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The Top 20 Most Expensive Keywords in Google AdWords Advertising

The Top 20 Most Expensive Keywords in Google AdWords Advertising
The Most Expensive PPC Keywords How does Google make money? Surprisingly, 97% comes from online pay-per-click advertising. Want to learn more about how Google advertising works? Top 10 Most Expensive Google Keywords The Top 10 Most Expensive Keywords are: InsuranceLoansMortgageAttorneyCreditLawyerDonateDegreeHostingClaim You’ll notice that these top ten most expensive AdWords keywords deal primarily with financing and industries that manage vast sums of money. The next ten most expensive keywords complete our total list, resulting the top 20 most expensive AdWords keywords: Conference CallTradingSoftwareRecoveryTransferGas/ElectricityClassesRehabTreatmentCord Blood There you have it – the highest cost keywords. The most expensive SEM keywords may be frustrating for those in the industries, but they are the best keywords for Google, who makes 97% of revenue from advertising on Google sites (AdWords, AdSense). The Most Expensive AdWords Keywords Asking yourself, Should I use AdWords? Related:  Dades mercat i recerca (online)

Informe sobre las apps en España 2013. Así usamos las apps… 22 millones de españoles abrimos, cerrramos y usamos apps cada día. Además nos descargamos a diario cuatro millones de apps. En España parece que cada vez nos gusta más esta tecnología y los datos se duplican respecto al año pasado. En The App Date hemos recogido datos y os presentamos nuestro informe anual sobre el estado de las apps en España. 22 millones de españoles son usuarios activos de apps y cada día descargan cuatro millones de aplicaciones para móviles, tabletas y televisores. Convertidos en el país europeo con mayor penetración de smartphones y tabletas, el número de usuarios de apps activos y el volumen de descargas diarias casi se ha duplicado en nuestro país en el último año. Estos datos son parte del tercer ‘Informe sobre las apps en España’ que cada año realizamos The App Date y que recoge las tendencias en el uso de aplicaciones en nuestro páis así como las apps hechas en España con mayor impacto internacional. Quién y cómo No sin mi smartphone “Marca España” en apps

The 65 Best Wordpress Plugins, Ever! Advertisement WordPress is the most widely used and adaptable content management system out there, but you’re probably going to want some plugins to make it just right for your needs. Here, I’ve collated what I think are the best plugins – both from experience, and community recommendations. Performance and Backup WordPress is great – but can be quite slow when faced with lots of traffic. Note: Many of these plugins should only be configured by advanced users – they could potentially break your site, so take care. W3 Total Cache The Swiss Army knife of caching and performance plugins, W3 handles everything from page caching to Content Delivery Networks and file minification. Better WordPress Minify Make no mistake, W3 Total Cache is a behemoth that can seem like it needs an engineering degree to set up correctly. WP SuperCache For simple page caching needs, SuperCache might suffice. CloudFlare Duplicator The only reliable way I’ve found yet to take an entire website from one place to another.

The History of Advertising on YouTube The Social Ad Series is supported by LoopFuse, which provides forever-free marketing automation software that closes the loop between sales and marketing with smarter lead capture, scoring, and nurturing — plus integration. See how lead management with LoopFuse increases revenue. YouTube, the world's most popular video-viewing platform, sees 2 billion hits per day. Fortunately, the Google-owned company has figured out a few ways to monetize all of those video views. From pre-roll — which Google CEO Eric Schmidt was originally “not a big fan of” — to promoted videos and its 10,000 brand partners, YouTube's growth has helped Google shares soar. Take a look at the infographic below to see how the site — and its advertising strategy — has evolved since its founding in 2005. Infographic design by Emily Caufield. Series Supported by Loopfuse The Social Ad Series is supported by LoopFuse.

SEO Checklist: Never Forget Anything About SEO Ever Again SEO Checklist: Never Forget Anything About SEO Ever Again Yup, never. Some 8 years back, when I was just starting to get serious with this SEO thing, I scoured the Web for an SEO checklist that would help me remember all these new things that I was learning. I found nothing. Besides a list of linking strategies that included profile links, forum signatures and spamming bookmark sites, I never really did find a good one. It would’ve made it exponentially easier for me to learn SEO if I could have printed out something and marked it off manually back then. Time traveling to the present day: I snapped out of my unproductive daydream, I put my glass of wine down and I told myself to stop reminiscing about the past. Then it dawned on me. That small epiphany became this blog post and infographic. Bonus: Download a free SEO checklist that you can print out and use today, whether you are still learning the ropes or already running an SEO campaign. I know the stats about how it’s not ideal. Research

En EEUU, el consumo de vídeo en streaming continúa aumentado mientras el uso de la televisión se reduce No podemos negar que desde hace un tiempo, son muchos los usuarios de Internet que prefieren acceder a sus películas y series favoritas gracias a los múltiples servicios de streaming de vídeo existentes en la actualidad, dejando a un margen a la televisión. A pesar de que servicios como Netflix no han acabado con la televisión tal y como la conocemos, sí que han permitido que los usuarios puedan disfrutar de una mayor oferta de contenidos y precios, algo que parece estar teniendo una buena acogida. De hecho, tal y como afirma un informe llevado a cabo por Nielsen, la reproducción de contenido en streaming ha aumentado un 60% en el último trimestre, una cifra que contrasta con la reducción del 4% en el mismo periodo en cuanto al uso de la televisión. El informe recoge también la preocupación de las distintas cadenas de televisión, que trimestre tras trimestre van viendo cómo se reduce el número de espectadores. Fuente: WST | Nielsen | Imagen: Son of Groucho, en Flickr.

Les 10 étapes pour réussir le référencement de son Blog Créer un blog prend quelques minutes à peine, mais réussir son indexation est bien plus long et plus délicat. Pour vous aider voici 10 conseils incontournables pour réussir le référencement de son Blog. Dans cet exemple nous partirons d’un blog hébergé sur un site internet ( et propulsé par WordPress (c’est actuellement la meilleure solution en terme de rapport qualité / prix / référencement sur internet). A noter : en alternative à l’hébergement de 1and1, nous vous recommandons HostGator qui est un hébergement low cost avec une très bonne qualité de service, mais en anglais. 1 – Remplissez soigneusement le titre de votre blog en y insérant vos mots clés, mais au travers d’une phrase qui donnera envie de cliquer aux internautes (une vraie accroche !) 2 – Installez le plug in Google Sitemaps afin d’être sûr que Google référence facilement et entièrement votre blog. 5 – Ouvrez un compte sur Google Webmaster Tools et envoyez votre sitemaps.xml Vous avez aimé ?

A Look at Mobile Internet Costs Around the World - Nicholas Jackson - Technology With smartphones spreading and data usage on the rise, mobile providers across the United States are starting to do away with unlimited usage plans as we once knew them. AT&T recently announced that it will soon begin throttling, or cutting the transfer speeds, for its heaviest unlimited-plan users. You'll still be able to use as much data over the course of a month as you would like, but AT&T will be watching you; it will start cutting your transfer speeds so you don't slow down the entire network. Despite what's happening in the U.S., "[m]any countries still offer unlimited mobile data to customers, at varying prices," according to TechnoBuffalo, which first alerted us to this infographic created by Android Tablet Fanatic. Infographics are always a bit of a hodgepodge of statistics culled from a variety of sources. Check out more Infographics on the Technology Channel.

Footprint SEO - Utiliser Google pour ranker sur Google ! Footprint = empreinte identifiant des CMS (blog, annuaire, forum, digg-like, web profil…) Alors qu'il existe aujourd'hui sur le marché du web bien des petits programmes et logiciels (Scrapebox, RDDZ Scraper, GS Scraper..) qui ont un certain coût (bien qu'ils soient très efficaces), on oublie que l'on peut tout à fait user au quotidien d'astuces simples et gratuites pour pratiquer le SEO (Search Engine Optimization) dans les règles de l'Art. Et c'est justement le cas avec ce que l'on appelle le Footprint. Comment traduire cela de manière littérale ? Il s'agit finalement d'une trace de pas appelé "empreinte" et traduite par "Footprint". Comme pour repérer la présence d'un être humain ou d'un animal et remonter jusqu'à la source, on va de façon tout à fait rationnelle chercher des traces de son passage dans le sol, dans le but de le suivre, et finalement de le trouver. ➤ Comment utiliser un Footprint pour trouver des sources de liens/backlinks ➤ Liste (non exhaustive) de commandes Google

A Day In the Life On The Internet I think all of us spend an unhealthy amount of time on the Internet, but that’s what makes it awesome. A bottle of bourbon and three grande meals from Taco Bell taught us the joys of things that are bad for us years ago. Now that the Internet has taken over, it would be interesting to see just how much time we spend on this wonderful invention of the gods. Worry not, dear reader, as we have all those statistics right here. MBAOnline has created this handy infographic compiling the insane amount of time we spend on the Internet. This isn’t just the important stuff either, this is the ridiculously stupid stuff we waste our time with online. As for our social networking obsession, 174 million people visit Facebook a day. As for videos, 864,000 hours of YouTube videos are uploaded to the Internet every day. What may be a topic close to many Internet users’ hearts, the average Netizen spends 14.6 minutes watching porn. Created by: MBA Online A Day In the Life On The Internet

50 Successful Blogs to Inspire You One misconception that forever bothers me is the belief that blogging doesn’t work unless it’s meta. People don’t believe blogs can be successful unless they are about blogging, marketing, or social media. What they don’t understand is that it’s only the marketing blogs that publish things like “income reports” and the like. Regular blogs in traditional topics don’t do this, yet they are still out there killing it. Today I’m going to bring you 50 successful blogs, often built solely through publishing great content + guest blogging, that span a huge variety of topics, to prove once and for all that blogging can be used to build an audience in nearly every topic imaginable. What Are The Guidelines? Any blog featured here cannot have any of the following characteristics: Focus on blogging/marketing/social mediaThe blog cannot be tied to another popular siteMust have an involved communityNo “mega” blogs or magazines Enjoy! 1.) URL: Approx. Main income source: Software

Spam Statistics and Facts Spam is a huge issue for most Internet users – in fact, 52% of participants polled in a recent survey stated that spam was a major problem. And despite the evolution of anti spam software, such as spam filters and spam blockers, the negative effects of spam are still being felt by individuals and businesses alike. Think you know all you need to know about spam? Read on for some alarming spam statistics and facts about spam email. Statistics and Facts About Spam Spam accounts for 14.5 billion messages globally per day. The most prevalent type of spam is advertising-related email; this type of spam accounts for approximately 36% of all spam messages. Surprisingly, scams and fraud comprise only 2.5% of all spam email; however, identity theft (which is known as phishing) makes up 73% of this figure. Because spam has inundated both the personal and corporate world of emailing, it has affected the way that individuals and companies feel about spam.

→ 50 raisons de faire du #SEO une fois dans sa vie. - Pepper SEO Le référencement, c’est devenu notre mantra. A chaque fois qu’on se voit dans des conférences, ou dans des apéros, entre deux galéjades de plus ou moins bon goût, ça discute technique, ça discute cocon, ça discute Matt Cutts. Bref, le SEO, on l’a dans la peau. Alors toi aussi, lecteur lambda, webdesigner qui a envie de nous trucider avec les liens dans le footer, ou simple mortel, viens t’asseoir près de moi, et observe les 50 raisons pour lesquelles tu devras tâter du #SEO au moins une fois dans ta vie. Parce que tu veux rencontrer un jour Laurent BourrellyPour avoir les mêmes chemises que Luc JovartPour avoir la même coupe de cheveux que Luc JovartParce que tu viens d’acheter un chapeau en feutre noir et que tu sais pas quoi en foutrePour râler contre les devPour râler contre les webdesignersPour râler contre les CM même s’ils n’interviennent pas dans ton projet Pour râler.

MegaUpload Alternatives See Surge in Traffic After Shutdown After losing access to their favorite file-hosting service last week, millions of former MegaUpload users have fled to the many alternatives available. Filefactory, Depositfiles and many of the other top cyberlockers have seen an unprecedented surge in traffic in recent days, showing that people haven't stopped sharing even though the authorities have closed one of the main players in the business. With a self-proclaimed 50 million users a day, MegaUpload was one of the largest file-hosting sites on the Internet. Last week the feds shut down the popular site accusing its founder and six others of money-laundering and several copyright related crimes. The site’s former users, meanwhile, are left without their files and forced to find a new place to share. The big question is, where do these millions of people go now? The RIAA hopes that the people who used MegaUpload to share copyrighted music are turning to iTunes, but this is not the case for everyone.

Mesurer le succès de votre blog [2/2] Il y a deux semaines, dans la première partie de cet article, nous avions introduit les métriques de succès propres à un blog. Aujourd’hui, nous resserrons le focus sur chacune d’entre elles, dans les moindres détails. Contribution brute de l’auteur : • [A] Moyenne de post par mois = Nombre de posts / Nombre de mois de blogging • [B] Moyenne de mots par post = Nombre de mots dans tous les posts / Nombre de posts On peut décliner d’autres indicateurs, en fonction de ce que l’on souhaite mettre en valeur. Notez que pour les blogs multi-auteurs, ces chiffres vous permettront d’avoir une idée de la valeur apportée par chaque contributeur. Exemple : Auteur I : 134 posts, 37 mois de blogging, 46250 visites, 60970 mots dans tous les posts Moyenne de posts par mois : 3,6Moyenne de mots par posts : 455Moyenne de mots par mois : 1647,83Moyenne de visites par post : 345,1Moyenne de visites par mois : 1250Moyenne de visites par mot : 0,75 Croissance de l’audience : Taux de conversation : Coût : 1. 2. 3. 1.
