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Enterprise Mobility Management

Enterprise Mobility Management

Application Automation and Marketplace Platform for Hybrid Cloud LxCenter | HyperVM and Kloxo Fig | Fast, isolated development environments using Docker Fast, isolated development environments using Docker. Define your app's environment with Docker so it can be reproduced anywhere: FROM orchardup/python:2.7 ADD . /code WORKDIR /code RUN pip install -r requirements.txt Define the services that make up your app so they can be run together in an isolated environment: web: build: . command: python links: - db ports: - "8000:8000"db: image: orchardup/postgresql (No more installing Postgres on your laptop!) Then type fig up, and Fig will start and run your entire app: There are commands to: start, stop and rebuild servicesview the status of running servicestail running services' log outputrun a one-off command on a service Fig is a project from Orchard, a Docker hosting service. Let's get a basic Python web app running on Fig. First, install Docker and Fig. You'll want to make a directory for the project: $ mkdir figtest $ cd figtest We define our Python dependencies in a file called requirements.txt: This defines two services:
