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My little piece of privacy

Niklas Roy: My little piece of Privacy My little piece of Privacy Interactive Installation My workshop is located in an old storefront with a big window facing towards the street. The whole setup works really well. Album with (even more) hires photosDownload AVR-GCC and Processing codesDownload plans and schematicsDownload codes, schematics and other useful stuff The further developed second version of this piece is co-produced by Maison des Arts de Créteil and Le Manège de Maubeuge with the support of lille3000.

k-danse?|? OASIS A surface covered with black sand turns into a pool full of life when people grab and remove a handful of sand away. In this micro-world, virtual creatures are born, live and perish.They recognize their spatial boundaries and obstacles of living and respond to peoples' touch in various ways. A real-time computer vision engine has been developed to interpret the physical status of diverse materials of the installation. Exhibitions - Oasis II, 12th Japan Media Arts Festival Tokyo, Japan (2009) - Oasis II, Electronics Alive V Tampa, Florida (2009) - Oasis II, Ars Electronica Center Linz, Austria (2009) - Oasis II, Siggraph 2008, Slow Art Los Angeles, U.S. (2008) - Oasis I, Exit Strategies, UCLA D|MA MFA exhibition Los Angeles, U.S. (2008) Oasis II Oasis II is the non-photorealistic rendition of Oasis II (Siggraph 2008) SIGGRAPH 2008 | Slow Art Juried Exhibition, Los Angeles, USA Oasis I Oasis I used various natural materials: sand, pebbles, water & leaves. Studies

anouk de clercq
