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Star Size Comparison 2

Star Size Comparison 2

What Are The Different Types of Stars? - Universe Today A star is a star, right? Sure there are some difference in terms of color when you look up at the night sky. But they are all basically the same, big balls of gas burning up to billions of light years away, right? Well, not exactly. In truth, stars are about as diverse as anything else in our Universe, falling into one of many different classifications based on its defining characteristics. All in all, there are many different types of stars, ranging from tiny brown dwarfs to red and blue supergiants. Protostar: A protostar is what you have before a star forms. Size chart showing our Sun (far left) compared to larger stars. T Tauri Star: A T Tauri star is stage in a star’s formation and evolution right before it becomes a main sequence star. Main Sequence Star: The majority of all stars in our galaxy, and even the Universe, are main sequence stars. A star in the main sequence is in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium. Red Giant Star: White Dwarf Star: Red Dwarf Star: Neutron Stars:

The Sun as we know it, is huge. However we will see...
