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Visual: magazine de diseño, creatividad gráfica y comunicación

Visual: magazine de diseño, creatividad gráfica y comunicación

30 Amazing Retro Posters and Flyers by Anepic Wed, 08/19/2009 - 07:43 This week I ran into some cool retro designs for posters, fliers and brochures. I thought I would share them for my next Retrography Post. I love the style and feel of this ‘old paper look’ they all kind of have. Retro style design has always been around. Adam the Velcro Suit Scott Hansen Jonathan Haggard Horacio Lorente About Author Un Periodista en el Bolsillo So you want to create a font. Part 1 By Alec Julien So you’re a brilliant designer, a master calligrapher, and you’ve learned all about serifs, side-bearings, and kerning. Now you want to create your own font. The Crux: Font Editing Software All the brilliant design, precise calligraphic work, and deep knowledge of kerning won’t mean anything if you can’t translate your work into a computer-friendly format, which is why you’ll need a good piece of font editing software at your disposal. Font Editing Programs FontLab Studio is what I use to make my fonts. All of these programs operate on the same principles, differing in specifics, interface, and levels of options and power. Once you have a good font editing program, there are three basic routes to creating a font. Method 1: Draw it on paper Tools You’ll Need Good PenGood PaperRuler (Optional)ScannerAdobe PhotoShop or Adobe Photoshop Elements (or similar image editing software)ScanFontFont Editing software of your choice Are you artistic? Almost there. Coming Up Next…

Babar | Revista de literatura infantil y juvenil Lost Type Co-op Revistas Diseño Impresas (Librería Dadá) ¿Has olvidado tu contraseña? Soy un nuevo cliente « Volver Joyería Manuales, técnicas de fotografía Ya lo dijo Casimiro Parker Saltar al contenido Español Cesta Compra Vacía Destacados visa mastercard paypal bankTransfer © 2015 Librería Dadá. Ir al principio de la página Ver Cesta Cambiar a versión escritorio

fonts, typefaces and all things typographical — I love Typography (ILT) varoom-mag Varoom 27 – The Hermenauts Issue Illustration, Culture, Society Autumn 2014 Cover illustration by Takeru Toyo Purchase here (issue 27 is now sold out) The Hermenauts issue Hermenauts seek to interpret, and this is the theme of Varoom 27: how illustration is able to interpret text narratives, gender in images, the commissions received from clients, software glitches, Japanese comics and more. Chris Campe examines how gender stereotypes are played out between client and illustrator for two German commissions, and Minna Alanko visualizes the disappearance of The Redheaded Man, a story of the impossible by Daniil Kharms. Featured in this issue: The Hermenauts: Fifty Years of Illustration A new history of illustration is a cause for excitement, celebration and for questions that explore how a history is constructed. Girls Go First? Re-Thinking the Mystery of Glitch Daniil Kharms & The Redheaded Man Transforming the Japanese Comic Tradition Awards Mediators
