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Free Spanish exercises - TODO-CLARO.COM

Free Spanish exercises - TODO-CLARO.COM

Formal & Plural commands in Spanish The formal and commands are polite requests that you make of adults who are not close friends. This includes patients if you are a doctor (unless your patients are young children), clients for businessmen, even waiters since in most Hispanic countries you will not find a teenager bouncing over to your table with a "Hey! I'm Jim!" When in doubt, use the Ud. The Plural form represents commands or requests of more than one person. Let's make a Formal Command. We always start with the first person singular "Yo" form of the verb: hablo Now drop the "o" : habl- Now we attach the "opposite" vowel ending to our verb stem to form our command: ¡ Hable ! The Usted and Ustedes command forms are the Ud. and Uds. form of the Present Subjunctive. If the Yo form is irregular in the Present Tense, it will be irregular in the Formal & Plural command form. With verbs that end in "Y" in the Yo form as well as Saber are very irregular:

ESPAÑOL EXTRANJEROS. Victoria Monera.: B1. PRETÉRITO IMPERFECTO-PRETÉRITO INDEFINIDO 1. El uso de estos dos tiempos plantea muchos problemas para los extranjeros. En estas frases debes elegir entre el pretérito imperfecto y el indefinido. Abajo tienes un poco de teoría que puede ayudarte (mejor si la lees después de hacer el ejercicio). 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. “Ayer me levanté a las 8.00h”. Marcadores temporales Ayer, anteayer, anoche, anteanoche.La semana, el mes, el año.... pasado /-aHace 2, 3, 4...... días, meses, años.El otro día.En 2005. Usos Costumbres en el pasado.Descripciones en el pasado.Acción no terminada o interrumpida por otra (en el pasado). RESPUESTAS. 1, Esperábamos, empezó. 2. Así - exercises, vocab, grammar

Spanish Language Drill . . . . . . . . . . . . (For information and Copyright notice, [click here] ). For comments, [click here] or send e-mail to: We present a facility for the interactive drilling in Spanish Grammar. The following is a list of the titles available. A1a: -Demonstratives A2a: -Possessives A3a: -Saber vs conocer, pedir vs preguntar A4a: -Ser / estar (I) A5a: -Ser / estar (II) A6a: -Idioms with verbs (hacer, tener, etc.)A7a: -Articles and genderA8a: -InterrogativesA9a: -Gustar and similar verbsA10a: -Present ProgressiveA11a: -"Para" vs. Each page contains roughly 10 questions. In general, there is more than one valid answer, the number being indicated after the links. "Gloss.? "Grammatical Notes" is a link to explanations relating to drills in the page. "Important": It is recommended that you should do most of the navigating through the use of links and that you should reserve scrolling only for continuous text. Copyright 1996 Samuel Schiminovich. Top

How to make the world's Best PowerPoint Presentation using Microsoft... How to Teach Commands to First Year Spanish Language Students written by: Heather Marie Kosur • edited by: Rebecca Scudder • updated: 3/2/2012 The following article describes a first year Spanish lesson plan for teaching basic commands in Spanish and includes examples to illustrate the Spanish imperative verb form. An optional refresher on the imperative mood in English is provided. Imperative Mood Lesson PlanThe following lesson plan can be used by Spanish teachers to introduce the imperative mood to English-speaking Spanish students.

Pretérito Imperfecto/Indefinido - Exercises - Lingolia Spanish show special characters display incorrect answers Type in the verbs. Decide whether you need the pretérito imperfecto or the pretérito indefinido. El año pasado mi hermano y yo (mudarse) a Noruega. Sin embargo, tras unos meses (hacer/yo) nuevos amigos que me (ayudar) mucho. Después de medio año ya (manejarse/yo) yo sola y (empezar) a comprender cómo (funcionar) las cosas.

Ejercicios de gramática Subjuntivo - Ejercicios de Ana Victoria López Florentino - Ejercicios de M. | Claves Numerosos ejercicios de recapitulación y sobre correlación de tiempos y equivalencias indicativo-subjuntivo publicados por Edelsa. Presente de subjuntivo - Juego creado por Salomé Monasterio Morales (Juego) - Ejercicios creados por José Manuel Soto Arriví Los ejercicios se encuentran dentro del apartado 'Verbos'. - Ejercicio creado por Juan Ramón de Arana (Verbos de influencia: recomendar...) (Respuesta abierta a preguntas) - Ejercicio creado por Juan Ramón de Arana (Completar frases) - Ejercicio creado por Matthew D. (Oraciones sustantivas y de relativo) (Huecos) Imperfecto de subjuntivo - Ejercicios creados por José Manuel Soto Arriví (Huecos) - Ejercicio creado por Matthew D. (Oraciones sustantivas) (Huecos)

Spanish Numbers Home / Grammar / Topic Notes: The written lesson is below.Links to quizzes, tests, etc. are to the left. Here are the numbers 1-10: 1. uno 2. dos 3. tres 4. cuatro 5. cinco 6. seis 7. siete 8. ocho 9. nueve 10. diez The number "one" changes from "uno" to "un" before a masculine noun. un libro one book un perro one dog (male) un hombre one man The number "one" changes from "uno" to "una" before a feminine noun. una pluma one pen una gata one cat (female) una chica one girl When counting generically (one, two, three ...) use "uno" but when counting specifically (one cat, one dog), use "un" or "una." uno, dos, tres one, two, three

Learn Spanish: Top 100 Free Online Spanish Courses and Lessons - 2018 Free Online Spanish Courses Looking for easy-to-follow Spanish lessons that are designed to guide you from one level to the next? Check out the following free online Spanish courses. Foreign Services Institute The famous FSI courses were created to help US foreign services workers communicate abroad. Detailed Spanish learning website with lots of information on pronunciation, grammar rules, and vocabulary. Practical Spanish Online Similar to, this online resource allows you to take a self-guided Spanish course split up by skill level (beginner/intermediate/advanced). University of Texas This free online Spanish course breaks down each stage of learning (beginner, advanced etc.) into a series of tasks. No Comprendo – Beginner Course A short Interactive Spanish course that takes a complete beginner starting from scratch to the A1 level. Headstart 2 Interactive flash course that uses images, videos, games, and exercises to teach over 1,000 terms and phrases.

Spanish Pronouns A Pronoun in Spanish as well as in English is like a shortcut to refer to a noun, a word that stands for or represents a noun or noun phrase, a pronoun is identified only in the context of the sentence in which they are used. So you must have a prior idea about who "he or she" "él or ella" is. In English we find "me, her, what, that, his", In Spanish they're used pretty much the same way, the main difference is that in Spanish most pronouns have a gender, masculine or feminine and rarely neuter to unknown objects or ideas. Types of pronouns include personal pronouns (refer to the persons speaking, the persons spoken to, or the persons or things spoken about), indefinite pronouns, relative pronouns (connect parts of sentences) and reciprocal or reflexive pronouns (in which the object of a verb is being acted on by verb's subject). This table below shows examples of all pronouns categories in Spanish: Subject pronouns: Spanish Possessive Pronouns: Mine= el mío / la mía /los míos / las mías.

Edgar, el dragón que se emocionaba demasiado PASADOS Por fin llegó el día. La plaza del pueblo estaba decorada con preciosas guirnaldas, en el centro se alzaba el árbol, cubierto por una tela, y la gente esperaba impaciente. Ava y Edgar estaban preparados: Edgar tenía la boca atada con una bufanda para evitar accidentes. Entonces, dos empleados del ayuntamiento descubrieron el árbol. Era increíble y dejó a todos con la boca abierta. Era tan bonito que todos empezaron a aplaudir. Adiós preciosas guirnaldas. La gente del pueblo no podía creerlo. Al día siguiente, mientras veía a sus padres preparar pan, Ava tuvo una idea. Con una trompeta, Ava llamó la atención de todos, pero, cuando Edgar entró por la puerta, se asustaron y corrieron a esconderse donde mejor pudieron. Todos se alegraron mucho y aplaudieron felices. La historia de Edgar es un cuento y Edgar es un dragón pero ¿puedes imaginar que Edgar es un niño? Para terminar, queremos animarte a pensar, reflexionar y comentar con tus compañeros de clase.

Spain: Spanish Language Welcome to our guide to Spain! This is useful for anyone researching Spanish culture, customs, manners, etiquette, values and wanting to understand the people better. You may be going to Spain on business, for a visit or even hosting Spanish colleagues or clients in your own country. Facts and Statistics Location: Southwestern Europe, bordering the Bay of Biscay, Mediterranean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, and Pyrenees Mountains, southwest of France Capital: Madrid Climate: temperate; clear, hot summers in interior, more moderate and cloudy along coast; cloudy, cold winters in interior, partly cloudy and cool along coast Population: 40,280,780 (July 2004 est.) Ethnic Make-up: composite of Mediterranean and Nordic types Religions: Roman Catholic 94%, other 6% Government: parliamentary monarchy The Spanish Language The official language is Spanish, also called Castilian, and is the first language of over 72% of the population. Why not learn some useful Spanish phrases? Spanish Society & Culture
