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Related:  LLD.4: Projekter

Paces - Orte Studio by Purdue University - Mobile learning and student success The Center for Digital Education (CDE) is recognizing Purdue as a digital education innovator for its suite of mobile applications —Hotseat, Passport, Jetpack and more — designed to bolster engagement inside and outside the classroom using technology already integral to students’ lives. Read Full Story In basic economic theory, every action has a cost. So when continuing lecturer Kelly Blanchard decided to redesign her sophomore-level economics courses in the summer of 2012, she wanted to leverage teaching tools that could help increase the value of class time for the 1,400 students she teaches each semester.

Google Plus and Education UPDATE: As of November, Google Plus is now available for Apps for Edu at the high school level. This makes it even more valuable as a potential place to share information with students, or at least use the videoconferencing options. I’ve been playing around with Google Plus for about 24 hours, but I feel like I’m just starting to get the hang of it. Glassboard. Private group sharing done right.
