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Homepage - Who to follow on Google Plus? Google+ Suggested Users.

Homepage - Who to follow on Google Plus? Google+ Suggested Users.
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Badge - Google+ Platform Page Badge Tag The Google+ badge allows visitors to engage with your brand directly from the badge itself. The minimum code required to render a Google+ badge on your website is one JavaScript include and a badge tag. You can also use an HTML5-valid badge tag by setting the class attribute to g-page, and prefixing any badge attributes with data-. Example badge sizes

15 Google+ Sites & Services for Power Users Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. 10 ways to find relevant Google+ users to circle - TNW Google With an amazingly active community on Google+, there’s still a significant number of ghost-town profiles, where countless people have received the coveted invite, taken one confused look, and promptly turned around never to be seen again. So how do you sift through all the empty profiles, to find the really interesting people worth following? There’s actually quite a few ways you can find interesting people to circle on Google+, based on location, type of posts, occupation and more. Whether it’s using third party sites, or checking out what’s going on right there on Google+, you’d be surprised at just how easy it is to find people posting interesting and valuable information on Google+. Circle Sundays Brian Rose came up with the idea of bring Twitter’s Follow Fridays to Google+.

Keep track of private posts I’ve been in Google+ since last week and so far it’s been a blast. I’ve sent a few feedback messages to the guys at Google on some nifty features that I wish were in both the mobile and web app. I’ve also discovered a hack to be able to keep track of private messages and notes-to-self. Social networks are evolving before our eyes. The changes are often subtle and hidden. Facebook is still the defacto social network with over 900 million users. To make money though, it has no other option but to monetize the stream called the Timeline. This puts a lot of clutter onto the screen.

The Google+ Cheat Sheet [PIC] Using Google+? Add Mashable to your circles. You'll get the latest about new Google+ features and tips and tricks for using the platform as well as top social media and technology news. Are you addicted to Google+ like millions of others early adopters? Do you spend your Saturday nights hanging out in Google+ Hangouts? Syncing Your Google Plus and +Local Pages: Plusses and Minuses MIHMORANDUM NO. 1577 | September 17th, 2012 I’m not necessarily saying anyone should do this right now, as the implications of syncing / switching over completely to a Google +Local page are still unclear. But, since I have virtually stopped taking on new clients for my consulting business in order to focus the vast majority of my time on GetListed, I decided to experiment with the new verification process for David Mihm Web Design / Local SEO. So, for those of you still on the fence, perhaps the following before-and-after walkthrough will help you decide whether it’s right for your business to sync yet.

A-Z West Wagon Station Encampment by Andrea Zittel Mobile homes, house trailers, and similar temporary (and possibly traveling) housing solutions used to be synonymous with distastefulness. However, designer Andrea Zittel turns this concept of a small, makeshift shelter into a chic, customizable establishment. Sturdier and more spacious than a camping tent, the A-Z West wagons leave ample room for a traveling couple, or can accommodate a cozy family of four.

Local SEO with Google+ It’s not exactly surprising that Google recently made the widely-expected announcement that it plans to convert all existing Google Places pages into Google+ Local pages. So instead of boring you with further details on this transition, I want to jump into the meat of the issue: how this shift affects local SEO best practices. But first, I want to make a few clarifications since some of the terminology surrounding this change can be confusing. In the past, you had two options for promoting your business through Google: A Google Places page, which was essentially a directory style listing that showcased your basic business information, pictures, and reviews as part of the “Places” listings. These pages weren’t typically included in the traditional SERPs.A Google+ Page, which was a separate web property that could be set up within the Google+ social network.
