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Readability Test

Readability Test
Contents Readability Tests Gunning Fog, Flesch Reading Ease, and Flesch-Kincaid are reading level algorithms that can be helpful in determining how readable your content is. Reading level algorithms only provide a rough guide, as they tend to reward short sentences made up of short words. Whilst they're rough guides, they can give a useful indication as to whether you've pitched your content at the right level for your intended audience. [Back to the contents] Test the Readability of a Website Interpreting the Results This service analyses the readability of all rendered content. Philip Chalmers of Benefit from IT provided the following typical Fog Index scores, to help ascertain the readability of documents. Gunning-Fog Index The following is the algorithm to determine the Gunning-Fog index. The result is your Gunning-Fog index, which is a rough measure of how many years of schooling it would take someone to understand the content. Flesch Reading Ease Flesch-Kincaid grade level Further Reading

Publishing fantastic books for dyslexic and struggling readers | Barrington Stoke Letters and Sounds Inference Riddle Game by Phil and David Tulga Inference Riddles- having fun with inference and prediction - Welcome to my page on inference riddles. It includes my free Inference Riddle Game that you can play right now on your computer. You will also find information on my expanded activity featuring 101 Inference Riddles . If you already have access to the expanded activity, please click here! Inference Riddle Game 101 Inference Riddles Phil and his son, David, have developed an expanded version of their popular Inference Riddle Game. Riddles are an excellent way to practice interpreting figurative language, idioms, and homographs. In the “101 Inference Riddles” activity, your students progress through a graduated sequence of riddles, with riddle #1 being the easiest, and riddle #101 being the most difficult. “101 Inference Riddles” is a web-based application that is available to use on your computer, smartphone or mobile device. To purchase access to the “101 Inference Riddles” web activity, click the “Buy Now” button below. Home

Wanna be a writer? Just do it! Je suis certaine que vous connaissez tous ou presque cinq ou six personnes qui ont un projet de scénario (ou de roman, recueil de nouvelles, traité philosophico-culinaire…) « dans un coin de cerveau » et ne manqueront pas de profiter des prochaines vacances, c’est juré, pour s’y mettre. Enfin ça c’est ce qu’ils répètent tous les six mois sans que le chantier avance. Peut-être êtes vous d’ailleurs dans ce cas? La vérité c’est qu’amasser des dizaines de débuts d’histoires et le double de pitches mirifiques, ne feront pas de vous un auteur professionnel. Si vous souhaitez vraiment devenir auteurs, amis lecteurs, il faut vous y mettre, tout de suite, et sérieusement! Je compare souvent l’écriture professionnelle à un sport de haut niveau: on n’y parvient qu’à force de pratique quotidienne et l’inspiration est un muscle qui a besoin de séances d’échauffement afin de travailler à plein régime. Copyright©Nathalie Lenoir 2013 Auteur : Nathalie Lenoir

Test your document's readability When Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Word finish checking the spelling and grammar, you can choose to display information about the reading level of the document, including readability scores according to the following tests: Flesch Reading Ease Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level What do you want to do? Enable readability statistics Which Office program are you using? Outlook Click File, and then click Options. After you enable this feature, open a file that you want to check, and check the spelling. Top of Page Word Click the File tab, and then click Options. Top of Page Understand readability scores Each readability test bases its rating on the average number of syllables per word and words per sentence. Flesch Reading Ease test This test rates text on a 100-point scale. The formula for the Flesch Reading Ease score is: 206.835 – (1.015 x ASL) – (84.6 x ASW) where: ASL = average sentence length (the number of words divided by the number of sentences) Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level test

Writing Prompts 101 By Simon Kewin Even if you are not a professional writer you probably already heard about writing prompts. They represent a very effective tool for any writing project, so it’s a good idea to know how to use them. What Is A Writing Prompt? If you’re a fiction writer, you may want to consider using writing prompts to kick-start your creativity. You may just come up with rough, disjointed notes or you may end up with something more polished and complete, a scene or even a complete story. Here are four good reasons for writing to prompts : Sometimes it’s hard to start writing when faced with a blank page. Examples of Writing Prompts The following are twenty writing prompts that you could use to spark your imagination. It was the first snowfall of the year. Where To Find Writing Prompts Online The internet is a wonderful source of writing prompts. There are also numerous blogs that offer a regular writing prompt to inspire you and where you can, if you wish, post what you’ve written.

creative writing prompts . com ideas for writers 10 useful and inspiring websites for writers All writers need a little mental refreshment—a walk in the woods, a quiet drink at a local watering hole, a coffee date with a friend. Sound nice, don’t they? They’d probably work for Stephen King or any writer from the 19th century—but you live in the social media age and have a full-time job. The good news is that if you can’t pull yourself away to enjoy a stroll in a sylvan glade, there are plenty of online destinations that offer inspiration and advice. You probably know about the more popular sites for writers: Quick and Dirty Tips, Copyblogger,, etc. But what about these? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Which ones do you recommend?

25 Helpful Websites for Creative Writers Jun 08, 2011 Need help getting your creative juices flowing? These websites for creative writers offer grammar tips, writing prompts, peer critiques and advice on getting published. Read on to learn how you can strengthen your creative writing on the Web. General Writing Writer's Digest - The website for the publication Writer's Digest is a one-stop shop for creative writers. Writing Prompts The Story Starter - This website offers over one trillion randomly generated story starters for creative writers. Writing Mechanics Grammar Girl - Grammar Girl's famous Quick and Dirty Tips (delivered via blog or podcast) will help you keep your creative writing error free. Writing Forums - This bustling writing community has over 28,000 members.
