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10 habilidades de un e-moderador

10 habilidades de un e-moderador

El profesor en el E-Learning » Blog OBS RRHH y RRLL Por Antonio Díaz Morales, Director de Nebrija Business School. Internet ha venido a revolucionar muchos sectores y el de la formación es uno de ellos. Ello ha supuesto la necesidad de una adaptación a este nuevo entorno formativo del aula, el alumno y el profesor. ¿Son necesarias las mismas competencias en un profesor en formación presencial o en un profesor en e-learning? De entrada, hemos de reconocer que la formación a distancia no es algo nuevo y que ha ido evolucionando en la historia. Desde la lejana aparición del libro, otros medios fueron surgiendo para facilitarle más la distancia; la radio y la Tv más tarde supusieron la posibilidad de cumplimentar la transmisión escrita con la oral primero y la visual después, aportando muy grandes avances que, no obstante, no eliminaron totalmente el carácter presencial de la enseñanza puesto que el alumno no podía preguntar, es decir, se transmitía la información pero no había retroalimentación.

The Rapid eLearning Blog - Practical, real-world tips for e-learning success. Creating great interactive learning experiences requires a few core building blocks: relevant content, pull versus push, and real-world decisions. With those building blocks you're able to structure effective learning scenarios that are meaningful to the learner and helps meet the objectives of the course. One of those building blocks in creating relevant content or content that is placed in a meaningful context. Essentially, you want to recreate the types of scenarios that are similar to the ones the learner has in real life. This allows them to see the content in ... Read the full article After last week's post on the different drag & drop interaction examples, I had quite a few emails asking for tips on how to create drag and drop interactions for elearning. Sliders are used as a means to make adjustments/selections or as a simple way to navigate content. It helps to look at what others are doing to get ideas and inspiration for your own work. Create ...

El Hibrido sanitario y sus e-competencias En primer lugar me gustaría agradecer públicamente a Iñaki Etxebarría y en especial a Raquel Benito, que me hayan invitado a participar en la desconferencia virtual sobre Sanidad Híbrida dentro de la V Congreso de la Cibersociedad o Hybrid Days en la cual podéis participar y colaborar a través del blog He de reconocer que yo me considero un iniciado, un neófito, en la web 2.0 ya que empecé a participar en ella hace algo menos de un año a través de este blog y que hasta ahora nunca había oído hablar del término híbrido sanitario, por lo que, me parece interesante, que estableciéramos una definición de lo que entendemos cómo híbrido sanitario. Entre los conocimientos habilidades y actitudes que yo considero más importantes, dentro de las E-competencias que deben tener los híbridos sanitarios son las siguientes: A) la capacidad y habilidad para crear y gestionar adecuadamente nuestra ide

e-Learning Feeds - The most recent e-learning articles from the Top e-learning blogs LA COMUNICACIÓN EN LOS ENTORNOS DE APRENDIZAJE VIRTUAL Edutec. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa Núm. 17./Marzo 04 Juan Silva Quiroz Universidad de Santiago de Chile Introducción La formación a distancia se centró en sus orígenes en el aprendizaje autónomo e independiente con una escasa relación participante profesor y nula relación entre los participantes. Esta interacción permite pasar de modelos basados en un aprendizaje individual a modelos de aprendizaje basados en la adquisición de conocimiento a partir de la interacción con el profesor y los pares. Desde la perspectiva sociocultural del aprendizaje, la interacción social y el discurso, son elementos básicos para el desarrollo de los procesos cognitivos superiores (Vygotsky, 1978). Los principales avances y el actual auge de los modelos de formación a distancia se deben en gran medida a la incorporación de las TIC y elementos pedagógicos provenientes de teorías socioculturales del aprendizaje. Conferencia mediada por computador CMC Factores de éxito de CMC

Best edtech blogs | Search Results I put out a request to readers to share the best education-related books that they had read over the past year. The books could have been published earlier and the only requirement was that you had read them sometime this year. I posted a similar piece last year: The Best Education-Related Books Visitors To This Blog Read In 2008 Many readers shared their favorites, and they’re all included in this post. In a show of false humility :), I’ll share my recommendation at the end. Here are readers’ recommendations:Kevin Hodgson: The best book I came across this year is The Digital Writing Workshop by Troy Hicks. PS — Disclosure: Troy is a friend of mine through the National Writing Project and also a contributor to my own book — Teaching the New Writing. Frank Morelia: The best book that I have read is still to be read. So I would like for your post (if you agree) to include an open call to authors and publishers to make their materials more widely available via a variety of published formats.

Larry Ferlazzo’s English Website There are many pages on my main website, and they have nearly 8,000 categorized links appropriate for English Language Learners. The best place to start exploring is the Main English Page. You can read an overview about each section of my website on the Teacher’s Page. You can also go directly to each page of my website: English For Beginners and Early Intermediate English Themes for Beginners and Early Intermediate English For Intermediate and Advanced English Themes for Intermediate and Advanced Bilingual Exercises For English Language Learners Examples of Student Work Science For English Language Learners Geography and United States History For English Language Learners World History For English Language Learners The Best Websites (under construction) I also have a page that has links to a number of articles I’ve written that teachers might find useful: Published Articles Another part of my website is oriented more towards native English speakers or advanced English Language Learners. Science Math

Blog | EslbrainEslbrain | Brainfriendly learning methods, tools, environments and communities. How much can we actually teach students for exams without being exam-oriented? Wherever we go in professional development the reality of teaching to the test always crops up as something to avoid or get around somehow. Yet, we want our students to achieve high standards and we want them to have qualifications. For me, it’s a matter of teaching BEYOND the test. ********************************************************** Exposing them to real English before they ever see exam-type structures, whilst getting them used to such structures in fun, stress-free environments is a great way to raise competency well before exam deadlines loom ahead. This is a topic I wish to expand upon and develop through my blog in upcoming features. Here is the recording of my presentation: Here is the powerpoint to go with the presentation: The Art of questioning: One thing I wanted to develop further was the art of questioning. I love this quote about ‘minds-on’ learning by Neil Stephenson at

Nik's QuickShout Blogging About The Web 2.0 Connected Classroom A different side of EFL Teacher Reboot Camp Free Technology for Teachers
