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ENSAE - École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Économique

ENSAE - École Nationale de la Statistique et de l'Administration Économique

Centrale Paris, Sciences Engineer, Research Master, Advanced Master, Doctoral school, Engineer France Sqoop - Institut de Biologie des Plantes - UMR 8618 Aide et didacticiels INSTN Futurist Influence Rankings 2015 Futurist > Futurist Influence Rankings We have created this widget to provide a rough view of how influential futurists are on the web and social media. A few important notes: To be included on the list people need to self-describe as futurists and/or primarily work in thinking and communicating about the future. We are not making judgments on who is worthy of the description “futurist”.The inputs to this list are Followerwonk Social Authority, Alexa ranking and Twitter followers. As such to be included people must have a Twitter account and a personal website. Click here for a detailed description of the methodology used for this analysis. If you would like to suggest somebody who works primarily as a futurist and should be included in the list, please click here. Please refresh this page in your browser if the ranking screen below does not appear after a brief delay. Embed This Widget To embed the Influence Ranker as an HTML widget, copy/paste the following code into the web-page HTML:

Deb Roy American computer scientist Deb Roy is a Canadian scientist, tenured professor at MIT, and the director of the MIT Center for Constructive Communication.[1][2] Roy received a bachelor of applied science in computer engineering from the University of Waterloo, and a PhD in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT.[3] He previously was the executive director of the MIT Media Lab and directed the Cognitive Machines group at the Media Lab,[4] and the Laboratory for Social Machines.[5] In 2008, he co-founded and was the founding CEO of Bluefin Labs, a social TV analytics company, which MIT Technology Review named as one of the 50 most innovative companies of 2012.[9] Bluefin was acquired by Twitter in 2013,[10] and Roy served as chief media scientist of Twitter from 2013 to 2017. He is also co-founder and chairman of Cortico, a nonprofit media technology company whose Local Voices Network aims to foster constructive public conversations across political and cultural divides.[11] See also[edit]

Shiny le Blog ANDSI Meditation Enlightenment and Illumination Remove Entities Remove Energy Blockages; The MEDITATION SAMYAMA Energy Enhancement Course Level Two Once you believe that all the input you receive through them is real, then you subconsciously give yourself away to this light-show going on around you. Believing this is all there is to it, you use this light-show every time you have a chance for addictive pleasure that your senses find gratifying (not you!), and if you are anyhow religious, you then feel guilty, for most of the pleasures are considered to be sins. And guilt manifests a whole lot of remorse, regrets and fear. If a human being experiences fear in any form, then it is like a bleeding seal in shark infested waters. Those that experience the most fear, exhibit the highest degree of dysfunction in their realities. You may term this is “demonic possession” if you like. "I think, therefore I am" — René Descartes That’s why religions are all fear and duality based. It is very important to remove yourself out of duality so that you may not feed two different sides of the same illusion with thoughts. What if there was only life?

Témoignage, diminuer son préavis Petits malins... voici tous les moyens auxquels vous avez potentiellement accès pour diminuer un préavis :) ... Entre parenthèses est indiquée l'efficacité correspondant à chacun de ses "moyens". Absence pour recherche d'emploi (oui mais bof) Prise de congés (non!!!) Attention : ne confondez-pas "dispense de préavis" et "absence pour recherche d'emploi". - La première (régie par l'article L.122-8 du Code du Travail) influence effectivement la date de sortie de l'entreprise et donne lieu aux documents de sortie habituels tels que le certificat de travail. - La deuxième (l'absence - régie non par la Loi, puisqu'il s'agit d'un usage, mais par Jurisprudence) peut être assimilée à une sorte de "congé payé" pendant lequel on fait bien parti de l'entreprise. Sur la base de 2 heures par jour pendant 3 mois, cela fait 120 heures en tout soit 15 jours de travail effectif. Dois-je justifier de l'usage des heures qui me sont attribuées ? DÉMISSION oui : Hé bien..... ... .

Salt (software) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Configuration management software Salt (sometimes referred to as SaltStack) is a Python-based, open-source software for event-driven IT automation, remote task execution, and configuration management. Supporting the "infrastructure as code" approach to data center system and network deployment and management, configuration automation, SecOps orchestration, vulnerability remediation, and hybrid cloud control. The Salt 0.14.0 release introduced an advanced cloud control system making private and public cloud VMs directly manageable with Salt. Salt Cloud supports 25 public and private cloud systems including AWS, Azure, VMware, IBM Cloud, and OpenStack. The module design of Salt creates Python modules that handle certain aspects of the available Salt systems. The Salt system maintains many module types to manage specific actions. Free and open-source software portal Official website

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