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Design Thinking 101

Design Thinking 101
What — Definition of Design Thinking Design thinking is an ideology supported by an accompanying process. A complete definition requires an understanding of both. Definition: The design thinking ideology asserts that a hands-on, user-centric approach to problem solving can lead to innovation, and innovation can lead to differentiation and a competitive advantage. How — The Process The design-thinking framework follows an overall flow of 1) understand, 2) explore, and 3) materialize. Empathize Conduct research in order to develop knowledge about what your users do, say, think, and feel. Imagine your goal is to improve an onboarding experience for new users. Define Combine all your research and observe where your users’ problems exist. Consider the onboarding example again. Ideate Brainstorm a range of crazy, creative ideas that address the unmet user needs identified in the define phase. At this phase, bring your team members together and sketch out many different ideas. Prototype Test Implement Related:  COURS MOOCDesign Thinking

[leçon] Qu'est-ce-que le design thinking ? - Les cahiers de l'innovation Qu’est-ce-que le design thinking ? Le Design Thinking est tout simplement le terme utilisé pour désigner l’ensemble des méthodes et des outils qui aident, face à un problème ou un projet d’innovation, à appliquer la même démarche que celle qu’aurait un designer. C’est une approche de l’innovation et de son management qui se veut une synthèse entre la pensée analytique et la pensée intuitive. Années 1950: Le publicitaire américain Alex Osborn, en mettant au point la technique du brainstorming, sensibilise le monde de l’entreprise à la pensée créative.Années 1960: Création d’un premier programme inter-départemental à l’université de Stanford, la majeure de Product Design. Si le design thinking suscite un tel engouement, presque 30 ans après la sortie du livre fondateur de Peter Rowe, c’est parce que l’expérience domine de plus en plus l’économie. La valeur économique a commencé avec les ressources (céréales, minéraux). Pourquoi le design thinking ?

Design Doesn’t Scale. Design Doesn’t Scale. Design Doesn’t Scale is a statement that has bothered me for the last four-years. When I joined Spotify’s design team in 2012, the level of inconsistency and fragmentation shocked me. Up-close, the treatment of type, colour, imagery, layout, IA, and interactions just didn’t seem to align anywhere. But while this issue unsettled me, I tried my best not to engage with it — dismissing it as a lost cause — and focussing on a redesign instead. And so the premise for my quest was Design Doesn’t Scale or: How does a team of distributed designers, spread across different time-zones, projects and competing objectives ever find a way to work together so they can create one coherent experience? Principles It was during a weekly design critique that it became clear we had nothing to align on. What really made the principles work, was that we tailored them to our domain (music) and tied them back to our business goals, in terms that would resonate with non-designers. Guidelines

design thinking | Service Innovation & Design I have been thinking about writing this article for so long that I haven’t yet found a proper start. I guess my fear of failing has been always too high in my personality, too many expectations about myself and from others and my natural inclination for perfection hasn’t really helped me in the past. In this moment I recall in my head the words of professor Katja Tschimmel, who held a lecture in Design Thinking at the SID Master Program: “Perfection is the enemy of creativity” Tschimmel, K. 2019. And also the words from the authors of the book “Designing for Growth”: “Fail fast to succeed sooner is the essential paradox of design thinking”Liedtka, J & Ogilvie, T. 2011. Time is running and I want to succeed with my assignment so let’s get straight to the point. What is Design Thinking for me Design Thinking master class by Katja Tschimmel All my understanding of Design Thinking was presented, during the master class, more in depth in the model Evolution 6², developed by Tschimmel.

Les cahiers de l'innovation - Un site d'échanges et de réflexion sur l'innovation Measuring Task Times without Users: MeasuringU Jeff Sauro • January 4, 2011 A key aspect of usability is efficiency. Users should be able to complete tasks quickly. Efficiency is usually measured as time on task, one of the quintessential usability metrics. It can also mean saving all of us a lot of time (how many web-forms do you fill out a day?). Does a new design reduce task time? One of the biggest challenges to driving usability improvements through measurement is that by the time usability is measured it's too late to change the interface. At best, most early stage usability activities focus on finding and fixing problems (which is an essential activity). If you could know early on whether a design takes less time (or at least doesn't take more time) then it would be ideal. Predicting Task Times using Keystroke Level Modeling Turns out wanting to know how long it will take people to complete tasks is nothing new to the Web, software or even computers. How to Use KLM Next we estimate the time it will take to click on a radio-button:

Design Fiction as Pedagogic Practice - matthewward - Medium Over the last couple of years, the term Design Fiction (DF) has gained ground and popularity. It has entered design parlance and has become ‘hip with the kids’. As a practice it’s moved out of classrooms and galleries into boardrooms and research labs. I’ve watched the term grow in popularity, been frustrated with the lack of historic contextualisation, and amazed by how little the term has been interrogated. I’ve been fascinated by the interplay between fiction and design since the mid-nineties when I studied the Italian radicals, I presented a project as a piece of fiction during my degree, since then most of my work has been inspired by my love of literature and cinema. Asking students to imagine a world and design artefacts to communicate a set of beliefs or practices though the utilisation of fiction has been an essential part of the BA Design curriculum for over a decade. This observation is nothing new. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

AIR – Agence Innovation Responsable | Les nouvelles méthodes de co création La semaine dernière, Thibault et Benoit sont intervenus au Design Summer Camp 2016 pour une conférence et un workshop sur la co création. L’objectif était d’inspirer et de former les étudiants et les professionnels présents aux nouvelles méthodes de co création utilisées par Orange Lab, Décathlon co création, Quirky, Raidlight… et pour nos clients ! les Picture Innovation camps, les Concours Idées innovantes pour PRIDE Bodyboards et les call for Ideas pour Salomon… Voici le support de présentation de Benoît sans les explications orales qui recense de nombreux cas de co création avec des clients, de nouveaux lieux de co création (fablabs, techshops…) et des événements pour impliquer sa communauté ! Si vous souhaitez une conférence sur cette thématique ou un RDV pour définir ensemble une stratégie de co création avec votre communauté : ou

Systems Thinking: A Product Is More Than the Product A product is actually a service. Although the designer, manufacturer, distributor, and seller may think it is a product, to the buyer, it offers a valuable service. The easiest example is the automatic teller machine (ATM), or as many people think of it, a cash dispenser. To the company that manufactures it as well as to the bank that purchases it, the ATM is a product. But to the customer, the ATM provides a service. In similar fashion, although a camera is thought of as a product, its real value is the service it offers to its owner: Cameras provide memories. In reality a product is all about the experience. A successful product or service has to navigate a complex terrain of hurdles, constraints, technologies, and opportunities. How to negotiate this thicket of issues is the subject of many books and specialized seminars. There are many great digital cameras available today. Not all companies are so clueless. Amazon's Kindle is my latest example of superb systems thinking.

Design Thinking en Español El Design Thinking se desarrolla siguiendo un proceso en el que se ponen en valor los que nosotros consideramos sus 5 características diferenciales: La generación de empatía: hay que entender los problemas, necesidades y deseos de los usuarios implicados en la solución que estamos buscando. Independientemente de qué estemos desarrollando, siempre conllevará la interacción con personas. Satisfacerlas es la clave de un resultado exitoso. El trabajo en equipo, ya que pone en valor la capacidad de los individuos de aportar singularidad. La generación de prototipos, ya que defiende que toda idea debe ser validada antes de asumirse como correcta. Todo ello bajo una atmósfera en la que se promueve lo lúdico. Durante el proceso se desarrollan técnicas con un gran contenido visual y plástico. Para comenzar a utilizar la metodología es muy importante preparar estos cuatro puntos: Los materiales: Los usados en las técnicas de Design Thinking están al alcance de cualquiera.

Connecting the Collaborative Economy Graphic design legend Milton Glaser dispels a universal misunderstanding of design and art — Quartz Design is not art. It’s a distinction understood by practicing designers, but it still eludes many. In an Oct. 29 talk at the Guggenheim Museum in New York City, the 87-year-old graphic design legend Milton Glaser gave the best definition of the practice of design. “Design is the process of going from an existing condition to a preferred one,” said the 2010 National Medal of Arts recipient. This confusion is not just a matter of semantics. In truth, good designers are primarily problem solvers. The confusion stems in part from the fact that some designers are excellent at drawing, like Glaser. “It’s good to understand that design has a purpose and art has another purpose,” said Glaser. Glaser, along with his fellow panelists, design critic Ralph Caplan and architect Beverly Willis, are featured in the new book about octogenarian design legends, Twenty Over Eighty: Conversations on a Lifetime in Architecture and Design.

The Four Planets – The Product Experience Playbook This website is best experienced as a printed book that you receive when you join us at Automattic Design. “Deep Design” traverses four states. Ideally, fluidly. And never staying for too long in one particular state of being. We liken it to Pablo Picasso’s dynamic work of Light Paintings. DiscoveryProblemFinding HypothesisProblemAddressing DeliverSolutionShipping ListenSolutionVerifying Planet DiscoveryLearn The Four Planets illustrations are by acclaimed artist Marly Gallardo. Where we go to understand product landscapes and find the real problems that need answers. Planet HypothesisTest Visit to test at a rapid pace, using the information mined from Discovery as fuel. Planet DeliverBuild It’s time to build. Planet ListenObserve A secretive, resource-rich planet on the outskirts of this system, only accessible by shippers that made it to Deliver and got out. Grid Material Design layouts encourage consistency across platforms, environments, and screen sizes by using uniform elements and spacing.

Stop " Killing " Design ! Pendant des années, les designers se sont plaints d’un manque de notoriété et de reconnaissance de leur pratique. La situation est désormais bien différente avec l’explosion du Design Thinking, qui propose d’utiliser les pratiques du design pour résoudre des problématiques d’innovation. D’un métier plus ou moins intégré dans les entreprises, le design est devenu un modèle pour définir une façon d’allier créativité et « conception », voire une boite à outils pour organiser un management tourné vers l’innovation. L’arrivée du Design Thinking ne s’est pas faite en un jour. Trois moments importants dans la fondation du Design Thinking (source : « Are You Design ? Ce pourrait être une bonne nouvelle pour les designers et la pratique du design en général. La démarche de Design Thinking représentée par la (source : « Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University ») Bruce Nussbaum annonce la mort du Design Thinking (source : « Design Thinking Is A Failed Experiment.
