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Top 50 Math Sites and Apps Throughout the last few years I've compiled quite a few lists of my favorite sites for a variety of subjects. Over the last year and a half one might have noticed that my lists have started to change and instead of focusing on sites I've been focusing more on apps as "mobile learning" has really taken off. It seems now a days a person can find an app for almost anything. Specializing in Ed Tech I review sites/apps all the time and decided to start posting my favorites for different subjects. Below are my favorites for Math. *This list is in alphabetical order. 4 Dice: Fraction Games - A great iOS app for learning how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions.

A Collection of Virtual Math Manipulatives I have compiled some of my favorite virtual math manipulative web apps in this one resource that I hope you and your students can use this year! 👆You can share that link in Google Classroom, Seesaw, your LMS, etc. Students will be able to click on the laptops to visit five different virtual manipulative sites. The individual manipulatives that appear on the bookshelf are also hyperlinked to that specific tool. Most of the manipulatives will work on any device with a web-browser. Math Learning Center does provide Apple & Chrome store downloads. The link above automatically launches the slide in "present" mode. I have had a few requests for the iframe embed code for teachers to add to their LMS. Enjoy! Need more digital math resources?

Free Printable Math Worksheets Math Games on-line, timed Basic Facts addition, subtraction and multiplication quizzes (Good for any grade - improve basic skills) Math Brain Teaser (Grade 3 and up) Mathematical Magic Trick (practice your 2 times tables and 5 times tables) Mathematical Magic Trick - Calculator (practice using a calculator) Free Printable Math Worksheets It's normal for children to be a grade below or above the suggested level, depending on how much practice they've had at the skill in the past and how the curriculum in your country is organized. Other Links: Although the activities are geared more to the preschool to kindergarten age group, adding one or two less challenging activities when learning the numbers can be a welcome break for the kids and can be given as a bonus activity for those who finish their work early. Visit DLTK's NumberBuddies for some fun tracer pages and crafts to reinforce learning.

Smarty Games - Free educational website for kids K8 Les casiers numériques – Mes maternelles : Petite et Grande section Inspirée par un tweet de Julie Smith (@JGTechieTeacher) et son article , j’ai décidé de vous concocter des compilations de mes liens préférés menant vers des activités numériques en maths et en français. A la rentrée , j’aurai à former des enseignants de maternelle dont les classes ont été équipées d’ordinateur et vidéo projecteurs (non interactifs) et ce document leur est également destiné. J’ai choisi d’en faire une version PDF pour la rendre facilement transportable et stockable. C’est une V1 car j’ai des liens en réserve en maths et j’ajouterai ceux que je découvrirai au fur et à mesure. Evidemment, j’adresse un énorme merci aux développeurs qui nous offrent ces merveilles, et plus particulièrement aux enseignants français qui passent leur temps libre à créer des outils magnifiques. Voici donc mes casiers numériques à télécharger : Casiers numériques Merci de ne pas les mettre sur vos sites sans un lien vers cet article.

File Folder Fun - Online Math Manipulatives - The Brown Bag Teacher From cuisenaire rods to base-ten pieces, manipulatives are a CRITICAL part of our primary classrooms. They offer students a real, hands-on way to explore a mathematical concept and build their own meaning. The CSA model of mathematics has us moving students from the concrete to the semi-concrete to the abstract when introducing and teaching new material. When students are struggling at the representational/abstract level, we always move back and build concrete experiences with mathematics. Students need hands-on ways to interact with math. Why Use Online Manipulatives? Online manipulatives are internet-based math tools that allow for whole-class modeling (led by students or teachers) moving students from the concrete to the representational mode of thinking. Today, I am going to start by sharing websites with the greatest number of resources and then, highlight a few specific learning tools within websites. Think Central Google Slides Math Learning Center Glencoe Manipulative Library Sweet!

Children's Books in Math Tout Google avec un seul compte Connectez-vous pour accéder à Google Drive. Localiser mon compte Mot de passe oublié ? Se connecter avec un autre compte Créer un compte Tout Google avec un seul compte Abacus Demonstrator for Counting, Place Value & Decimals. Instructions: Press the [ + ] button to count forwards in steps of 1,10,100 etc. Press the [ - ] button to count backwards in steps of 1,10,100 etc. Why not press [ num ] and hide the digits. Close your eyes and listen as we add tens.... write the number we have reached. Press [ dec ] to see decimal numbers. Have fun!

Questioning My Metacognition | Trying to be a better teacher
