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Jasper Goodall | Academic staff | Arts and Humanities Goodall studied illustration at the University of Brighton, after which he was employed sketching listed buildings for Richmond Borough Council. In London he became interested in fashion and Graham Rounthwaite, creative director of The Face began to commission him frequently as an illustrator: "His commissions were always spot on, progressively modern images. For those reasons, we felt him an important part of our team at The Face. At times, we effectively built stories around his pictures." Goodall's work has helped pave the way for the reassessment and reinvention of illustration, presenting a wry and heavily symbolic look at eroticism and contemporary culture. Initially known as a freelance commercial Illustrator, Goodall then moved into clothing, and in particular swimwear. Goodall’s body of work inhabits the grey are between commercial illustration and art.

Braille español Transcripción del Braille[editar] Existen diversos métodos de Transcripción braille, conocidos como "Grado 1", "Grado 2" y "Grado 3". El braille de Grado 1 es el sistema de transcripción más empleado y el método único y oficial para la publicación en España, según el acuerdo adoptado por la Comisión Braille Española.[2]​ Descripción del alfabeto[editar] Ejemplo de transcripción[editar] Representan el número seis (prefijo de número + f = 6). Usuarios por país[editar] México[editar] Referencias[editar] Enlaces externos[editar] Sistema braille en castellano en: YouTube. Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Pub. L. No. 93-112, 87 Stat. 394 (Sept. 26, 1973), codified at 29 U.S.C. § 701 et seq., is American legislation that guarantees certain rights to people with disabilities. Summary of the Section[edit] Section 504 states (in part): No otherwise qualified individual with a disability in the United States, as defined in section 705(20) of this title, shall, solely by reason of her or his disability, be excluded from the participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance or under any program or activity conducted by any Executive agency or by the United States Postal Service. It is codified as 29 U.S.C. 794.[2] As amended in 1974, Section 111, Pub L. 93-516, 88 Stat. 1619 (Dec. 7, 1974), Individuals with Disabilities are: where The ADA (Americans With Disabilities Act) was passed in 1990, and seems to pick up where the Rehabilitation Act left off.

Refreshable braille display - Wikipedia Refreshable braille display A refreshable braille display or braille terminal is an electro-mechanical device for displaying braille characters, usually by means of round-tipped pins raised through holes in a flat surface. Visually impaired computer users who cannot use a computer monitor can use it to read text output. Mechanical details[edit] A Baum David System 90 special-purpose computer for the blind, with a braille "screen", and special keyboard. The base of a refreshable braille display often integrates a pure braille keyboard. The mechanism which raises the dots uses the piezo effect of some crystals, whereby they expand when a voltage is applied to them. Because of the complexity of producing a reliable display that will cope with daily wear and tear, these displays are expensive. Software[edit] The software that controls the display is called a screen reader. Future designs[edit] Braille e-book[edit] See also[edit] GNOME accessibility References[edit] External links[edit]

¿Qué causó la demencia de Friedrich Nietzsche? Rev Méd Chile 2007; 135: 1355-1357 ¿Qué causó la demencia de Friedrich Nietzsche? What could be the etiology of Friedrich Nietzsche's dementia? Tú debes llegar a ser el que eres. F. Dirección para correspondencia Sr. A los 24 años, en 1869, fue nombrado Profesor de Filología; sin embargo, debió retirarse de este puesto en 1879 debido a jaquecas repetidas y problema de visión en su ojo derecho. Desde la infancia Nietzsche presentó jaquecas, en ocasiones muy invalidantes, con aura visual con el fenómeno de espectros de fortificación. En la historia familiar predominaban las enfermedades mentales: dos tías maternas tuvieron una enfermedad psiquiátrica, una de ellas se suicidó; un tío materno desarrolló un trastorno mental en la sexta década de la vida. No existe claridad de cuándo Friedrich Nietzsche inició los síntomas que lo llevaron a su deterioro cognitivo. En Turín, donde llegó el 20 de septiembre, fue evidente su extraña conducta para Davide Fino, dueño del hotel donde se hospedó2,3.

A Guide to Disability Rights Laws U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division Disability Rights Section February 2020 Americans with Disabilities Act Telecommunications Act Fair Housing Act Air Carrier Access Act Voting Accessibility for the Elderly and Handicapped Act National Voter Registration Act Civil Rights of Institutionalized Persons Act Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Rehabilitation Act Architectural Barriers Act General Sources of Disability Rights Information Statute Citations For persons with disabilities, this document is available in large print, Braille, and CD. Reproduction of this document is encouraged. This guide provides an overview of Federal civil rights laws that ensure equal opportunity for people with disabilities. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in employment, State and local government, public accommodations, commercial facilities, transportation, and telecommunications. U.S. Telecommunications Act Fair Housing Act U.S. U.S.

Engraving Machine and CNC Routing Blog » Vectorizing Bitmaps in Vision Express 9 Engraving Software Customers often bring in a printed logo or image that they would like to have engraved. Once scanned, these raster images can easily be imported into Vision Express 9 and converted into vector artwork. Vision engravers are vector based, and require vector lines in order to follow a path for engraving. Vector conversion is extremely simple to achieve in Vision Express 9 (and Vision Expert 9 & PRO 9). Vector outlines are automatically created as the bitmap is imported in the drawing. Compatible File Types: Imported images MUST be in a black and white or color .bmp format in order for the software to quickly create a vector outline. Follow the steps below to learn how to easily convert your images to Vector graphics and use the different types of Hatch Fills in Vision Express 9 software. How to Vectorize a Bitmap: Open the Vision Express 9 software and create a new file in the desired plate size. Vector (Hatch) Fills: How to Fill a Simple Object: How to Fill Outline Text:

Todo sobre Ukeleles Hola T! Hace mucho que no posteo y quería volver con este pequeño amiguito; se llama UKELELE! El UKELELE es un instrumento de CUATRO cuerdas, parecido a una guitarra, de pequeño tamaño y con un sonido agudo. ♦¿Por qué tener un ukelele?: • Es divertido y hacesonreír a quien lo toca yquien lo escucha.• Es pequeño y ligero, lopuedes llevar a todaspartes.• Es asequible, nonecesitas gastar undineral para tener uninstrumento de calidad.• Es versátil, permiteinterpretar multitud deestilos.• Resulta muy sencillo darlos primeros pasos y esideal para iniciarse en elmundo de la música. ♦¿Cómo suena? Así link: ♦¿Qué ukelele me conviene comprar? Para ver ukeleles según tallas: Para ver ukeleles según gamas y calidades: ♦ ¿Es difícil tocar si ya tengo una base previa de guitarra? Aquí les dejo los acordes para que vean lo FÁCIL que es tocar el ukelele:[/quote] (faltan algunos)

"Crip Camp" Directors on the Overlooked Disability Rights Movement (ep. 113) MOLLY [00:00:01] From the ACLU, this is At Liberty, a podcast about the civil rights and civil liberties questions of our time. I’m Molly Kaplan, your host for this episode. July 26th marked the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, or the ADA. The ADA is a federal law that requires businesses, employers, public facilities, schools, and transportation agencies to make accommodations for disabled people. But the disability rights movement didn’t begin or end with the ADA. Today, even though nearly 50 percent of Americans live with at least one disability, few know the history of the fight for disability rights. They join us to talk about the film and the movement it portrays. NICOLE NEWNHAM [00:01:18] Thank you. JIM LEBRECHT [00:01:19] Hi. MOLLY [00:01:20] Crip Camp tells the story of a very special summer camp, named Camp Jened. JIM [00:01:42] Well, those two questions are absolutely, very much intertwined. JIM [00:04:53] I don't think at the age of 15 I did.

Gerardo Enciso La base de sus composiciones es el folk y el rock, aunque los arreglos de sus discos han incluido otros géneros. Sus temas Amo a mi país, Parada Suprimida, Daga y Los tiempos cambian son singularmente populares. Ha colaborado con el poeta Ricardo Castillo destacando el montaje escénico Borrados, que desde principios de los años noventa fue de los primeros rockeros en fusionar en México música, lectura de poesía y teatro, así como la grabación del CD ¿Es la Calle... honda? auspiciado por la Universidad de Guadalajara, ambos integrados por poemas de Castillo y canciones de Enciso, presentando juntos ambos trabajos. En sus discos han colaborado Alejandro Marcovich, Nina Galindo, César López "El Vampiro", Ely Guerra, Fernando Toussaint, Antonio Páez "El Charro" y Carlos Sánchez-Gutiérrez. En noviembre de 2010 se lanzó su última producción discográfica, titulada Es por ti, la cual incluye 13 temas. Discografía[editar] En colaboración[editar] Enlaces externos[editar]

Manual de Autoconstrucción de Maquinaria de Carpintería - Total Ingenierias El texto sobre el manual de autoconstrucción de maquinaria de carpintería está dirigido para todos lo carpinteros que deseen aprender y conocer mas sobre este tema de la carpintería, el manual se realizo con el fin de dar un aporte a los técnicos, maestro y obreros de esta rama. Espero que les sea útil este aporte. Las maquinas que se presenta en e manual han sido elaboradas hace mas de diez años, mostrando buenos resultados. Para obtener este manual solo tienes que descargarlo de manera fácil y sencilla en el enlace que se encuentra al final de texto, espero que les sea de gran utilidad. Contenido La sierra circularLa cepilladora de mesaEl tornoHerramientas de corte para maderaComo afilar las cuchillasComo graduar las cuchillasSierras circulares con dientes de metal duro(HM)El disco diamantadoComo afilar la sierraTrabajo seguro en sierra circularTrabajo seguro en la cepilladora Puedes obtener el manual de manera fácil y sencilla entrando en el siguiente enlace.

Independent Living History - Access Living Editor’s Note: This piece has long been one of the most popular pieces of content on the Access Living website; our consumers and allies say they have found it useful. It is based on an article by Gina McDonald and Mike Oxford and re-posted here. People with disabilities are entitled to civil rights, options, and control over choices in their own lives This history of the independent living movement stems from the fundamental principle that people with disabilities are entitled to the same civil rights, options, and control over choices in their own lives as people without disabilities. The history of the independent living movement was deeply influenced by the African American civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s. Both movements share basic issues — disgraceful treatment as a result of bigotry and mistaken stereotypes in housing, education, transportation, and employment — and their strategies and tactics were very similar. Social Movements Early Leadership Civil Rights Laws

Antares - Engraving Tools, Router Tools, Industrial Blanks, Collet Tools, & Vinyl Plotter Blades UY Scuti - Wikipedia Star Coordinates: Nomenclature and history UY Scuti was first catalogued in 1860 by German astronomers at the Bonn Observatory, who were completing a survey of stars for the Bonner Durchmusterung Stellar Catalogue.[11] It was designated BD-12°5055, the 5,055th star between 12°S and 13°S counting from 0h right ascension. On detection in the second survey, the star was found to have changed slightly in brightness, suggesting that it was a new variable star. Characteristics UY Sct is a dust-enshrouded red supergiant[14] and is classified as a semiregular variable with an approximate pulsation period of 740 days.[5][15][16] Direct measurements of parallax of UY Sct by the Gaia Data Release 2 have recently given a parallax of 0.6433±0.1059 mas, yielding a much lower distance of approximately 1.55 kiloparsecs (5,100 ly), and consequently much lower luminosity and radius values of around 87,000 ☉ and 755 ☉ respectively.[8] Supernova See also R136a1 – The most massive star known References
