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Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet by DaveChild

Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet by DaveChild

Apache Thrift re - - Waterfox <div class="noscript"><p><strong>Please note: Many features of this site require JavaScript. You appear to have JavaScript disabled, or are running a non-JavaScript capable web browser.</strong></p><p> To get the best experience, please enable JavaScript or download a modern web browser such as <a href=" Explorer 8</a>, <a href=" <a href=" or <a href=" Chrome</a>. </p></div> perlre - Perl regular expressions This page describes the syntax of regular expressions in Perl. If you haven't used regular expressions before, a quick-start introduction is available in perlrequick, and a longer tutorial introduction is available in perlretut. Modifiers Matching operations can have various modifiers. m Treat string as multiple lines. /x # Delete (most) C comments. s/foo/\Ubar/il /l /u

Fast Track - Get lost! The new art of travel for the 21st Century Rajan Datar looks at how people and technology could shape future of travel Why do we spend so much of our precious holiday time queuing up to see famous paintings like the Mona Lisa, even if we are not that interested in art? And why do we drag ourselves to all those cathedrals, museums and monuments listed in our guidebooks when - let's be honest - they usually turn out to be a bit boring, and we can't wait to get to the cafe? The answer lies in history. Few of us realise that we are unwittingly following an itinerary set by aristocratic tourists 300 ago. It is time to escape their legacy and find more adventurous ways to travel in the 21st Century. Modern travel is rooted in the tradition of the Grand Tour of the 18th Century, when upper-class gents - and the occasional lucky lady - set off with their servants on a high-culture jaunt around Europe to round off a classical education. Wrong turn All well and good for them, but it is hardly what most of us would call a great time.

WebParser plugin - Rainmeter 2.4 Manual - Waterfox Plugin=WebParser reads and parses information from web pages. This example creates two StringIndex values in what is referred to as the "parent" WebParser measure. The information is generally used in subsequent "child" WebParser measures: The values of the two child measures are now the information parsed into StringIndexes 1 and 2 by the parent measure. These can then be used with MeasureName and other options in meters. General measure options All general measure options are valid. URL to the site or file to be downloaded and parsed. WebParser cannot use cookies or other session-based authentication, so it cannot be used to retrieve information from web sites requiring a login. WebParser can read and parse local files on your computer by using the URI scheme. If you want to use the current value of a measure in a dynamic way as a Section Variable, rather than as a reference to a "parent" WebParser measure, you must prefix the name of the measure with the & character. RegExp

Emulation Collective FileBot - The ultimate TV and Movie Renamer / Subtitle Downloader - Waterfox HackFwd TIOBE Software: Tiobe Index TIOBE Index for January 2016 January Headline: Java is TIOBE's Programming Language of 2015! Java has won the TIOBE Index programming language award of the year. This is because Java has the largest increase in popularity in one year time (+5.94%). Java leaves runner ups Visual Basic.NET (+1.51%) and Python (+1.24%) far behind. At first sight, it might seem surprising that an old language like Java wins this award. Java's rise goes hand in hand with Objective-C's decline (-5.88%). So what is the outlook for 2016? The TIOBE Programming Community index is an indicator of the popularity of programming languages. The index can be used to check whether your programming skills are still up to date or to make a strategic decision about what programming language should be adopted when starting to build a new software system. TIOBE Programming Community IndexSource: Java Python Visual Basic .NET JavaScript Assembly language Ruby Other programming languages The Next 50 Programming Languages

The Pirate Bay - The world's most resilient bittorrent site Search Torrents | Browse Torrents | Recent Torrents | TV shows | Music | Top 100 The Pirate Bay Promotional Apparatus Do you have a band? Are you an aspiring movie producer? A comedian? A few rules then: In the form below, include a full adress to your front page image suggestion with the maximum measures 500x400 (width x height). Of course, we can and will not release everything we recieve. Ready set go! How to Create Custom Start Orb Image How to Create a Custom Start Orb Before I begin, keep in mind this is my first tutorial ever published to SevenForums, I hope it meets the requirements and all that jazz, and that somebody finds it at least mildly helpful. Requirements and Tools To begin with, you must have an image editing application, PhotoShop is one of the most powerful and widely known, but any application that works with bitmaps (BMP) and supports alpha trasparency layers will do just fine. Warning Be sure to check your DPI settings before you continue; DPI settings (Dots Per Inch) in Windows determine the size that everything on your desktop displays, making text and buttons larger without changing the screen resolution. You can generally see what DPI you're using by the size of your current Start Orb and Taskbar, below is an example of the same resolution with three DPI settings: The next page displayed will show your currently selected DPI setting: The Start Orb Create a new image with the following settings: Note

Nicole Cournoyer, consultante en créativité. Service de consultant et de coaching en créativité Cette section du site Créativité.net vous permettra d'observer le profil d'une personne selon les préférences des deux hémisphères du cerveau. Cette sorte de marketing de soi ou d'autoproclamation, sous un mode créatif inhabituel ou selon les normes professionnelles habituelles, est une façon différente de taquiner la planète. Nous espérons faire naître le désir de percevoir les personnes globalement, de communiquer en respectant les préférences de l'autre et d'interagir dans le respect des différences. Des bulles d'idées pétillantes, des réflexions en pleine effervescence, des jeux créatifs s'ajouteront progressivement à cette section pour remuer vos méninges. Nous espérons ainsi éveiller votre curiosité, vous initier à des techniques inhabituelles de présentation de soi et vous faire découvrir les caractéristiques d'une personne créative. Une intervenante en créativité aux multiples chapeaux Bâtir un portfolio créatif, une façon de se découvrir Explorer des ressources en créativité

Where did all my hard drive space go? - Super User Blog - Waterfox This is the first part of a three part article, for parts two and three go to Part 2 and Part 3 A common problem with Windows is that no-one really knows how much space you need before you install it. Microsoft themselves recommend a minimum of 16GB of hard disk space before trying to install Windows, but that doesn’t take into account any of the growth when you install applications or any of the other things that go on “behind the scenes” Some people dread the Unexpected free disk space disappearance On my Windows 7 PC, the free disk space has gone down by 1GB even though I haven’t downloaded or installed any new files and I haven’t downloaded any updates or other things? The problem is that in Windows there are so many reasons as to why disk space suddenly disappears and when you are using an SSD where you are paying a premium for every last gigabyte it can be quite concerning. We’ll begin with things you can change quite easily to clear out old and useless data. System Restore
