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ExposureGuide - Photography Tips, Techniques and News

ExposureGuide - Photography Tips, Techniques and News

Focus Numérique - 1er magazine sur la photo et vidéo numérique Photography Here, we are presenting some cool and funny optical illusions for you. What makes optical illusions so interesting is that it always leaves you perplexed and questioning about your eyesight. You keep thinking about the photograph and wondering if it is real or not. “Why do I do this job?’ For this round up, we are presenting a collection of some breathtaking 3D chalk art for you. The quality of the blur has come to be known as “bokeh”. Here, we have put together a list of some creative and extremely clever billboard ads for your inspiration. Here we have come up with an interesting and inspiring collection of smartphone photography for you. In this article we have come up with some interesting and incredible sand sculptures that will surely call for a second look. This time we are presenting a unique and interesting compilation for your inspiration, and this is about some of the incredible camouflaged animals. Here’s the best bit.

Pix populi, la photo à l'image des photographes : forum photographie, apprentissage et matériel 99 Excellent Examples of Forced Perspective Photography | Photography Forced perspective is a technique that employs optical illusion to make an object appear farther away, closer, larger or smaller than it actually is. It is used primarily in photography, filmmaking and architecture. It manipulates human visual perception through the use of scaled objects and the correlation between them and the vantage point of the spectator or camera. There are many ways to attack photography and some are much more expensive than others. When it comes to inspiration then there is no limitation on resources. You may be interested in the following related articles as well. Feel free to join us and you are always welcome to share your thoughts that our readers may find helpful. Don’t forget to and follow us on Twitter — for recent updates. Brilliant Examples of Forced Perspective Photography Photography can serve as a nice source of inspiration. Further Resources! Find Something Missing?

An introduction to photography An introduction to photography The goal of this class is to teach people the basics of photography, both from a technical and an artistic point of view. You won't be Ansel Adams by the end of this, but if you follow the entire course, you should gain a thorough understanding of how a camera works, how to avoid the most common mistakes, how to create technically good images and have an idea about the basics of composition. Lectures Prerequisites If you know which end of the camera to point at the subject, you have enough prerequisites for this. Syllabus Additional information This course is now complete, and all the lessons are online on the dedicated subreddit /r/photoclass. Teacher qualifications My name is Alexandre Buisse and I am slowly transitioning into full time photographer.

Everything Lightroom Apprendre la photo L'Instant - Paris Match Agora du Net | Les meilleurs sites Photo s'unissent pour le Salon de la Photo 2012 Eos-numerique Pages techniques de Claude Bouchot Aujourd'hui, avec l'acquisition d'un appareil photographique – inévitablement automatique dans notre ère du tout numérique – quiconque devient photographe du jour au lendemain ! Il n'est plus nécessaire comme jadis d'apprendre les fondements de la photographie que sont la photométrie, l'optique et la sensitométrie. On ne demande plus au photographe d'être technicien, on n'exige plus de lui, ni réflexions, ni calculs : l'électronique s'en charge ! Bref, j'espère que les sujets proposés dans la liste ci-dessous combleront les attentes des photographes novices et plus expérimentés, en tout cas celles des photographes que l'action et la passion animent ! Claude Bouchot
