettorale più brutta e angosciante dal 1946 a oggi. I link alle fonti sono nei “cancelletti”.]– # Le categorie di «destra» e «sinistra», nate durante la Rivoluzione francese, furono date per morte già sotto il Direttorio, nel periodo 1795-1799. La divisione destra-sinistra ha basi cognitive profonde, se ne occupano anche le neuroscienze. Tagliando con l’accetta, «di sinistra» è chi pensa che la società sia costitutivamente divisa, perché al suo interno giocano sempre interessi contrapposti, prodotti da contraddizioni intrinseche. Non c’è dubbio che nell’Italia di oggi il discorso egemone, anche tra persone che si pensano e dichiarano di sinistra, sia quello di destra. Dietro questo punto di vista, che è molto diffuso, c’è una buona dose di mistificazione. Osserva Salvemini:
