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Top 7 Semantic Search Engines There’s no denying the power and popularity of the Google search engine, and in comparison to other similar search engines such as Bing, where results are based on page rankings and algorithms, they excel. But there are other ways to search the web, using what are known as semantic search engines. Using a semantic search engine will ensure more relevant results based on the ability to understand the definition of the word or term that is being searched for, rather than on numbers. Semantic search engines are able to understand the context in which the words are being used, resulting in smart, relevant results. This is a list of the top 7 search engines to get you started in the world of semantic searching. Kngine Kngine’s search results are divided into either web results, or image results. Kngine currently contains more than 8 million Concepts, and that is where the site’s strength lies. Hakia Hakia can also be added to the list of search engines included in your browser’s quick search bar.

No Significant Difference - Presented by WCET TypeSlab Khan Academy 7 Body Language Tricks To Make Anyone Instantly Like You There’s no question that body language is important. And, according to Leil Lowndes in her book “How To Talk To Anyone,” you can capture — and hold — anyone’s attention without even saying a word. We’ve selected the best body language techniques from the book and shared them below: The Flooding Smile “Don’t flash an immediate smile when you greet someone,” says Lowndes. Instead, pause and look at the other person’s face for a second, and then let a “big, warm, responsive smile flood over your face and overflow into your eyes.” Even though the delay is less than a second, it will convince people your smile is sincere and personalised for them. Sticky Eyes “Pretend your eyes are glued to your conversation partner’s with sticky warm taffy,” Lowndes advises. You can also try counting your conversation partner’s blinks. Epoxy Eyes In a group of people, you should watch the person you are interested in, no matter who else is talking. The Big-Baby Pivot Limit the Fidget Hang By Your Teeth

Helen Alfvegren |  Guide till Twitter - Helen Alfvegren Här är min guide till Twitter! Eftersom jag dels har använt Twitter så länge (både privat och åt företag) och dels ser att det fortfarande dyker upp så många nya ansikten tänkte jag att det var dags för en. Det är en djungel när man startar så jag har gjort en guide som jag hade velat läsa när jag var ny och nyfiken. Missa inte heller min guide med tips för företag på Facebook! Kom igång! Gå till och fixa ett konto, fyll sen i infon nedan. Bio Beskriv dig själv kortfattat och försök få med så många nyckelord som möjligt om vad du tycker om och brinner för, chansen att du får liknande följare ökar om de blir intresserade redan där och då. Min bio: ”Gillar choklad, Instagram, koloniträdgården, böcker, Flickr, vintage klänningar, blogga, www. Nickname Vad kallar du din hemsida? Länken till din profil på Twitter är Profilbild (avatar) Avataren är väldigt viktig eftersom den representerar dig, flera gånger om dan. Utseende Länk Språk Hur fungerar Twitter? Tweet Feed

You are missed — Better Humans “Something feels missing from my life but I can’t quite put my finger on it.” I can’t tell you how many times I hear some variation of that every week. (It’s a lot.) I hear it from tech entrepreneurs who are on the verge of burn out, writers who are experiencing a temporary block, photographers who are making a ton of money working with big brands, and designers who have a full plate of client work. After listening to unique story after story, and each person attempting to describe what is happening in their life, it dawned on me that what was missing from every single story was very simple. “You are missing from your own story,” I said aloud to my friend the other day. He paused mid-sentence and thought about my observation. “I have stopped writing,” he said. “How much time do you spend with yourself?” “Close to none,” he said. “You are disconnected from yourself,” I said. We live in a world that continually pulls us outside of ourselves. 1) Morning pages. This morning I feel…

Vad är Twitter och hur använder man det? | Kort så kan man sammanfatta Twitter så här: “Twitter är en tjänst för mikrobloggning och kommunikation som går ut på att dela med sig av korta uppdateringar samt genom att följa andra personer ta del av deras uppdateringar.” This product is the best medicine I have tried. It works well if taken 3 times a day, before each meal. Buy levitra online. The difference between a brand name medication and a generic is in the name, shape and price. De uppdateringar man gör på Twitter får maximalt innehålla 140 tecken styck. Alla uppdateringar man postar på Twitter är publika (men det går att påverka) och visas därför även på en så kallad Public Timeline där alla miljontals Twitter-användares uppdateringar visas i en ständigt strilande ström. Varför ska man börja mikroblogga på Twitter? På många bloggar och i många samtal har jag hört folk klaga över att det är svårt att beskriva vad Twitter är, vilket jag håller med om. Hur använder folk Twitter? Hur fungerar det? @BarrackObama Congratulations! Listor

30 traits of an Empath (How to know if you're an Empath) By: Christel Broederlow What is an empath? Being an empath is when you are affected by other people’s energies, and have an innate ability to intuitively feel and perceive others. Your life is unconsciously influenced by others’ desires, wishes, thoughts, and moods. Being an empath is much more than being highly sensitive and it’s not just limited to emotions. Empaths can perceive physical sensitivities and spiritual urges, as well as just knowing the motivations and intentions of other people. Empaths are often quiet achievers. However, they can be the exact opposite: reclusive and apparently unresponsive at the best of times. Empaths have a tendency to openly feel what is outside of them more so than what is inside of them. Empaths are more inclined to pick up another’s feelings and project it back without realizing its origin in the first place. Empaths are sensitive to TV, videos, movies, news and broadcasts. Here are the listeners of life. Here are 30 of the most common traits: 1.
