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20 ways to use a tablet in the classroom

20 ways to use a tablet in the classroom
Whatever model of Android or iOS tablet you have available, it’s a hugely versatile tool when it comes to educating and entertaining children. Here are some of the best apps and features you can make use of in the classroom – some of which you have to pay for and others that are free. 1 Dive into 360-degree videos This is the most basic form of virtual reality, a full sphere of video centred on the spectator who can view an environment in any direction. 2 Get creative with photo taking The Android and iOS camera apps are simple enough to use and can be deployed to record anything from a field trip diary to the results of a science experiment or a class art show. 3 Make music – no experience required Tablets are well-known as music-making devices, even among professionals, and there are a plethora of apps available that make good use of the tablet’s extra screen space compared with a mobile phone screen. 4 Record radio shows and podcasts 5 Make immersive and interactive notes 10 See the world Related:  Pedagogik

26 Research-Based Tips You Can Use in the Classroom Tomorrow With so many classroom research studies published daily, you can be forgiven for missing some. The techniques below are super-tactical and, for the most part, unsung strategies that you’ll be excited to try tomorrow. Just remember two things. First, there are always limitations and nuances in research, so we suggest you click the links and dig deeper into the studies. Second, studies are just words without you—your application and adaptations give them power. Research on Engaging Students 1. 2. 3. Studying Tips to Give Students Tomorrow 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Instruction They’ll Remember 12. 13. 14. 15. Improving Academic Achievement Scores 16. 17. How to Minimize Teacher Stress 18. 19. Don’t Contribute to Needless Cognitive Strain 20. 21. 22. 23. Research on Writing Instruction 24. 25. 26.

Allmänna råd Bedömning och betygssättning i gymnasieskolan Bedömningen av elevprestationer i skolan är nära sammankopplad med undervisningen. När bedömning och återkoppling används på ett medvetet och systematiskt sätt, väl integrerade i undervisningen, ges eleven goda förutsättningar för lärande. I dessa allmänna råd om bedömning och betygssättning i gymnasieskolan kopplas därför planering ihop med den del av undervisningen som handlar om bedömning och betygssättning. Ladda ner/beställ: Bedömning och betygssättning i gymnasieskolan Bedömning och betygssättning inom vuxenutbildningen De allmänna råden ska stödja lärare och rektorer i att följa lagar och regler vid bedömning och betygssättning inom vuxenutbildningen. Bedömning och betygssättning inom vuxenutbildningen Diskriminering och kränkande behandling Diskriminering och kränkande behandling Se även Diskrimineringsombudsmannens handledning för likabehandling Extra anpassningar, särskilt stöd och åtgärdsprogram Fritidshem Fritidshem Nyanlända elever Prövning

20 Strategies for Motivating Reluctant Learners | MindShift | KQED News Kathy Perez has decades of experience as a classroom educator, with training in special education and teaching English language learners. She also has a dynamic style. Sitting through her workshop presentation was like being a student in her classroom. She presents on how to make the classroom engaging and motivating to all students, even the most reluctant learners, while modeling for her audience exactly how she would do it. The experience is a bit jarring because it’s so different from the lectures that dominate big education conferences, but it’s also refreshing and way more fun. Perez says when students are engaged, predicting answers, talking with one another and sharing with the class in ways that follow safe routines and practices, they not only achieve more but they also act out less. “If we don’t have their attention, what’s the point?” She’s a big proponent of brain breaks and getting kids moving around frequently during the day. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NED’s GREAT EIGHT 9.

Why Executive Function Is A Vital Stepping-Stone For Kids’ Ability to Learn |... Neuroscientists and educational psychologists are constantly learning more about how children learn and the various influences beyond IQ that affect cognition. Some research, like Carol Dweck’s on growth mindset or Angela Duckworth’s on grit, quickly became catch phrases among educators. At the same time, critics have pushed back against the notion that students underperform only because of cognitive deficits, pointing to an equally pressing need for big changes to teaching practice. Many teachers are trying to combine the research about cognitive skills with more effective teaching practices. They are finding that whether students are working on self-directed projects or worksheets, executive functioning skills are important. Bruce Wexler has been studying executive functioning — a group of cognitive abilities crucial for managing oneself and information — for the past 20 years. “Training these executive functions leads to improvement in achievement schools,” Wexler concluded.

30 Habits Of Highly Effective Teachers Editor’s Note: We often look at the qualities and characteristics of good teaching and learning, including the recent following pieces: How A Good Teacher Becomes Great What You Owe Your Students Ten Secrets To Surviving As A Teacher The Characteristics Of A Highly Effective Learning Environment How To Be A Mediocre Teacher 25 Things Successful Teachers Do Differently by Julie DuNeen, Sketch Note Via Janet Hamilton If you ask a student what makes him or her successful in school, you probably won’t hear about some fantastic new book or video lecture series. What students take away from a successful education usually centers on a personal connection with a teacher who instilled passion and inspiration for their subject. Are teachers reaching their students? 1. How do you know if you are driving the right way when you are traveling somewhere new? 2. We can’t all be blessed with “epic” workdays all the time. 3. 4. 5. 6. This concept is similar for parents as well. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

cirkelmodellen.pdf Digitala verktyg främjar undervisningen i engelska Elevernas brist på motivation blev en drivkraft Sofia Arvidsson jobbar sedan sju år tillbaka som lärare i engelska och idrott på Smedingeskolan utanför Kungsbacka. Smedingeskolan är en pilotskola i kommunen med en satsning på bärbara datorer till varje elev i årskurs 7-9. Skolan har ett övergripande generellt mål att undervisningen ska genomsyras av digital verktyg, och man har en it-pedagog som stöder lärarna i detta arbete. För Sofia Arvidsson väcktes dock intresset för it långt innan skolans satsning drog igång. Sofia Arvidsson märkte tidigt i sin lärargärning att textböckerna i engelska inte gav tillräckligt för att eleverna skulle kunna nå upp till alla mål i kursplanen. När eleverna inte blir motiverade eller engagerade är det svårt att nå målen, och Sofia Arvidsson strävade därför att få en mer varierad undervisning. Digitala lärresurser främjar undervisningen i engelska Eleverna får ofta använda digitala publiceringsverktyg när de ska redovisa ett arbete eller hålla ett föredrag.

5 Ways to Design Your Teacher-led Station In my work as a blended learning coach, I observe a lot of teachers facilitating blended lessons. The Station Rotation Model is particularly popular because teachers do not need a device for every student to make it work. Instead, students rotate between offline and online stations. One concern I have about this model is the way teachers design and facilitate their teacher-led station. #1 Hook the Group Begin your station with a challenge or problem and allow pairs of students to work together to solve it. Then when you return to your group, you can ask pairs to share their process for solving the problem. #2 I Do, We Do, You Do This is a classic flow that works well at a teacher-led station. In this flow, the moments when the pairs are working to solve the problem or apply the new information, you have time to take a lap and check in with other groups. #3 Homework Check & Review Many teachers collect homework and take piles of student work home to grade. #4 Real-Time Feedback
