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Ubuntu Québec Události Prohledat Nejčastěji hledané Události Události Armáda vytlačila separatisty z letiště, v Kramatorsku zatím klid aktualizováno před 3 minutami Slavjansk - Vládní jednotky vyslané s cílem potlačit proruské ozbrojence a uklidnit situaci na východě Ukrajiny zřejmě slaví první dílčí úspěch. Matka popálené Natálie: Ani pět let po útoku se necítíme v ČR bezpečně vydáno před 3 minutami Praha/Budišov – V noci na 19. dubna uplyne pět let od chvíle, kdy čtveřice extremistů zaútočila zápalnými lahvemi na dům obývaný romskou rodinou ve Vítkově. Zpravodajství Sport iVysílání TV program Pořady A-Z Vše o ČT Pro partnery Vyhledávání Sledujte nás také na

Lockdown: The coming war on general-purpose computing This article is based on a keynote speech to the Chaos Computer Congress in Berlin, Dec. 2011. General-purpose computers are astounding. They're so astounding that our society still struggles to come to grips with them, what they're for, how to accommodate them, and how to cope with them. But bear with me, because this is about something more important. In the beginning, we had packaged software and we had sneakernet. Enter Digital Rights Management in its most primitive forms: let's call it DRM 0.96. These failed for two reasons. Typically, the way this happened is a programmer, with possession of technology and expertise of equivalent sophistication to the software vendor itself, would reverse-engineer the software and circulate cracked versions. This gave us DRM 1.0. Unfortunately for them, none of this would be possible unless they could control how people use their computers and the files we transfer to them. But, as they say on the Internet, now you have two problems.

Ubuntu Font Family Ubuntu-News Home | Ubuntu Studio LLU Provider Overview - BT BT Wholesale provide the vast majority of the nations ADSL connections. Achieving some 60,000 new connections per week at one point, BT Wholesale sell ADSL connections to ISPs such as Pipex, PlusNet, Eclipse, Demon, BT Yahoo/Broadband and many, many others. A range of different pricing models exist (Standard, usage and capacity based charging), and this is part of the reason why we see such a vast range of different and very competitive offers from ISPs nowadays. Many of the smaller ISPs offering ADSL (such as ADSL24 and UKFSN) do not purchase from BT directly due to the high cost of the BT Central product. It is BT Wholesale that operate the network of 5500 ADSL enabled exchanges and 800-odd SDSL enabled exchanges. Providers using BT Wholesale to provide broadband connections: BT Retail group (BT Yahoo! Coverage Maps


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