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Gestures and Body Language Tutorial

Gestures and Body Language Tutorial

Restoring happiness in people with depression Practicing positive activities may serve as an effective, low-cost treatment for people suffering from depression, according to researchers at the University of California, Riverside and Duke University Medical Center. In "Delivering Happiness: Translating Positive Psychology Intervention Research for Treating Major and Minor Depressive Disorders," a paper that appears in the August 2011 issue of the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, the team of UCR and Duke psychology, neuroscience and psychopharmacology researchers proposed a new approach for treating depression -- Positive Activity Interventions (PAI). PAIs are intentional activities such as performing acts of kindness, practicing optimism, and counting one's blessing gleaned from decades of research into how happy and unhappy people are different. More than 16 million U.S. adults -- about 8 percent of the population -- suffer from either major or chronic depression.

Nuevo modelo de organización de centro de Secundaria basada en TICs y Aprendizaje Colaborativo. Prescindir de los libros de texto y trabajar con portátiles a través de un moodle, evaluar por proyectos y competencias, que los profesores programen y evalúen de manera conjunta y colaborativa ¿Es posible hacer esto en un Instituto Público de Secundaria? El INS "Montgrós" de Sant Pere de Ribas (web del INS "Montgrós") nos da su respuesta. Este instituto, creado hace cinco años, ha apostado por un nuevo modelo de organización basado en el trabajo por ámbitos que implica un cambio completo en todos los aspectos: desde los principios metodológicos del mismo pasando por la organización académica hasta llegar a los propios materiales educativos. El proyecto gira en torno a tres líneas de trabajo básicas: la distribución de las enseñanzas en ámbitos, la metodología por tareas y proyectos y el uso de moodle como material de clase. En este artículo, pretendemos presentar este proyecto. ¿Por qué un nuevo modelo de centro? Punto de partida: el trabajo por ámbitos Dim lights Embed Podemos consultar:

Vodka Infused Gummi Bears "Drunken Gummies" Hack | The Daily Hack On Thursday, we all learned how to turn our cheap Brita filtered vodka into a sweet Skittles infused vodka liqueur. Well today, instead of infusing the candy into the vodka, we're going to learn how to infuse the vodka into the candy. That's right, we're going to make Drunken Gummies! Huh? ;-) As I was scanning through the posts on the Daily DIY this morning, I came across a nifty little hack to turn regular Gummi Bear candies into vodka-infused "Drunken Gummies" candies. step 1: Prepare materials and get them soakin'! To check out the whole hack click here. Freuds *The Interpretation of Dreams* Chapter 1, Section D Back to Psych Web Home Page Back to The Interpretation of Dreams Table of Contents D. That a dream fades away in the morning is proverbial. The forgetting of dreams is treated in the most detailed manner by Strumpell. In the first place, all those factors which induce forgetfulness in the waking state determine also the forgetting of dreams. * Periodically recurrent dreams have been observed repeatedly. According to Strumpell, other factors, deriving from the relation of the dream to the waking state, are even more effective in causing us to forget our dreams. Finally, we should remember that the fact that most people take but little interest in their dreams is conducive to the forgetting of dreams. It is therefore all the more remarkable, as Strumpell himself observes, that, in spite of all these reasons for forgetting the dream, so many dreams are retained in the memory. Jessen (p. 547) expresses himself in very decided terms: The observations of V. On to Chapter 1, Section E

La Universidad Camilo José Cela presenta su tercer estudio sobre jóvenes y redes sociales El pasado miércoles 13 de julio la Universidad Camilo José Cela presentó su tercer estudio "Generación 2.0 2011. Hábitos de uso de las redes sociales en los adolescentes de España y América Latina" que tiene como objetivo analizar los usos que hacen los jóvenes de estas plataformas y cómo éstas influyen en su vida diaria. El uso de estas plataformas es, según se desprende del estudio, la principal actividad de los adolescentes latinoamericanos y españoles cuando se conectan a la Red. Los jóvenes colombianos lideran la clasificación, con un 56%, mientras que los españoles ocupan la última posición, con un 48%. Facebook es la red social más utilizada en todos los países excepto en España que se decanta por Tuenti. Solo un 54% de las personas española encuestadas percibe el peligro de la privacidad y por tanto no se utilizan medidas para preservar la privacidad. Se puede descargar el informe completo aquí

How a Borderline Personality Disorder Love Relationship Evolves - Roger... Love: The Vulnerable Seducer Phase At first, a Borderline female may appear sweet, shy, vulnerable and "ambivalently in need of being rescued"; looking for her Knight in Shining Armor. In the beginning, you will feel a rapidly accelerating sense of compassion because she is a master at portraying herself as she "victim of love" and you are saving her. But listen closely to how she sees herself as a victim. It is this intense way she has of bearing down on you emotionally that can feel very seductive. Here is a woman who may look like a dream come true. Like many things that seems too good to be true, this is. It will all seem so real because it is real in her mind. Once she has successfully candied her hook with your adoration, she will weld it into place by “reeling in” your attention and concern. It’s often here, you begin to confuse your empathy with love, and you believe you're in love with her. The world ails her. But after every emotional Vesuvius she pleads for your mercy.

10 Psychological Effects of Nonsexual Touch A simple (nonsexual) touch can increase compliance, helping behaviour, attraction, and signal power. To get around in the world, we mainly rely on our eyes and ears. Touch is a sense that’s often forgotten. But touch is also vital in the way we understand and experience the world. Even the lightest touch on the upper arm can influence the way we think. To prove it, here are 10 psychological effects which show just how powerful nonsexual touch can be. 1. A well-timed touch can encourage other people to return a lost item. In one experiment, users of a phone booth who were touched were more likely to return a lost dime to an experimenter (Kleinke, 1977). The action was no more than a light touch on the arm. People will do more than that though; people will give a bigger tip to a waitress who has touched them (Crusco & Wetzel, 1984). (Stop giggling at the back there!) 2. People are also more likely to provide help when touched. The percentage of people who helped went up from 63% to 90%. 3. 4. 5. 6.

handwriting tips You’ve decided you want to improve your handwriting and you’re probably hoping a fountain pen will do the trick -- maybe a friend told you it would. Maybe you’re just adventurous and you want to try your hand at calligraphy (or you might, once your handwriting improves). Good for you! A fountain pen may make your writing look a bit better, but if your writing looks as if frenzied chickens got loose on the page, chances are this won’t be enough. After coaching handwriting and teaching calligraphy over the years, I’ve learned to see the characteristics of those who’ll be able to pick up the necessary motions quickly from those who’ll have to work a bit harder. Crampy, uneven letters are often the result of drawing the letters with the fingers rather than using the whole arm to write. People who inevitably have trouble with handwriting and calligraphy write with their fingers. If you use the right muscle groups, your writing will have a smooth, easy flow and not look tortured. Fig. 1. Top

Home Remedies for Weight Loss | Grandma's Home Remedies Your weight is a balancing act that features how many calories you consume plus the amount of energy you burn throughout the day. According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 67% of adults age 20 years and over are overweight or obese. If you live your life as a couch potato or munch on too many potato chips, you may find a need to explore the many different home remedies for weight loss. Causes of Weight Gain From drinking too much soda to going through a divorce, there are numerous everyday habits and events in life that can contribute to an increase in weight. • Medications: While prescription drugs are supposed to make you feel better, some also come with side effects that can cause you to gain weight. • Lifestyle: Your daily habits could be at the root of your weight gain. • Life Changes: When the body goes through a change, such as hormonal changes associated with menopause and pregnancy in women, weight can become redistributed and accumulate in the body. b) 7 p.m.

Color Psychology & by David Johnson Like death and taxes, there is no escaping color. It is ubiquitous. Yet what does it all mean? Why are people more relaxed in green rooms? Why do weightlifters do their best in blue gyms? Colors often have different meanings in various cultures. Black Black is the color of authority and power. White Brides wear white to symbolize innocence and purity. Red The most emotionally intense color, red stimulates a faster heartbeat and breathing. The most romantic color, pink, is more tranquilizing. Blue The color of the sky and the ocean, blue is one of the most popular colors. Green Currently the most popular decorating color, green symbolizes nature. Yellow Cheerful sunny yellow is an attention getter. Purple The color of royalty, purple connotes luxury, wealth, and sophistication. Brown Solid, reliable brown is the color of earth and is abundant in nature. Colors of the Flag In the U.S. flag, white stands for purity and innocence. Food for Thought

What is a Mom’s Work Worth? [infographic] | Education Insights Imagine you were perusing the classifieds and came across an ad that looked something like this: NOW HIRINGSelf-motivated, caring, hard-working, borderline psychotic individual to take on the following roles on a volunteer basis: facilities manager, psychologist, CEO, cook, day care teacher, housekeeper, computer operator, van driver, janitor and laundry machine operator. The ideal candidate will stay on site indefinitely and should dedicate no fewer than 96 hours a week to their responsibilities (on call the remaining 78 hours). Benefits include warm fuzzy feelings and the occasional macaroni necklace. You’d be hard pressed as an employer to find anyone crazy enough to take the job, and yet millions of women across the world are working their Mommy magic day in and day out. While most Moms are unfortunately not making the six-figure incomes they deserve for all their hard work, a little bit of love and thanks goes a long way. Updated for 2012 – What is a stay-at-home mom really worth?
